Locke walked into the house in a white protective suit, causing the forensic department to look up at him.

He ignored the busy forensic personnel in the house, but went around the upstairs and downstairs basement to make sure that the room was indeed clean.

It seems that he really made a mistake.

Then why did Pan Ao Sangis run when he saw Harry and Jack?

Brian Smith has already gone to the airport. When he confirms that the people leaving the airport are really Michelle Chen and her mother, then Pan Ao Sangis’s suspicion will be ruled out.

William Worrell was ready to finish his work, and smiled at Locke who came up from the basement: “How is it? Detective Locke, did you find anything? I found that you really have some of Captain Tom’s style. I have to see it myself before I can rest assured…”

Locke frowned, a little unhappy that William Worrell compared him with Tom Williams.

He asked, “Director Worrell, has the autopsy report not come out yet?”

William Worrell said helplessly, “You should go and urge Catherine. The less tissue components, the harder it is to do the autopsy report. Just for those few pieces of meat, Catherine is going to stay up all night tonight, and the autopsy report will be tomorrow at the earliest…”

Although Locke has studied forensic medicine, he has never really been a forensic doctor, and has never written any forensic reports. Since the autopsy report will not come out until tomorrow, he can only rely on himself.

He asked again, “Can I see the photos of those body parts?”

The conditions in the morning were limited, the parts of the body parts were limited, and he couldn’t get started, so his research on the body parts was very limited.

William Worrell has known Locke for a long time. Knowing that he is valued by Tom Williams, plus his actions in the morning to slap the forensic department in the face, he naturally would not underestimate him, and hurriedly handed over his tablet.

The photos on the tablet showed that the body parts had been thawed, and these were mainly from the chest and abdomen. In addition to the piece he found, another piece of tissue from another woman was found after thawing.

There were eight pieces in total, six of which belonged to one woman and two to another woman.

The reason why it was determined so quickly that the body parts came from women was that some human tissues still had a lactation system.

Judging from the lactation system, one belonged to a young woman and the other to an old woman, which actually matched the ages of Michelle Chen and her mother.

Locke flipped through the photos with a focused look, without any fear or disgust.

This made William Worrell a little surprised, this focused look was clearly that of a forensic doctor!

Locke discovered that the body parts in the body bag came from two people in the morning, and that the grass marks under the body bag were wrong. Logically, these were embarrassing things for William Worrell, but he didn’t take it to heart at all. Instead, he admired Locke’s talent and felt that he really had the potential to be a detective.

Locke soon found new clues on the body parts. He pointed to the photo, “This incision is very smooth, and there are meat scraps on the skin surface. Did you find out how this was caused?”

When they were in Topanga State Park before, the body parts were frozen, and these marks were not obvious.

William Worrell’s mouth twitched, and he said unhappily: “If this has not been discovered, the forensic team of the forensic department will be disbanded. This should be because the murderer first froze the body before cutting it, so that there would be no blood splattering and it would be easier to cut. It’s the same principle as Chinese people eating hot pot, where they freeze lamb and beef before cutting them, so that they can be cut smoother, thinner, and easier to cook…”

Locke stared at William Worrell in a daze, unable to understand this guy’s thinking, and said speechlessly: “Why do you want to link these two things together?”

William Worrell spread his hands and said: “I’m afraid you don’t understand. By the way, have you ever eaten Chinese hot pot? The lamb roll is cooked in less than three seconds. It’s so delicious!”

Locke gave him a middle finger, no need to lick it, no matter how much you lick it, it’s useless.

William Worrell asked in confusion, “What’s wrong?”


Locke returned the tablet to him, “There is no large freezer or freezer here that can freeze corpses, so you can call it a day…”

Before he finished speaking, Tony Gerard rushed in and stood at the door and shouted, “Locke, Michelle Chen and Ms. Huang Guizhi who left the country from Los Angeles International Airport are not themselves. Someone used their ID cards to leave the country!”

Locke was stunned immediately. He didn’t expect that the situation would turn around. He almost ruled out Pan Ao Sangis’ suspicion.

He sighed and said to William Worrell, “Director Worrell, I suggest that you compare the hair collected in the house directly with the body parts for DNA…”

William Worrell replied calmly, “I have arranged it. Thank you for your advice…”

Locke’s mouth twitched, realizing that he was a bit overstepping his authority, and smiled:”Manager Worrell, I’ll treat you to hotpot someday, authentic Chinese hotpot…”

William Worrell couldn’t hold it in any longer and asked curiously, “Isn’t Haidilao Hot Pot authentic enough?”

“This is a long story, I’ll tell you later…”

After that, Locke followed Tony Gerard out, leaving William Worrell with a curious look on his face.

Outside, Madeline Hill was discussing the case with Anna Davis. Seeing him coming out, Anna Davis said, “Tony has already told you! Now it seems that it is most likely Pan Ao Sangis, otherwise he would not have forged the exit records of Michelle Chen and his mother-in-law. How is it? Did you find anything?”

“The room is indeed very clean! This is not the dismemberment scene!”

Locke replied to her and asked Madeline Hill, “When we investigated Pan Ao Sangis, did we find that he rented other houses in Topanga Canyon, or in the name of Michelle Chen and her mother, and of course, Matthew Sangis…”

“I discussed with William that the two bodies should have been frozen first and then dismembered, so as to reduce blood splatter. There is no freezer in this room, so he should have a place dedicated to dismembering and freezing body parts…”

Madeline. Hill hurriedly told Skye Spears: “Skye, call the Investigation and Analysis Department right now and ask them to search for the rental information of Pan Ao Sangis’ family…”

Tony Gerard reminded: “Perhaps, we can also ask the HOA supervisor outside, what’s his name?”

Locke’s eyes lit up, “William Gibbs…”

Five minutes later, under the leadership of William Gibbs, Locke and his group came to another villa in the community.

This villa is much larger and more luxurious than the one where Pan Ao Sangis’ family lived.

According to William Gibbs, this villa belongs to Pan Ao Sangis’ father, Matthew Sangis, who is a gold medal producer in Hollywood. However, Matthew Gibbs did not live here, but lived in Malibu, and this villa has been vacant.

Everyone stood outside the villa with different expressions, thinking that it should be here, but they were not sure before seeing the remaining bodies.

Anna Davis immediately called Jeff Davis and asked him to issue another search warrant.

Locke looked into the villa through the gate fence and found a large piece of grass inside, which was very suitable for drone takeoff and landing. He looked around and found that the surrounding houses were very far away.

Suddenly, Locke noticed a flashing reflection on a hillside not far away.

He looked over and found that the hilltop villa seemed to be Cress Miller’s house.

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