One Night Bride

Chapter 585

The two of them walked forward laughing and talking Further on, you can see the presence of guerrillas in the jungle - they have entered the safety zone, which is the temporary territory of King Qin

Hua Rongle Ma looked at the simple tents of the jungle guerrillas in front of him She was not surprised by these bright armor, but by the layout she saw all the way. Until now, she realized that it was a very exquisite array, step by step, and the division of labor was meticulous From Liu Wu to the five small leaders below, everyone is independent of each other, but also cooperate with each other, flexible, but to this flat land, it is a whole, an elite heavy cavalry that can rush into battle She suddenly realized that she was familiar with this array, which was used many times by Yue Pengju But here, because of the jungle, there have been some adjustments and improvements

When King Qin first fought with Jin Jun, they always had their own victories and defeats, so they couldn't take advantage of each other Later, there was a big change, even leap, and he was able to lead thousands of elite cavalry to rob the tribute silver of the Jin army This can no longer be attributed to luck That is the result of precise deployment. Every step has a comprehensive plan

Even this last action in the kingdom of Jin, from Liu Wu's Design Bureau, with 100000 silver as bait, step by step arrangement, dissemination of information; But the channel has to be reliable. You can't be regarded as a liar. Others are not fools! How careful is this? The subsequent reception and distribution along the way were clearly arranged to deal with the Jin army It's no wonder that he dared to fight against Jin Wushu, which was by no means a boast

Then I realized the difference between myself and him Suddenly realized that he was far from being as good as king Qin He has been standing tall and upright for so many years, which is by no means a false reputation Now, he is like a commanding general, planning strategies She sighed secretly that if she had known this, she should have put down all the burden and cooperated with him How many detours did you take and how much did you pay by acting alone and impulsively?

"Girl, what do you think? It's as difficult as heaven to kill Zhao Deji, but it's man-made. We can wait for an opportunity."

Of course, she knew that Zhao Deji was far different from Qin Hui and Wang Junhua. It was not done overnight. Even in this life, there was only a chance in case But she was calm now The road always comes out. The living must live first

"Girl, you have many tricks. In the future, if you help me, we will be better."

She held her hand at the corner of her mouth and smiled deeply. Knowing his intentions, he always made himself feel that he was so important and indispensable Isn't that good? Isn't it good for a woman to rely on a man and him?

King Qin saw her meditating, With a hearty smile, "the enemy advances and retreats, the enemy is tired and fights, and the superior forces are concentrated to annihilate the enemy each. (Khan, this is Grandpa Mao's famous strategy. However, China has always been the originator of guerrilla warfare, and there have been many classic cases of this kind since ancient times. Hee hee, quoted here, it's not too much. You don't need to delve into it.) . Over the past year, we have been fighting guerrillas with Jin Jun. Yue Pengju's array has given me a lot of inspiration Lao Tzu used to despise Confucian scholars. It seems that reading really has great benefits. For example, Yue Pengju, who is versatile, is better than me; For another example, if you are not able to read and write, this art of war will be lost, and there will be no good things... "He was in high spirits," when you go back, please ask a gentleman to teach xiaohutou. When we have a little girl, we should also study, and we should study better than you... "

Hua Rong saw that he suddenly shifted from the big strategy to the education of his little girl. The turning point of this span is too big, isn't it?

She smiled: "very proud? You can also understand the book of war..."

She was a little sarcastic. He touched his head, sneered, and whispered, "at that time, I wanted to write your name, so I asked my third uncle to teach me to read. Later, I learned some from Ma Su and others. Unfortunately, after more than ten years of learning, I didn't have much effort..."

Enough, enough Can't you already recite jiangchengzi? She smiled and stretched out her hand to trim his hair, which was slightly disordered by the wind: "it's not to be the number one in the exam, that's all."

Sweet, her sweet Also his sweetness He just giggled, full of power, as if everything around him could become a sharp weapon Love a person, unexpectedly has such a huge magic

"Girl, let's go back early..." he couldn't wait, vaguely imagining the appearance of his little girl, which was different from the feelings of xiaohutou, Lu Wenlong, etc. just imagining, the feelings were so strong, as if his blood was mixed drop by drop, casting into small, flower like little people

Her soft voice: "I found that there are still many disadvantages on the island. In the future, I will change those bad habits. Do you agree?"

"Xu, Xu, Xu. You are the queen of the island. You can change it as you want. Everything is up to you."

He has always had no objection to this. He is suitable for fighting, but not for comforting The people on the island need comfort, not repression This is fundamentally different from his half life experience

"Girl, when we get back, you can do whatever you want. Except don't be tired, everything is up to you."

She laughed from the bottom of her heart Once thought, I can't revenge, what else can I do?

Fight the world immediately and govern the world immediately Women are always more careful and rational in dealing with internal affairs Moreover, women are less "ambitious" (that is, greedy) and more willing to abide by the rules Therefore, where there are more women in senior officials, the politics will be clearer and the situation will be more harmonious (for example, modern Finland is the most incorruptible country in the world, because most of their cabinet ministers are women)

Looking back on the first half of his life, running around, maybe, fixed down, there will be another world, maybe

"Your Majesty, madam..."

Liu Wu hurried up and bowed with joy

Hua Rong smiled, calmly accepted his "madam", looked at his injured eye with blindfold, and said, "Liu Wu, you are really good, and a generation of famous generals are just like this."

"Thank you, madam. Thank you. It's a great honor for Liu Wu to be affirmed by madam."

"Haha, don't be polite to your wife. Get up quickly."

Liu Wu got up and looked at the smiling King Qin. He had never seen him so happy. Because of such an expression, all his ferocity disappeared, like a typical virtuous husband and father

"Liu Wu, how is the situation?"

"Return to your majesty. Now Jin Jun and Yelv Dayong have definite news and are rushing to xiangshishan. Of course, there are some other unclear forces, but they are insignificant..."

"Very good. How many people did you arrange and where?"

"A thousand troops and horses were deployed, all in accordance with your order. They were used as bait and swayed falsely. King, what should we do next?"

"Avoid its sharpness, arrange it well, set out tomorrow evening, crouch in the daytime and come out at night, and go to the pass."

"However, the fourth Prince has already been pressed into the border. This time, it is said that he came out in person and hailing was the pioneer. We are afraid it will not be so easy to leave..."

Hua Rong's heart sank Sure enough, I still had to fight with Jin Wushu

Qin Dawang laughed, "no, we won't touch him. Only 300 people were selected and pretended to be businessmen."

Liu Wu asked subconsciously, "king, don't you want this elite?"

"Yes! But we must start separately. Otherwise, we can't cross the pass of Jin Jun and song Jun."

Hua Rong suddenly said, "I have an idea."

"What attention?"

"Since last year, the two rivers have been dry, with no crops and refugees everywhere. We might as well take a shortcut, disguise ourselves as refugees fleeing famine, mix them, and completely avoid the eyes and ears of the song state."

"Good idea. We want to cross the Liao border, so do it."

After the discussion, King Qin deployed again. Seeing that it was late, but he had no time to rest, he immediately began to arrange for the trip Fortunately, it was prepared early. By the evening of the next day, everything was sorted out. The team was divided into five small teams, which were divided into parts and disguised as various business trips

King Qin and his party finally set out on the road The number of people in their line of work was at least 100, disguised as caravans that were very active on the border of the three countries at that time Those caravans are basically bandits, with strong armed forces. They not only host a large number of livestock transactions, but also sell tea, trinkets and other things Years of war, border trade is almost closed, but women really need mainland tea, salt, iron and other things; Song also needed war horses. Therefore, the two countries basically opened their eyes and closed their eyes. It was by them that they maintained a little integration and exchange

King Qin disguised himself as a caravan leader, which made him less noticeable Hua Rong also wore a strong suit and pretended to be the deputy of King Qin She wore a gray headscarf, painted her face with a specially prepared yellow, and stuck a small moustache on her mouth. She looked completely like a small man with a sallow face

On this day, the journey was very smooth, and I had arrived at a small town in front of me It was getting late, and everyone found a small shop to rest

This is a small street with a long history. It is full of the smell of wine, sweat and all kinds of milk tea horse wine. Some homeless wild dogs are running to look for bones in the smelly ditch. Some bony old horses are walking on the road... The whole street is shabby and dirty, but lively

Three schools and nine streams, North and South merchants, crowded every room here, every inn Some old dilapidated houses are burning with smoke. The waiter is squinting and dozing all year round, full of eye droppings. The appearance makes you uncomfortable to look at it more than once, but don't underestimate it. It's full of gamblers, and there are small mountains of chips on the table. It's not surprising to win or lose 10000 or 20000 silver after a big bet Their money is full of blood and adventure, so they always come and go quickly

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