One Night Bride

Chapter 582

Wu Qimai didn't dare to say anything more, but looked at him anxiously. Jin Wushu took the lead and went to his mansion. Along the way, he was no longer galloping vertically and horizontally in the past, but slowly walking on this beautiful land. The willows were green, the grass was green, and the fragrance of wild flowers all belonged to Da Jin

In the dark, hailing came out, followed by his brother Xia Zha

"The fourth Prince actually vomited blood? Why didn't you hear about his illness?"

A faint smile flashed in Hailing's eyes: "this old man, it seems that he can't do it."

"Brother, shall we send someone to the fourth Prince's mansion to inquire about what disease he has? Is it serious?"

"Of course. Make good arrangements and don't let the wind out."

"As soon as this old man dies, the world will be ours."

Although his voice was very low, hailing still scolded in a low voice: "don't forget your form when you are proud, be careful that something bad happens."

Xia Zha stuck out her tongue. He never dared to disobey his eldest brother a little

"Get ready immediately. The hunt for King Qin is imminent. You must make the first contribution, otherwise, you can't make a job in front of the wolf owner."

"However, why don't we save our strength and wait for the fourth prince to start first? Even if he is great, he will die..."

Hailing stared, "fool, what do you know? What if he doesn't die?"

Xia Zha dare not refute, but she is not convinced, isn't she?

On a cloudy day, the cool wind is blowing, and the surrounding grass shows the dark green of midsummer. It has reached the moment when the vitality is at the top. In a twinkling of an eye, it will be autumn, and the vegetation will wither, and everything will be frost

There are no pedestrians on the forest path, only the murmur of autumn insects in the evening, the "squeak" sound of birds, and the crunchy and crisp sound can be heard when your feet are on the grass

Hua Rong takes off the hat. Even on a cloudy day, wearing it for a long time is a little sultry She was dressed up as a local, and her face was gray, like an inconspicuous shepherd's woman

There was a footstep behind her. She stopped without looking back, and a slight smile appeared on her face: "didn't she tell you not to come? Why did she come?"

With joy, he rushed up a few steps and put his hand around her waist: "girl, I'm worried about you."

Her hands were covered with those rough big hands. She negotiated with him to pick up Lu Wenlong. Because she was very sure, she went alone. If she failed, there would be no danger On the contrary, he is the most wanted criminal in the kingdom of Jin, and his figure, which is difficult to hide and disguise, will be found as long as he shows up However, he still didn't listen, deeply worried about her safety, quietly followed, I don't know how many methods have been exhausted to be calm

In this world, what can be more important than her safety?

Even if it is "just in case", you should avoid it yourself What's more, I still miss her - the closer I get, the more I miss her, and I don't want to be separated from her for a moment

He took her by the hand and suddenly walked back

Hua Rong laughed. "I've changed several methods. Even if I have tracking, I'll get rid of it."

"It's better to be careful. The fourth Prince is more cunning than the fox and more insidious than the wolf..."

"Also, be careful to make a ten thousand year ship."

King Qin took her around the woods In order to avoid the Jin army, he has already practiced super first-class guerrilla tactics and anti tracking skills in the past two years Knowing that Hua Rong appeared, Jin Wushu would not miss the opportunity to follow her, but because of her last wish, he couldn't bear to disobey her, took risks, and readily agreed to her going

Hua Rong never thought of this? So, along the way, she almost used all the methods, even if the slightest disturbance, she would change direction

However, at the same time, she was also secretly worried, Jin Wushu, how far his army had been tracked?

If you change a woman and get tired of that tenderness, you must think that the fourth prince will show mercy However, she knew Jin Wushu too well, perhaps more than he thought She doesn't think that with the "three boiling" tenderness and the harmonious song, Jin Wushu will put down the butcher's knife and let King Qin and himself go

I was the bait that came to his door, giving him the best chance to seize King Qin without hesitation

It is absolutely impossible to think that he will show mercy just because he occasionally shows his true feelings! Just as at the beginning, he could offer advice without hesitation and witness Yue Peng's death in front of him

If he stood in front of King Qin now, he would still cut down with a knife and would not leave a line of favor for himself

Even, when necessary, the knife will still be cut on herself and her Hua Rong, just like the sound of "no mercy for killing" when searching on the sea in those days!

Tenderness is tenderness, and politics is politics He had the illusion that he was sometimes vague, but she had always been clear for him

This is the politician, which is determined by his essence The interests of the kingdom of Jin are greater than everything!

What I have to do is to take risks and try my best to get rid of his tracking She thought she had been successful enough. After all, she had been in the army with Yue Peng for so many years and had experienced countless dangers in the serpent tribe

However, she still did not raise any objection, but followed King Qin and followed him roundabout King Qin is like a beast born in troubled times. He has a natural instinct to avoid harm and struggle to make a living. He is more alert than a real beast I don't know whether it was his early life or his nature On this point, she thinks she is far inferior to him

The two of them walked in the forest, the silent old forest leaves piled up, heard the rope, stepped on it, soft

Never had a relaxed state of mind, accompanied by each other, and even forgot all possible dangers

King Qin asked, "girl, that little bunny still won't go with you?"

"Alas, he is not unwilling. The child is too young to make a decision."

In fact, if Lu Wenlong was a little older, he would be even more indecisive. He thought he was a Jin man. Why did he go to the state of song? Even because of my mother, I can't abandon my "Hometown"

He didn't think so. The girl was unhappy about this. She always said that she respected the children's choices If you go by yourself, just catch someone and leave. What are you talking about with him?

"This little bunny is really a white eyed wolf... Shit, he just can't bear the glory and wealth of the fourth Prince's mansion..."

Hua Rong said gloomily, "I can't blame him. He doesn't know his life experience at all."

"Why didn't you tell him?"

Hua Rong was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "Qin Shangcheng, in fact, I don't think it's so good to be a Song Dynasty man."

King Qin laughed: "it's very true. Despite the hardships of Song people, Jin people and ordinary people, all the benefits have been lost by birds. Anyway, the little rabbit is willing to stay with Jin Wushu to enjoy his blessings, and it's up to him."

However, after all, there are still some small regrets: "Alas, I saw that he was a good player. I wanted to take him back to the island to play with little tiger head. Life is not necessarily worse than living in this bird place..."

Hearing the words "little tiger head", she couldn't help but miss it. It was a mother's deepest worry and most eager thought. After being suppressed for too long, she suddenly felt anxious: "we should go back, go back immediately, I miss little tiger head so much..."

Why didn't he know her mind? For xiaohutou, he spent more time than she did I have been with myself since I was more than one year old, getting along day and night, which is not inferior to the deep emotion of my son He nodded, "well, it's time for us to wait. I haven't seen him for a long time. I really miss him."

Hua Rong stared at his calm eyes. There was no second one in the world Even in the days when he was away and left him, he didn't shirk anything, hesitated, and always treated the child well Who else, besides loving himself, still loves his son so deeply? Except him!

Suddenly feel at ease, it is urgent after the peace of mind, a dull return Even if the sky falls, someone will carry it for you splendid.

King Qin first saw her eyes so deep, soft, full of deep friendship, gratitude, gratitude, dependence, trust... So complex, but so simple, it's him, it's him

The long eyelashes trembled, like a thin winged cicada just coming out of its shell, full of deep friendship. He suddenly blushed, like a green teenager, his heart pounding

Heartbeat After living for decades, my heart surged in front of her

He dared not look at her, as if he were a young man in first love, slightly shy, lowered his head, unconsciously accelerated his pace, and walked ahead

After walking for several steps, I remembered something. Looking back at her, I saw that she was more than ten feet behind. She stood still and didn't go As soon as she saw him stop, a smile appeared on her face

He touched his hair and said incoherently, "girl, why don't you go?"

She whispered softly, "you're walking too fast, I can't keep up."

He suddenly realized that his heart was almost eager to jump out, strode back, took her hand, put his finger on his lips, whistled, and the horse hidden in the dark rushed He grabbed her in his arms, rolled over and mounted the horse, pulled the reins, and with a "Hoo", the horse galloped and galloped away

Running out for a long distance, his head was buried on her shoulder, his hands tightly around her waist, and he laughed loudly. He didn't know that life could be like this

In the usual years, I always think that chasing is about getting. Between men and women, it's just sex, having children Everything takes getting as the ultimate goal, and for this purpose, perseverance and means are exhausted

Now we know that the original two hearts are happy, even if it is a eye contact, a simple handshake, and a knowing smile, it is enough

That's another realm of life, the most missing cognition in his life. Now, at last He grabbed her waist harder and almost crushed the little man and put it in his body - little girl. After many years, she was still her own little girl How good!

Running out of the jungle is going to the serpent tribe

Hua Rongle Ma was a little worried: "the serpent tribe is not very safe now. We can't go."

King Qin looked ahead and said, "you have to say hello to them when you are leaving."

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