After the court reported the details of the case, the trial officially began. Haley Pierce, the litigation lawyer hired by the four deceased, stood up. Haley Pierce was in her 30s, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses to look elegant and intellectual, which made people unbearable to look at. Locke heard Marian introduce Haley Pierce. This black female lawyer was very famous in the Los Angeles judicial circle. She was the best among black lawyers. Her style in court was very fierce and dirty, and her nickname was African hyena. With the prevalence of LGBTQ trends, Haley Pierce became more and more popular in the litigation circle because she had a lot of buffs on her, which made her more unscrupulous in court. She was a woman, black, bisexual, vegetarian, transvestite, and a staunch feminist. Haley Pierce asked, “Your Honor, before we officially begin, I want to confirm one thing with you. I heard that one of the two police officers rescued by the defendant was your wife?”

On the high bench, Jeff Davis said solemnly, “Yes, Officer Locke rescued my wife in this kidnapping case!”

Haley Pierce said again, “Then can I assume that your Honor has already been biased?”

Jeff Davis asked coldly, “Prosecution lawyer, are you questioning the fairness of a judge with fifteen years of trial experience?”

Haley Pierce did not expect Jeff Davis to be so tough. According to her assumption, Jeff Davis should solemnly promise his professional ethics when facing doubts.

And her real purpose is to leave a psychological hint on the jury that the judge has already been biased.

The goal has been achieved. Haley Pierce immediately apologized and said, “I take back what I just said. I believe in the justice of your honor!”

Jeff Davis said coldly, “Prosecutor, I have heard of your deeds. My court has always upheld justice and fairness. So, I hope you will put away your dirty tricks. My court cannot be tarnished. Now, you can start your questioning…”

Haley Pierce bowed to Jeff Davis and wanted to continue to ease the relationship. She pointed her hand to the audience and said in a deep voice, “Not long ago, four families lost their pillars. Only the wives who lost their husbands, the children who lost their fathers, and the parents who lost their sons were left. They cried all day long, and the family also lost its source of income…”

Wesson Smith’s mouth twitched and he raised a hand Said: “I object to the prosecutor’s inflammatory statement…”

Jeff Davis knocked the gavel and said solemnly: “The objection is valid, prosecutor, please pay attention to your tone of statement!”

Haili Pierce obviously expected it, so he changed to a normal tone, “The executioner who caused the tragedy of four families is sitting in the court…”

Wesson Smith stood up and said loudly: “I object to the prosecutor’s use of the word executioner to describe a brave and righteous policeman!”

Jeff Davis knocked the gavel again and said in a deep voice: “The objection is valid, prosecutor, if you use such words again, I will terminate your statement!”

Haili Pierce’s face turned black, uh, anyway, it was darker, but it was not visible. She realized that her buff was invalid.

So she honestly finished her statement.

After Haili Pierce finished, it was Weisson Smith’s turn. He would state the case from Locke’s perspective.

In fact, the trial is the fourth step in the American trial procedure. After the plaintiff initiates the lawsuit, the defendant will receive a formal summons and give two answers: plead guilty or not guilty.

This stage is called prosecution and defense.

If the defendant pleads guilty, it’s over. If he does not plead guilty, it will enter the next stage. At this stage, lawyers from both sides will enter the court and the case will officially enter the trial procedure.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Lawyers from both sides begin to collect and discover evidence. Evidence collection is easy to understand, but the discovery procedure is very strange.

This procedure allows lawyers from both sides to apply to view the other side’s evidence and evaluate their own cards.

Of course, this procedure is also limited. You can only apply to view the evidence you know. If you don’t know, you naturally can’t apply.

Before the formal trial, there will be a pre-trial procedure. The judge will summon lawyers from both sides of the prosecution and defense, listen to the claims of both sides again, and review the validity of the evidence of both sides.

Well, in fact, it is to give you another chance, whether to plead guilty or settle out of court. After all, they have seen part of each other’s cards and evaluated each other’s chances of winning.

The trial is the core of the American legal system. The prosecution and defense will present evidence, defense and accusation to the jury in court…

Wesson Smith’s position is completely opposite to that of Haley Pierce. In his statement, Locke is just a conscientious policeman who just completed his job.

What is surprising is that when Wesson Smith was speaking, Haley Pierce actuallyHowever, he never objected.

Soon, the prosecution phase began. Haley Pierce walked up to Locke and said coldly, “Don’t pretend in front of me. I have investigated your background clearly…”

She waved her fist and said loudly with indignation, “The so-called righteous policeman mentioned by the defense lawyer is a complete villain and violent person. He is also good at playing with women. I have his fights since he was a child…”

Her assistant immediately sent the information to the judge and the jury, and then Haley Pierce asked about the deeds in the investigation information like a machine gun.

Haley Pierce asked, “In 2015, you had a fight with Tom, your football teammate, in the locker room and broke his nose. Did you do that?”

Locke replied, “Yes…”

Haley Pierce continued, “In 2015, you had a conflict with the quarterback of Fulton High School on the football field, causing him to injure his ribs. Did you do that?”

Locke replied calmly, “Yes…”

After the questioning was over, Haley Pierce said to the jury, “This is a villain with violence in his blood. Born a bad seed, when he sneaked into the LAPD team and had a gun in his hand, people were no longer just injured, but died, so we should send this murderous demon to prison…” After that, Haley Pierce said to Jeff Davis confidently: “Your Honor, my questioning is over!” Jeff Davis said calmly: “Defense lawyer, please start your defense…” Weisen Smith stood up and said solemnly: “Facing the prosecution’s questioning, my client did not make any excuses and admitted everything. Yes, because those unbearable pasts are all facts. But the prosecution lawyer does not know why my client has changed from an optimistic and humorous young man to a problem youth who likes to fight with foul language…” Haley Pierce raised her hand quickly, “Objection, I object to the defense lawyer talking about things that are not related to the case!” Jeff Davis said calmly: “The objection is invalid, defense lawyer, please continue…” Haley Pierce’s face sank, and she turned her head to look at Avna in the audience. “Thank you, Your Honor!”

Wesson Smith continued, “That’s because my client was discriminated against because of his mixed-race Chinese identity. That’s why he thought of fighting violence with violence and tit for tat. He didn’t fall into depravity because of discrimination. Relying on football, he entered CSU (California State University). Although he experienced injustice, he still lived in the sun…”

“As for his many girlfriends, please look at his face. I believe that anyone with such a face will have no fewer girls who like him than Tom Cruise…”

“Please look at this photo. This is my client’s bedroom. The window is full of Spiderman, Batman, Superman, and Green Lantern figurines. My client was influenced by heroes of justice since he was a child. When he grew up, he resolutely joined the LAPD to serve the people of Los Angeles. How could such a person be a bad person…”

“In short, although my client used to fight, swear, and have a chaotic private life, he has stopped at the brink and turned over a new leaf. He is now a LAPD with justice in his heart…”

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