After reporting the situation to Anna Davis, Locke also reminded her hypocritically: “Anna, you have to be careful too. This woman has a strong desire for revenge and hates you no less than me…” Anna Davis said coldly: “I will call her bail judge immediately and ask him to cancel her bail and re-sign an arrest warrant. When she goes in, she will not be so arrogant. You’d better not run around this weekend!” Locke’s eyes flashed, not sure if Anna Davis was hinting at something. He replied: “I’m busy moving this weekend!” Anna Davis paused and said in a strange tone: “How did you think of buying Elvin Marcus’s house? I don’t know why Marian would support you and let you do whatever you want…” Locke had a black line on his forehead. It seemed that everyone in the police station knew about it. Thinking of what Marian had just said, he was soon relieved. He replied, “I happened to find this house for sale when I was looking for a house. I bought it because the price was right. I just received a large sum of money yesterday…”

Anna Davis asked curiously, “Don’t you mind? Aren’t you afraid?”

Locke replied, “Isn’t it just burying corpses? I’m not afraid of living people, so how can I be afraid of corpses? I will have many opportunities to deal with corpses when I join the detective bureau…”

Anna Davis was surprised and said, “I mean another kind of creature!”

Locke was speechless. He had to keep up the lie he had told even if he knelt down. He said seriously, “I saved these souls. They should have returned to the arms of the Virgin Mary long ago…”

Anna Davis exclaimed, “Jesus , I can’t understand the thinking of you young people. Marcy actually said she wanted to visit that house! ”

Locke was stunned and laughed: “I will hold a housewarming party in a while, and you can bring her over then…”

“Don’t even think about it! Be careful, there are still remnants of the Copernicus organization that have not been completely eliminated…”

“Got it!”

After hanging up Anna Davis’s phone, Locke’s expression was restrained, his mouth curved, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. By the time the court reissued the arrest warrant, Ivna would have fled Los Angeles long ago.

Ivna is also a good person. She took the initiative to save him some trouble. As long as he didn’t die in Los Angeles, his suspicion would be greatly reduced.

He is a man of his words. If he said he would kill her today, he would do it.

Ivna’s point has long been invisible on the map of the tracking card, but Locke is not panicked at all.

Since he has guessed where she is going and her direction, as long as he chases her, this woman will appear on the map again sooner or later, just like the map of the bullet-avoiding card last time.

Locke started the car again and turned to the Cortina community. Since he said he was moving this weekend, it would be reasonable for him to go there and pack up now!

Twenty minutes later, Locke drove to the door of Villa F-10-09. He pressed the remote control of the gate and the iron gate opened automatically.

After signing the contract and paying 3 million yesterday, the house has been officially transferred. The remaining 600,000 has been used as a bank loan. The loan will be released within 3 days. The efficiency is very high.

Half an hour later, a man in a hoodie and jeans climbed over the backyard wall and disappeared into the bushes.

Thanks to the previous detection card scan, Locke knows 80% of the Cortina community well, and may even be more familiar with it than the community management staff, after all, the management staff is also divided into sections.

Ten minutes later, Locke drove out of the Cortina community in a black Lexus ES300, which he borrowed from a villa.

There were some letters accumulated in the mailbox outside the yard of this villa, and the phone message at home said that he would not be back until next week.

Locke drove the borrowed car and quickly entered the Pasadena Expressway, then headed west. At Normandy Avenue, he drove into the parking lot of Walmart.

After turning around twice, he finally found a satisfactory car, a silver BMW 3 Series GT with several flyers on the windshield. He wanted to chase Yvna’s Porsche Panamina, so he had to have a fast car.

After finding the car, Locke parked the Lexus ES300 in a corner far away and went into the bathroom to change his appearance again.

This time, he was a blond handsome guy wearing a Dodgers jacket. His face shape also changed greatly and became white. This time he directly put on a human skin hood, which was the fastest way to change his appearance.

His height was also reduced to 1.88 meters through ancient yoga. He walked briskly and hummed songs while walking.

After cleaning the flyers on the windshield, Locke observed a circle and got into the BMW after a few seconds of tossing. Once he got into the car, he quickly recovered his height. The ancient yoga technique shrunk his bones, so he could only last for a few minutes at most, and now he could only shrink about 3 centimeters.

In cross-dressing, most of them can only increase height or gain weight.Short, it’s simply a magical skill.

Soon a silver BMW 3 Series GT drove out of the Walmart parking lot, then drove into the San Diego Highway, heading south, and sped towards San Diego.

This time on the highway, Locke used L4’s driving skills to the extreme, and kept driving under the speed limit. The speed limit on California highways is 113. The reason why he didn’t dare to exceed the speed limit was that he was afraid of being caught by the state police for speeding.

After chasing for an hour, when Locke drove to Oceanside, Ivna appeared on the tracking card map again, and he was relieved immediately.

Then on the map, the distance between the two people was getting closer and closer. Because of the existence of the tracking card, Locke did not chase too close, and always maintained a distance of 10 kilometers.

Half an hour later, Locke found that Ivna stopped and did not continue to go south to San Diego, but stayed in Del Mar above San Diego.

Ten minutes later, Locke circled Ivna’s sea view villa twice. After finding nothing unusual, he quickly left, parked the car in a roadside parking lot not far away, and then walked around the backyard of the villa and climbed over the wall.

As soon as he landed, Locke quickly dodged to the wall. He found the camera. He leaned against the wall to avoid the camera and moved forward step by step. When he reached the front, his body froze. There was also a camera in front. Locke frowned. The security system of this villa was much better than he thought. It seemed that he had to solve the problem of the camera first, otherwise as long as he appeared in the camera, the security system would alarm. Unless he attacked directly, it would not matter whether he was discovered or not. If Locke faced such a situation in the past, he would be helpless, but fortunately he had gained infiltration experience from Johnny Dyson. He moved back to the backyard and looked at the window above the camera. As long as he sneaked in through this window, he could perfectly avoid this camera. He took out two suction cups from the storage space, fixed them on his wrists, and then climbed up like a gecko, and soon passed the camera and came to the window. “Click” The window was pushed open, and Locke quickly got in. Fortunately, the back of the villa faced the forest, otherwise, he might be discovered as a gecko knight. Locke looked at the scene in the room and was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect to find the security monitoring room by accident.

The 8 videos on the desktop were showing the scenes inside and outside the villa. Locke quickly glanced and found that only Ivna was in the whole villa. The woman was on the phone in the living room, her clothes were scattered all over the floor, and she was naked.

She held a mobile phone in one hand and a silver Desert Eagle in the other hand. She looked angry and was shouting something.

Locke stared at Ivna’s sexy and hot body for a while, then picked up the headphones on the table and turned on the audio in the living room.

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