One Night Bride

Chapter 584

"Haha, to tell the truth, I'm really not willing to let that guy go like this. I've suffered too many losses under him, and I always have to get back a little. However, the big husband can bend and stretch, and I can't fight with him here. Hahaha, I've long wanted to take the little tiger head back to sunset Island, steam crabs, drink yellow wine, and stay in this damn place, which is meaningless..."

This is also his truth Hurry back, hold an earth shaking feast, and loudly announce that the subjects on the island, King Qin, are going to marry and marry a charming woman His wife and son are still eager to have a little girl. Happiness is in front of him. Who is impatient to fight with his fourth prince?

Hua Rong saw his eyebrows dancing. This time, she really laughed, and the heavy stone in her heart suddenly fell, so relaxed This is king Qin. You can call him a hero or a liar. He is free and has no great principles, let alone a view of right and wrong. All choices are to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Even a man's personal heroism is inferior to him

But isn't that good? This is the real law of survival

While talking, she noticed that he suddenly tiptoed. She only had time to listen to the "whoosh". A fat roe had been shot by an arrow He stepped forward, ahead of schedule: "haha, this guy, even in the moonlight activities, well, it's time for us to think about the blessing of the mouth."

The fire is buried in the earth, which is a strange way of making fire they learned from the savage tribe Bury the fire under the soil, wet it with branches and water, raise it layer by layer, and then cover it with a wet mixture. In this way, the flame burns below, cannot penetrate, and will not spread far. It can not only roast food, but also not be found by the enemy

Hua Rong sat quietly on a pile of leaves and looked up at the sky high above the top of the jungle The moon is bright and everything is hazy She understood the tranquility of life for the first time, just like a long-distance attacking soldier. She was tired, too tired, and finally could rest. She didn't worry about anything, and there was only food and drink left in her life

The wine bottle felt out, emitting the intensity of burning knives

King Qin handed her, "girl, have a drink."

She smiled, took it, and took a gulp Liquor goes into the throat, which is spicy and pleasant Under the moonlight, the wine pot is flat, made of a strange metal, and the dense patterns on it are actually a beautiful work of art She looked at it carefully in the moonlight. The words on it turned out to be the year of Zhao Deji, which was obviously one of the tributes for Jiangnan's entry into the kingdom of Jin this time

She was delighted, as if she had won. She took the wine pot and drank again. The previous strong pungency was more pleasant. In her nose, she smelled the smell of roe meat. It was greasy, fat but not greasy, which made people move their fingers at the first smell

King Qin quickly turned over the roe, and under the moonlight, you could see the golden color of the roast meat He took out his dagger, cut off a large piece of meat on his leg and handed it over: "girl, you eat more."

She took it, took a big bite, full of fragrance, and entered her heart Suddenly feel very happy, happy, in fact, is so plain, hungry, can eat fragrant meat; If you are thirsty, you can drink sweet water and that.

King Qin also gulped at meat and shaodao Liquor passed between them. For the first time, there was no distance and intimacy

"Girl, do you remember that time, I hurt you, and you said you wanted to eat roast rabbit..."

How can I forget! At that time, I thought I was at a dead end. I wanted to go with him, but I was unwilling. Even if I died, I also wanted to die by Yue Pengju's side King Qin, like a sinner, followed his carriage dejectedly. As soon as he heard his dialogue with Yue Pengju, he quietly went to fix a roast hare But at that time, I was still hating him, deeply hating him, and I wished I would never see him again. Everything about him was like poison! Even the hare was thrown to the ground, and I don't know if it was eaten by a wild dog

The future and the past are vivid in my mind

That's Yue Pengju's face, so brave and resolute He is an unsmiling person. He is usually silent. Only in front of himself, there are always endless words. Even his thoughts and all his troubles will tell him without reservation He is his only one, and he is also his only one; Even my son can't compare with him In Lin'an World War I, she was seriously injured. For the first half of the year, she was almost unconscious and confused. It was not that the wound could not be healed, but that her heart died. She hoped to go with him and never separate No one knows this secret, not even King Qin

Day and night, heart to heart, only blame, oneself and his days, too short Holding the meat in her hand, she was crazy, and tears fell on it silently, melting into the texture of the barbecue

King Qin was originally in high spirits and was about to give her some anecdotes and a joke, but in the twinkling of an eye, he saw her drooping head under the moonlight and silently crying

The barbecue in his hand hung down, and his leopard like eyes dimmed, but he looked at her compassionately

Some people, some things, in the heart, will always have a deep position, such as Yue Pengju, not in the corner of her heart, but in the middle, firm and irreplaceable

In fact, he never thought of replacing it, thinking that it was simply impossible As long as she occasionally looks at herself with that kind of tender eyes from the bottom of her heart

and that.

These days, she has done more, better and deeper than this. Isn't it enough? It has already surpassed his imagination and extravagant expectations. Enough, enough

He stretched out his hand slightly and wrapped it around her shoulder

She couldn't help but bury herself in his arms, and the suppressed sob turned into mourning He just hugged her and gently patted her on the back: "girl, cry if you want, just cry."

She wailed wantonly, and the barbecue in her hand fell to the ground Over the years, she didn't even dare to cry so recklessly. Today, she can release the tears suppressed in her heart for a long time so thoroughly that she doesn't know when she fell asleep in his arms when she was tired of crying

In the deep fog of the night, King Qin took off his outer shirt and put it on her cold arm At this moment, his heart was fiery, unspeakable kind of faint, calm happiness

In her sleep, she turned over slightly and turned her face sideways, facing him directly The bright moonlight shines on her face, and you can vaguely see the row of long eyelashes like small fans Under the moonlight, his face is more clever than the best makeup artist. It is a kind of glittering and translucent white, which covers the vicissitudes of the day, haggard, and those who cover up the pain and disability

Some barbecue ashes accidentally wiped on his face, looking black, like a lazy kitten He looked at her pitifully, carefree and without nightmares - unlike the year after Lin'an war, when she was injured, she had nightmares almost every night, often getting up in the middle of the night and wandering like a ghost

She calmed down

No matter how serious the injury is, it will heal, no matter how strong the pain is, it will be indifferent. It is because of this automatic recovery function that human beings can spread from generation to generation, otherwise, they will be extinct

He hugged her a little tighter. In the future, that's it She can sleep peacefully in her arms. What can she ask for in her life?

Another change of morning and dusk

Streams and springs are murmuring and quiet

Hua Rong opened his eyes and saw the big lotus leaf he was holding Green lotus leaves and glittering mountain springs complement each other Looking at King Qin again, he combed himself very clean and clear. His messy hair was made into a high bun, which was very powerful Looking around, he looked like a majestic lion

She laughed before she opened her mouth

He seemed to be aware of her discovery and laughed, "girl, I wanted to get a headscarf, that is, a valley towel, but I can't get it."

She said softly, "it doesn't matter. I'll wear it for you in the future."

His eyes shine. This time, he will really wear a headscarf for himself every day Unable to help himself, he held the lotus leaf in front of her: "girl, drink some water first."

The clear spring came into my throat with a faint sweetness Hold a handful of water and pour it on your face. It's refreshing and thorough, and every pore is stretched She looked up at him and smiled King Qin only felt a surge in his heart, which was a kind of pleasure like scratching his ears and cheeks, but he couldn't confess, and suddenly wanted to sing loudly Just about to open her mouth, she stopped singing when she remembered that she protested against her bad singing every time

Hua Rong saw that he opened his mouth and closed his mouth. He looked very strange and couldn't help laughing: "what are you going to say?"

He told the truth: "I want to sing a song, but I'm afraid it's too unpleasant..."

Hahaha, Hua Rong couldn't help laughing loudly. King Qin, he is a child. In some ways, he is almost pure and immature than a child

Man is such a complicated and wonderful animal

"Sing it, I love it."

He was overjoyed: "really?" However, he shook his head again soon, "no, I sing so badly. Girl, teach me when you go back."

She nodded, "I love to hear it, too. If you want to sing, why not?"

He was encouraged. In front of her, he had no scruples. He opened his mouth and sang a song of Su Dongpo's "jiangchengzi":

Ten years of life and death are two boundless If you don't think about it, you'll never forget it Thousands of miles of solitary graves, nowhere to talk about desolation Even if you don't know each other, your face is covered with dust and your temples are like frost At night, dreams suddenly return home The window of the small porch is dressing up Without words, there are only a thousand lines of tears It is expected that every year, the intestines are broken, the moon is bright, and the pines are short


His voice was bleak, with traces of wind and rain for half his life Hua Rong was stunned. King Qin, he even sang such a song Somehow, another layer of deep uneasiness passed through my heart King Qin didn't realize it at all, but he still laughed: "girl, when I hurt you, I bought a pamphlet for you to listen to. What I bought was Su Dongpo's laoshizi jiangchengzi..." so I remember it very firmly This is the only serious song he can sing

Seeing Hua Rong in a daze, he said strangely, "girl, isn't it very unpleasant?"

She just laughed and shook her head vigorously. She felt that she was always extremely sensitive these days, and caring was chaotic. Because she cherished the people in front of her, she always unconsciously thought about things It's sunny at this time. How can there be so many accidents?

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