One Night Bride

Chapter 581

There was silence in the field. At this moment, everyone understood that the fourth prince was the real master of the country, because of his military skills and his supreme authority Hailing resisted anger and jealousy and avoided his eyes

Jin Wushu glanced at hailing, and his eyes were like needles. It was this vicious Hailing that came up with this bad idea The death of song qinzong was of no benefit to Dajin However, this is not the time to settle accounts. He looked into the field and said in a deep voice, "immediately deal with the funeral of young master song."

A young man came forward to salute, and it was Zhao Zhan, the eldest son of song qinzong He was like his father, with a beautiful face. Although tears were still flowing on his face, he made a modest salute, and even his voice was calm: "thank you, fourth prince!"

Jin Wushu looked at his prematurely mature face, vaguely, a little resolute, maintaining the royal dignity and final integrity Song qinzong, who was forced to ascend the throne by song Huizong when the great disaster came, was in a short time, which was a mess full of holes Due to his incomplete talent and the limitation that time waits for no man, he was simply unable to turn the tide He didn't have great talent, but he was definitely not fatuous. He also worked hard. The state of song really couldn't be killed in his hands, but his ending was worse than any song prisoner, and worse than his father, song Huizong

"Your Royal Highness, do a good funeral for your father and emperor, and reward 100 raw silk. All funeral ceremonies must follow Han customs."

Zhao Zhan was the prince of song qinzong early, which was also the first time Jin Wushu used a honorific title

The young man's tone was still neither humble nor overbearing: "the fourth prince, the ministers and prisoners dare not pretend to be the prince any more. I only wish that in the future, life after life, there will be no regeneration of the imperial family."

I only hope that in the future, I will never regenerate the imperial family again

Jin Wushu was stunned and couldn't help turning her eyes. In the crowd, countless hats, her figure had completely disappeared If I was not born in the royal family and not the fourth prince, will there be another version of the story?

Such as binding

Even the golden man can become her life and death friend

He suddenly became anxious, his throat surging, and his heart was full of horses and infinite sadness

Song captives cried and left with song qinzong's body Marseille was interrupted, and no one was interested in continuing. Jin Wushu dismissed the people. At this time, he looked at the missing Thorn: "wolf Lord, it's time to hold an emergency meeting."

He Ci woke up like a dream and hurriedly ordered the ministers to convene and discuss on the spot

In the big tent, it was divided into two rows, and He Ci sat on the top and straightened his chaotic crown with his hands There is also a new concubine behind him. His mind is all over it, and he is more and more absent-minded. He is eager to finish it early and go back to the play

He hurriedly asked, "fourth uncle, what do you say?"

Jin Wushu pondered for a moment and turned his eyes to Hailing: "hailing, what do you say to do if you provoke it?"

Hailing obviously had been prepared, and calmly replied: "I inform the fourth prince that song qinzong will not regret his death. Even if he wants to use his captives, his son Zhao Zhan can be a puppet..."

He Ci nodded. Other ministers obviously thought the same, and felt it was no big deal

Jin Wushu glanced at the crowd and found that most of the faces were newly promoted There are no more than ten major generals of the Jin Kingdom who used to fight on one side Suddenly, there was a feeling that everyone had been leading the way for hundreds of years. With these people, we can support the future of Daikin? Qi number, is da Jin's Qi number failing so quickly?

"The crown prince has received a message that 300000 troops of the song army are gathering in Lianghe. The leading general is Liu Ning..." it doesn't matter to everyone. It's nothing strange that the song army is marching in Lianghe, but it's still a little uneasy to hear that it's Liu Ning Liu Ning is also a famous general. He is one of the best people in the Song Dynasty after Yue Pengju. He is by no means a straw bag like Yang Yizhong

But what does this have to do with the death of song qinzong?

"The state of Zhao has always paid attention to monarchs, ministers, and sons. Song qinzong is both the emperor who officially ascended the throne and the eldest brother. If Zhao Deji leads the army to fight over regardless of the safety of song qinzong, he will lose most of the people in the north; the scholar bureaucrats in Jiangnan will also ridicule him openly and secretly. The crown prince also remembered that when Jingkang was in great trouble, Kaifeng fell, and song qinzong and his sons were escorted out of the capital, the people of Kaifeng lit incense wax money paper to mourn, continued for ten miles, and cried loudly... Maybe this is Zhao His incense should not be cut off, so he let Zhao Deji, a despicable man, escape... "His words turned to harsh," Song people sympathize with song qinzong, and think that the main sin is not him. But what about Zhao Zhan? Zhao Zhan's yellow mouth child, how many song people know him? How can they sympathize with him? In the eyes of Jiangnan officials, how can he match the weight of song qinzong? Even if he is made a puppet, what prestige does he have to compete with Zhao Deji? "

Everyone woke up as if from a dream. These rude Nuzhen aristocrats, except the fourth prince, could not think of such consequences Even hailing, after all, is young and short-sighted. In addition to being vicious, he is far from being strategic

Wolf Lord he stabbed, and then panicked, and touched his crown: "fourth uncle, what do you say?"

This is his nth question

All eyes focused on Jin Wushu, and no longer dared to have any doubts Jin Wushu pondered for a moment, and there were three strategies in his chest. He didn't know how many times he had thought about it in his heart Originally, he was willing to say these three strategies on his deathbed, which was Da Jin's strategy to stabilize the country It is also my last contribution to the kingdom of Jin. After all, this is the Nvzhen nation I love. Her strength and rise is my lifelong wish

He opened his mouth and could vaguely hear his heartbeat. Suddenly, he saw Hailing's flashing eyes and stared at himself closely. His feeling was more urgent than wolf Lord heting His heart was cold, and he shrank back if he wanted to This guy, unexpectedly, showed his towering head He looked around, and no one noticed the abnormality of Hailing, staring at him

No one found Hailing's wolf ambition?

He suddenly didn't want to go on, and his words changed: "it's better to prepare with both hands, prepare for war and negotiate peace."

People dare not have any objection

The wolf Lord Heci was a little disappointed and asked, "fourth uncle, is Gong Yin's pursuit whereabouts?"

He looked at Hailing. "Hailing, you are a pioneer. What news can you find?"

Hailing hardened his scalp: "King Qin is a cunning rabbit, hiding in the jungle, and it is difficult to find traces..."

The wolf Lord's face showed an unhappy color. He immediately knelt down in front of Jin Wushu, and a trace of cunning appeared on his handsome face: "Hailing is incompetent, please bring down the fourth Prince..."

Jin Wushu didn't speak

Hailing was a little afraid, but after all, he was very eloquent and full of poetry. In addition to Jin Wushu, he was quite interested in the thick black study of the Han people. He had an idea, Unexpectedly, he wrote a poem: "'garrison millions of troops on the West Lake, and immediately mount Wu is the first peak '. The fourth uncle is magnificent. In those days, he searched the mountains and picked up the sea, and chased Zhao Deji like a lost dog. Besides Yue Pengju, he took out the great trouble of the song state. Which one is not an unparalleled feat? That is this insight, which no second person in the great Jin state can think of..." he talked freely, and his tone was full of longing, infinite admiration, infinite humility, The ministers were infected by his tone and emotions, and once again returned to the era of heroes. The living national hero, the fourth Prince of Da Jin, sat in front of them, shaped like a divine mansion

"King Qin is a scheming man, and the tribute silver is related to the national economy and people's livelihood of my great king. It is a first-class event. I have to ask the fourth prince to come out, and all the tricks come from the fourth prince. Hailing is willing to take any orders from the fourth prince. Hailing, no, nephew, everything is obedient..."

Jin Wushu also listened to God, but it was not because of the boy's hype about himself, but because of the poem he later wrote

Garrison millions of troops on the West Lake, and immediately mount Wu is the first peak

If he doesn't have too much ambition, being a poet is naturally a good talk However, this is the fault of Song people. The more books they read, the more insidious and gloomy they are Just like yourself, just like Hailing Perhaps, the culture of Han people is not so advanced as they advocate - the kind of vicious calculation method of exterminating the same kind, in fact, is much more evil than animal instinct

Maybe I shouldn't have read the poems and books of the Han people in those days, especially their thousands of years of accumulation and the world's No. 1 black political situation rule Pull the whole life into a powerful darkness, and you can't see a trace of light and humanity

He suddenly said lightly, "hailing, you don't need to read many Han books in the future!"

Hailing was stunned, and even if he was good at dancing, he was also out of proportion Where is this? The fourth Prince's thinking jumps to this point?

Jin Wushu knew that his mattress could not be taught, and he didn't say any more

Hailing's beautiful face floated a sincere smile, so humble, "after these things, I know that the fourth uncle is towering, hailing is young and ignorant, and I have offended the fourth uncle in the past, please forgive me..."

How can such cunning escape the magic eye of Jin Wu Shu? According to his former temperament, he would end up with a knife in his hand and a charge at random. However, seeing his "sincere" face, the young man's hidden high spirited, especially his "fourth uncle" - this boy is the son of his own brother zonggan and his own nephew It's more intimate than he Ci and himself

He softened his heart, which was originally not a politician's decision, but somehow, the turbulent killing opportunity subsided, and he was too tired

He thought of Zhao Zhan's words "may you live forever, but don't come back to the emperor's house". He was even more displeased. He ignored Hailing's expression and got up and left

The Minister of civil and military affairs retreated together. He Ci couldn't wait to rush to the back door. A room full of Yingge and Yanwu greeted him

At the end of the court, the Chengyu honor guard of the fourth Prince stopped. Wu Qimai waited dutifully for a moment Jin Wushu dismounted and frowned slightly: "Wu Qimai, go back home immediately."


He pulled the reins, could no longer suppress the sweetness in his throat, and spit out blood

Wu Qimai was shocked and shouted in a low voice, "fourth prince, you must see a doctor immediately. Witch doctor, here is a witch doctor..."

He waved his sleeve to wipe away the blood marks, and said in a deep voice, "don't bother, go back immediately."

"But, fourth prince, you are like this now..."

"Wu Qimai listens to the order and returns to his house immediately."

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