In fact, the biggest reason why Haley Pierce has become famous in the judicial circle is that her LGBTQ identity protects her, which leads to preferential treatment in court. After all, political correctness is not bad in any field in the United States.

But in fact, the business ability of African hyenas is not very strong.

Well, the main reason is that the facts of Locke’s case are too simple and clear.

When Locke’s two witnesses appeared one after another, Haley Pierce was powerless to save the situation.

Richard Jones, the patrol chief of the Wilshire Police Department, confirmed in court that the police department signed a security agreement with Locke during his administrative leave.

This agreement endorsed the legality of Locke’s killing when saving people.

Then Nathan, the kidnapped party, also appeared in court. Anna Davis was not selected as a witness because of her identity, and she was not required to appear.

Nathan described the process of his kidnapping, as well as the brutal behavior and purpose of the four people from the Copernicus Organization, proving that the four kidnappers had the intention to kill.

Although Haley Pierce also made things difficult for the two witnesses, the effect was average and more like unreasonable trouble.

During the closing statement, Haley Pierce continued to throw dirty water on Locke, continued to talk about his bad past, exaggerated his violent genes, and said that he was born a bad seed.

Locke remained calm from beginning to end, but he was furious in his heart. Damn, a black man actually talked to him about violent genes, which was also drunk.

The existence of this woman is simply polluting the air.

Soon it was Visson Smith’s turn to make a closing statement. He stood up, hesitated for a moment, and turned over the summary of the statement in his hand. He said with a shameful tone: “In fact, my client should not be in the dock today. He is an LAPD. He did a just thing. He saved the lives of two comrades. He just did the right thing according to the agreement. He should not be sitting here to be tried. He is a hero!” “In fact, in addition to the four victims, my client killed two people last week. These two people are colleagues of the four victims. They belong to the same organization, the Copernicus organization that carried out the terrorist attack in Los Angeles last week. So, I can’t understand why a righteous policeman, in order to protect Los Angeles, protect the people of Los Angeles, and end the lives of four terrorists, has to go to court for trial?” “Your Honor, this is my closing statement!” Compared with Haley Pierce’s dirty water summary, Visson Smith’s impromptu questioning caused a commotion in the jury. Locke was bored, so he tried to observe the facial expressions of the eight jurors, and he actually found something.

In such a simple and clear case, two of the eight people actually supported Haley Pierce. They must be crazy!

No wonder most countries in the world have now abolished the jury system.

Then Jeff Davis announced a recess, and the eight jurors left the room to vote next door.

Because the case was so simple and intuitive, the jury did not spend too much time and came back in a few minutes.

Jeff Davis announced the reopening of the court, and then asked: “Has the jury commented on this case?”

The jury representative sitting at the edge stood up and announced: “After the jury’s deliberation, it is unanimous that Locke Lee is not guilty!”

Jeff Davis then knocked the gavel twice, declared Locke not guilty in court, thanked the jury for their efforts, and then got up and left, without any intention of saying hello to Locke and the others.

Locke stood up with everyone else. After Jeff Davis left, he walked out of the dock and hugged his defense attorney, Visson Smith.

“Thank you, Visson…”

Visson Smith smiled and said, “You are executing justice, there is no doubt about that…”

This case is indeed not difficult.

Locke walked up to the audience again and hugged Marian and Li Bo, “I’m sorry, I made you worry!”

Marian said in a deep voice, “This is a good lesson!”

Although she has always been calm, she knows too well that the court is full of twists and turns. As long as she goes to court, there is no sure win case.

Li Bo patted his shoulder hard and warned him, “You must think twice before you act!”

Locke accepted it humbly. This experience is indeed not very good. He must talk to the FBI again about the case of Gaviotas State Forest Park. He never wants to be in the dock again.

Locke turned his head to look at the victim’s family and said to Marian, “I want to go over there…”

Maryan hesitated for a moment and nodded, “Since you have decided to face it, then go!”

Locke breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the families of the four deceased with a heavy face. The family members were getting up and preparing to leave. SeeingWhen Locke came over, they all looked at him with different expressions.

Locke glanced at Avna, who stood out from the crowd, and looked at the others with a complicated expression, with guilt, self-blame, and determination in his eyes.

“Although I am on a mission, I still feel sorry for this tragedy. I hope this has not happened…”

As he spoke, he kept triggering the tracking card in his heart. He just wanted to release one to Ms. Avna in the dock, but the system did not respond.

So, he speculated whether the distance was too far or there was physical contact.

“Ding, the tracking card is activated! The target has been anchored!”

The familiar map appeared again, this time with a wider range, the radius directly reached 200 kilometers, basically covering the entire Los Angeles.

The tracking card still has a time limit, but this time the time has also become longer, a 24-hour countdown.

At this moment, the two points on the map completely overlapped.

It seems that the requirement to trigger the tracking card is to be close enough to the target, this distance, um, about two meters.

Fortunately, he was ready to give each of the victims’ widows a comforting hug!

Avna stared at Locke fiercely, full of hatred, and said coldly: “Put away your hypocritical disgusting look, you are an executioner, you could have not killed them, don’t listen to him…”

It seems that Sam Brown is also a man who can get into a woman’s heart through friction like him!

As expected of a man who can brush out mating experience, he can make this woman so devoted even after death.

Having achieved his goal, Locke decided not to continue pretending. His face darkened. “Ms. Avna, you should be on bail now. It seems that you have not realized your mistake. You are the root cause of this tragedy. If it weren’t for you, their family would not have died! “Just because the police tore your clothes during law enforcement, you sent gunmen to shoot the police in question, and instigated Sam Brown to kidnap and attempt to murder the police. If it weren’t for you, Sam Brown and the other three victims would not have died…” Avna was so angry at Locke’s words that her face turned blue. She gritted her teeth and said, “Cop, do you know what you are saying? I will make you regret it!”

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