The moment Locke took action, the patrolmen who were waiting in full battle array behind him rushed over immediately.

After Locke hit the target with one strike, he hurriedly made way, and soon Pan Ao. Sanjis was dragged out of the car. This guy’s face was covered in blood and glass fragments were hanging on his face.

After the patrolmen searched his back, they checked his breathing and pulse, and then handcuffed him.

Not dead!

Locke couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although he didn’t use all his strength in the previous attack, he also used 60% to 70% of his strength. He didn’t dare to leave too much, fearing that the strength was not enough.

To be honest, he was still a little disappointed in his heart. He thought Pan Ao. Sanjis would have a gun or something in his hand, but he didn’t expect him to be so weak and it was easy to deal with it.

It would be fun if Pan Ao. Sanjis held his son hostage with a gun and waited for SWAT to come.

Paul Sanjis in the back row was also carried out by a female police officer. The child had obvious Chinese mixed-race features, and Locke couldn’t help but think of his younger brother Jet.

I don’t know if he was scared silly, Paul Sanjis looked very quiet.

Locke called the policewoman and handed over a bag of potato chips. Paul Sangis was stunned for a moment and reached out to take it.

An ambulance was prepared in advance. Two paramedics carrying first aid kits ran over quickly. One ran to Locke and asked if his hand was okay. After hearing Locke say that it was okay, he ran to Pan O Sangis on the ground.

There was another person pushing a stretcher behind.

Madeline Hill and the others also gathered around. She looked at Locke with appreciation, “Locke, well done!”

Tony Gerard looked him up and down and nodded, “You are good at fighting!”

Jack Talbot said jealously, “I can do it too, but it’s a pity that the captain didn’t choose me!”

Raven Tate said excitedly, “Locke, you are so cool!”


Harry Sumner stared at Locke with a complicated expression. He was more handsome than him, richer than him, and so good at fighting. He realized that he had met his lifelong enemy.

After the paramedics gave Pan-O. Sangis a simple diagnosis, they immediately came over to report: “The patient’s pupils are normal, his heartbeat and breathing are normal, his face has blunt injuries and glass cuts, and he fell into a coma due to a head impact. It is suspected to be a concussion. The specific condition requires a CT scan in the hospital…”

Madeline Hill’s expression relaxed instantly, and said: “Thank you, I will arrange for a police officer to accompany you to the hospital…”

He turned his head and said to Harry Sumner and Jack Talbot: “You also come with me. Notify me as soon as Pan-O. Sangis wakes up. Harry, I don’t want it to happen again!”

Harry Sumner’s face was hot, “I promise!”

Soon Pan-O. Sangis was lifted into the ambulance, and then escorted to the hospital by a police car. Harry Sumner and Jack Talbot also drove behind.

The patrol officers quickly searched Pan-O. Sangis’ Tesla and found a Colt M1911 in the glove box of the co-pilot seat.

Colt M1911

The way everyone looked at Locke changed again. Having a gun and not having a gun are two completely different concepts.

Locke did not have any fear or lingering fear. Even if the Colt M1911 was in Pan Ao Sangis’s hand, he would still take action as long as the warning card was not activated.

In another ambulance, the emergency personnel simply checked Paul Sangis’s condition and determined that he was just frightened and there was nothing wrong with his body.

So a female police officer began to question him, but Paul Sangis just held the bag of potato chips and remained silent.

“Let me try…”

Locke got into the ambulance, sat next to Paul Sangis, took the bag of potato chips from him, opened it, ate two bites by himself, and then handed the bag over and asked casually: “Where is your mother from in China?”

Paul Sangis looked at Locke in astonishment. Locke shook the potato chips to signal him to eat. He reached out and grabbed a piece, and replied in Chinese: “It’s a place called Yantai…”



Locke was stunned for a moment, and he smiled and said, “So we are from the same hometown. My father is from Qingdao, and Qingdao is next to Yantai…”

Seeing Paul Sangis’s confused face, he explained, “Just like Los Angeles and Santa Monica…”

Locke stuffed the potato chips directly into Paul Sangis’s hand, and said, “Don’t worry, your father is fine, he just fainted and will wake up soon. Did he tell you where he wanted to take you?”

Paul Sangis was silent for a few seconds and replied, “I don’t know, he was angry, I didn’t dare to ask…”

Locke asked again, “Have your mother and grandmother returned to Yantai?”

Paul Sangis shook his head and said, “I don’t know…”

Locke changed the question, “Did you see your mother and grandmother packing their luggage?”

Paul Sangis nodded”Yes, my mother also said she would take me to China…”

Locke’s heart skipped a beat, his expression froze, and he said, “This police sister will take care of you next…”

When he got off the ambulance, he found Madeline Hill, Tony Gerard, and Raven Tate waiting for him on the side.

Madeline Hill asked, “How is it?”

Locke simply repeated the conversation just now and said in a deep voice, “The bodies are most likely them…”

Seeing Tony Gerard and the others look strange, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

Tony Gerard replied, “The Exit and Entry Administration has the exit records of Michelle Chen and Ms. Huang Guizhi, the time is a week ago…”


Locke was stunned. Almost all the clues pointed to the identity of the bodies as Michelle Chen and her mother. Now you tell us that Michelle Chen and her mother left the United States a week ago.

Madeline Hill said, “Brian has gone to the airport to retrieve the exit video of Michelle Chen and her mother.”

“Commander Davis has applied for a search warrant for Pan O Sangis’s residence. We will go there now…”

Topanga Canyon.

When Locke and his team arrived, Pan O Sangis’s house had been blocked by the LAPD, and there were cordons around it.

This is a wooden house, located relatively close to the entrance. It should be the cheapest house in Topanga Canyon, about 2.5 million US dollars.

Suspect’s residence

The HOA (Homeowner Association) director who had met once before was guarding the perimeter, probably wanting to get first-hand information.

Seeing Locke and Tony Gerard, he wanted to say hello, but everyone was now concerned about whether there was any discovery in Pan O Sangis’s house, so there was no time to greet him.

Locke did not wait for the patrolman to lift the cordon, and he lifted it himself and went in. He was a little unconfident after handling this case until now.

Anna Davis was on the phone at the door. Skye Spears stood beside her. When she saw Locke and the others coming, she hung up the phone and said helplessly, “William and the others are cleaning up the scene. The room is clean. Nothing has been found so far…” If the bodies were not Michelle Chen and her mother, then they were wrong to track down Pan O Sangis. Locke said seriously, “Sheriff Davis, I want to go in and take a look myself!”

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