Locke and the others got off the car one after another. He immediately saw many familiar faces among the patrolmen who were shouting in front of him, including Mark and Teddy.

Hearing the familiar voices, he couldn’t help but feel very cordial, but it was not a good occasion to go over and say hello to them.

Madeline Hill quickly took over the scene. Although there were superintendents among the patrolmen, she had the highest rank.

She held a walkie-talkie in her hand, and she looked heroic. “1-Henry-100, I am Inspector Madeline Hill. The suspect Pano Sangis is suspected of killing two women and dismembering their bodies. There is an 8-year-old boy in the car, who is his son. The suspect has been mentally unstable. Please stop any words that provoke the suspect. According to records, the suspect has two pistols, a Glock G19X and a Colt M1911…”

The scene suddenly became quiet. Madeline Hill stared at the CNN and FOX News planes above her head with a grim face, and said on the walkie-talkie: “Drive away those two helicopters!”

Soon, the two news media helicopters left the heads of the crowd and hovered in the air fifty meters away. They did not really leave, and the two LAPD helicopters also retreated together.

It was the first time that Locke heard the code of the Detective Bureau. He knew that Henry was the code name of the Robbery and Murder Division, which was similar to Adam’s two-person patrol unit.

Madeline Hill gathered Locke and the others together, “Let’s stabilize Pan-O Sangis first. Commander Davis has already contacted his father, Matthew Sangis. They should be here soon. SWAT is also on the way…” After that, Madeline Hill walked to the front. A police superintendent handed her a loudspeaker. She began to speak to Pan-O Sangis, asking him what he needed, but Tesla was unmoved. The atmosphere in front was tense and on high alert, but Locke and the others were chatting. With Paul Sangis in the car, they could only do a limited amount now. They could only wait for Matthew Sangis to come over and see if he could persuade his son. Or SWAT could forcefully attack and rescue the hostages. Harry Sumner confessed their experience of going to the Universal Studios set to find Pan-O Sangis, and his expression was a little embarrassed. Pan-O Sangis cooperated at first and took them to an office, but he locked them in that office when they were not prepared. Locke and Tony Gerard looked at each other. It turned out that there was such an inside story. This was too embarrassing.

Jack Talbot had no shame on his face and said excitedly: “Do you know who helped us open the door?”

Locke guessed it after a little thought and replied: “Did Scarlet Witch release chaos magic to blow the door open…”

Jack Talbot wanted to show off, but he didn’t expect to be exposed by Locke. He shrugged and said: “Almost! Elizabeth is very friendly, and the real person is much more beautiful than the movie…”

Elizabeth Olsen

Harry Sumner felt ashamed of Jack’s words and immediately scolded: “Shut up!”

Tony Gerard directly turned on the mocking mode, “Jack was deceived. But, Harry, you were deceived, it seems that you need to see an ophthalmologist!”

Harry Sumner shrugged and said embarrassedly: “This time it was really messed up, but this guy’s acting is very good…”

Locke laughed: “Pan O. Sangis has indeed been an actor!”

Harry Sumner instantly felt that Locke was much more pleasing to the eye, “But this The guy doesn’t seem to be very smart, he actually drove a Tesla away…”

Tony Gerard didn’t continue to mock, looking at the Tesla in front of him, he said: “This is why I don’t buy Tesla!”

Locke retorted: “Oil cars will stop when they run out of gas…”

Tony Gerard said disdainfully: “So what, I can leave as long as I refuel, how can Tesla leave?”

Jack Talbot interrupted: “Replace a battery, he can still leave…”

As he said, his eyes lit up, “Why can’t Musk provide battery replacement services? Imagine, making it as convenient to replace batteries for electric vehicles as refueling, replacing a battery, you can get 100% of the power, this is simply a genius idea…”

Pan Ao Sangis didn’t know if he had telepathy, he pushed the car door open a gap, and shouted: “Give me a battery, give me a battery…”

Locke and the others looked at Jack Talbot instantly, has this guy’s mouth ever been blessed?

Harry Sumner complained: “It seems that Pan-O. Sangis has the same IQ as you!”

No matter how stupid Pan-O. Sangis’ request was, Madeline Hill instantly became alert and immediately replied: “We will contact Tesla immediately and ask them to send a”Bring me a battery…” She continued to shout: “Mr. Sangis, are you hot? Do you need water? You have to think about Paul, he is just a child…” Pano Sangis was silent for a few seconds, and then shouted “I need water and potato chips…” “Wait, I will send it to you immediately…” Madeline Hill handed the loudspeaker to the superintendent next to her and ordered: “I want water and snacks, preferably potato chips, see who has them in the car…” Patrolmen usually bring their own snacks in their cars, which is something everyone knows. Madeline Hill glanced at Locke and the others, and finally her eyes wandered between Locke and Raven Tate. Tony Gerard was too old, and Harry Sumner was too old. The hand is not good, Jack Talbot’s appearance is too aggressive.

Finally, she stopped her eyes on Locke, after all, Locke’s record was too brilliant.

Madeline Hill said: “Locke, I need you to deliver water to Pan Ao Sangis. In addition to observing whether he is carrying a gun, if there is a chance…”

After a while, Locke walked towards Tester with the collected water and potato chips. He wore a bulletproof vest under his jacket, which belonged to Jack Talbot.

When passing by Mark and Teddy, the two punched him respectively.

“Be careful…”

“Good luck! ”

Locke walked to the side of Tesla with a relaxed look, because the warning card had not been activated, which meant that Pan Ao. Sanjis could not pose a threat to him.

Unexpectedly, his calm behavior attracted the admiring eyes of the LAPD patrolmen behind him.

As expected of Rambo among patrolmen, he is still so brave and fearless after joining the detective bureau.

Locke walked directly to the driver’s seat and took the opportunity to glance at the back seat, where he saw a boy of seven or eight years old sitting obediently on the right side of the back seat.

Seeing that Pan Ao. Sanjis had no intention of opening the door, he knocked on the car window, “Mr. Sanjis, what you want…”

There was no firearm in the passenger seat, and the seat belt was unfastened There was a lot of sweat on his forehead. After the power was cut off, there was no air conditioning, so the car should be very hot…

Pan Ao. Sangis stared at Locke nervously in the car, looked him up and down, and motioned him to put the things on the ground.

Locke pretended not to hear what he was saying, bent down and put his head close to the window to listen, and looked at Pan Ao. Sangis’ waist, but still did not see the gun.

Pan Ao. Sangis could only say it again loudly and impatiently. His mood was indeed very unstable.

Locke nodded, indicating that he heard it clearly this time, made a gesture to put the things down, made a gesture to the back with his left hand, but his right elbow suddenly hit the glass unexpectedly.


The car window glass shattered instantly, and his elbow hit Pan Ao. Sangis’ face directly. Pan Ao. Sangis’ body tilted and fainted.

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