“Ms. Ivna, you are threatening an LAPD again. Do you want to start a war again?”

Locke frowned and said in a deep voice: “I will report your threats to the Los Angeles court truthfully. Madam, please cherish your remaining time!”

He said to the other victims’ families again: “Please be patient. I sincerely apologize to everyone!”

Under Ms. Ivna’s eyes that did not hide her murderous intent, Locke turned back to Marian and Li Bo. He felt like a thorn in his back and reaffirmed his idea again. This woman can’t be kept!

Marian asked: “Are you okay?”

Locke looked annoyed, “I can understand their feelings…”

Then the family of three went to thank lawyer Weisen Smith again.

Haili Pierce came over to say hello to Marian. After all, Marian is one of the partners of Ham Law Firm. She is a top lawyer and is also well-known in the Los Angeles judicial circle.

Haley Pierce pretended to be amazed, “Lawyer Marian, it turns out that Officer Locke is your son. I’m sorry for the offense just now. You know, this is in court, I hope you understand…”

Mary Ann pretended not to see it, and the group walked out of the hall directly. Although it is the basic practice of lawyers to do everything in court, she couldn’t stand this woman saying that Locke was born a bad seed.

Haley Pierce’s face suddenly turned dark blue and dark green, and her eyes were full of resentment.

Wesson Smith said with a smile: “Mary Ann, you have completely offended her!”

Mary Ann said indifferently: “As long as she is a criminal defense lawyer, she will never meet me in her life…”

Wesson Smith felt that he was also hit, and said dissatisfiedly: “You are discriminating!”

Lawyers are also divided into different levels, usually according to income. Criminal litigation lawyers have higher incomes than public interest lawyers, and the top ones are naturally commercial lawyers for patent litigation and company mergers and acquisitions.

Locke specifically found Captain Jones and Nathan who were about to leave.

“Captain Jones, Nathan, thank you…” Captain Jones was as serious as ever. He forced a smile, “I am just stating the facts. LAPD will not let any dedicated and just police officer be unfairly criticized. Locke, keep it up!” Nathan pounded his chest directly, “This is what I should do!” Both of them came here on leave, wearing police uniforms. They would go back to work after being witnesses. After watching the two leave, Locke asked Marian, “Are we going to say hello to Jeff?” Marian shook her head and said, “Forget it. Although there is no need to be shy, it is not appropriate to go to see the judge just after the trial…” When he came to the parking lot, Locke met Avna again, but this time the woman did not say anything. She just glanced at him, got into a Porsche Panamera, and drove away. Locke was alert. He squatted down to tie his shoe before getting in the car. He quickly glanced at the bottom of the car on this side. After seeing nothing unusual, he said to Li Bo who was about to get in the car: “Todd, you drive, I need to make a phone call…” After that, he went around to the other side of the car, checked the tire, and glanced at the bottom of the car. Only then was he completely relieved. Marian asked: “What’s wrong? Is there a problem with the tire?” Locke replied casually: “It’s okay, I thought something was punctured…” He will eliminate this hidden danger tonight, so he doesn’t want to worry Marian and Li Bo. Soon the car drove away from the court. On the way, Locke called David and informed him of the trial result. This was what David specifically told him yesterday. After hearing the result, David was obviously relieved and said, “Okay, I feel relieved to know this news, Locke, remember this lesson. It’s better not to go to court and let others judge your fate before that step. However, when you have to choose…” Locke continued, “I know, I would rather be judged by twelve people than by six people!” David smiled and said, “OK, enjoy your weekend. I will definitely remember this time and ask for you. I will try to take you out to sea next time, hahaha…” Locke knew what David was talking about, “OK, then wait for your news!” Marian saw Locke hang up the phone and sighed, “David is a good teacher!” Locke shrugged, “This old guy is really good! But this guy was very talkative yesterday and let the whole police station know about my buying into the haunted house!” Marian and Li Bo laughed at the same time. Li Bo said, “Locke, help me make an appointment with David next week and tell Marian and I want to treat him to dinner…” “…” Locke also reacted a little. Could it be that David did this for a purpose? Marian explained: “You were the one who reported Erwin Marcus’s case, and now you have bought his house.Irwin Marcus’s crime is clear and definite, but it has a logical relationship with you, so do you think it’s better to wait for your colleagues to find out that you bought this house, or do you take the initiative to tell everyone that you bought this house…” Locke frowned, “These are two completely different things…” Marian smiled bitterly: “Locke, don’t underestimate human nature!” “Okay!” Locke looked thoughtful. He has been dealing with corpses for longer than with people, and he learned all the ways of the world from books. Marian said again: “Do you need my help with the decoration of the house?” Locke shook his head and said: “No, I can do it myself, uh, I also need to refer to Jennifer’s ideas…” Marian’s eyes flashed a ripple, and asked again: “Do you need financial support?” Locke shook his head again, “No, I have money! “He is really rich. He felt a little embarrassed when he thought that he had spent more than 3 million dollars on this occasion. Although he had 2 million dollars, he still felt a little embarrassed. He really wanted to use the money in the storage space at first. Marian had always wanted to move her family’s house to a gated community in the northern section of Sunset Boulevard, which is the real Beverly Hills luxury residential area, where Hollywood stars or wealthy people live. The Locke family’s house is located between Sunset Boulevard and Santa Monica Boulevard, on the outskirts of the Beverly Hills luxury residential area. It was bought for more than 6 million dollars. With the skyrocketing housing prices in Los Angeles, it is now worth more than 10 million dollars. But compared to the tens of millions of dollars of luxury houses on the northern section of Sunset Boulevard, their house is just an entry-level one.

Locke’s mind moved, and he thought of how to compensate Marian, but the millions of dollars in pocket money was obviously not enough.

After sending Marian and Li Bo home, Locke drove away alone. He called Anna Davis’ phone number and was about to call her when he suddenly found a bug.

If he reported Ivna’s threat to him to Anna Davis, according to the procedure, LAPD would report the situation to the Los Angeles court.

This woman was already charged with assaulting a police officer, and she was again in court during the bail period. Threatening the police is a very serious provocation, and his bail will definitely be revoked.

Under normal circumstances, the court will immediately issue an arrest warrant, and his action tonight will fail.

However, if he does not call to report, and Yvonne dies or disappears tonight, the FBI or the detective bureau will investigate and find him.

After all, the families of the other three victims heard Yvonne’s threats to him, and he is a major suspect.

Although it will definitely be nothing in the end, Anna Davis will definitely guess that he did it. Who told him to reveal the truth to Johnny Dyson last time?

Damn, calling is not right, no Fighting is not an option.

Or, get rid of Anna?

Hahaha, this idea is just a thought.

Suddenly, Locke found that the red dot representing Ivna on the tracking card map was actually going south along the San Diego Highway, with no intention of stopping.

Locke realized instantly that Ivna was planning to go to San Diego or Mexico!

It seems that this woman was sure that he would report the threat and the Los Angeles court would cancel her bail, so she ran away directly.

Locke was relieved immediately. Ivna had made a choice for him.

He immediately picked up his phone and called Anna Davis.

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