One Night Bride

Chapter 589

He breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had closed a room of ghosts, which was the root of racial hatred. At best, it could also be closed! Just, can you?

The star has risen, and the sky is so lonely It was the lonely voice of the singing dancer, faint, infinitely sad, infinitely melancholy, as if the years were old, as if the spring was no longer, as if life had reached the point where there was no attachment:

Outside the curtain, the rain is gurgling, and spring is waning Luo quilt can't stand the colder days I didn't know in my dream that I was a guest, and I had a good time

Don't lean on the fence alone, infinite rivers and mountains, it's easy to see and difficult to see when you leave Flowing water and falling flowers, spring also goes, heaven and earth

The sound came from the lobby of Jingyuan village Tonight, a grand banquet was held here, partly to celebrate Hailing's victory and partly to inspire the soldiers who went to war

After the great disaster of Jingkang, a large number of palace maids and civilian maids died near Yanshan, lost and wandered among the people At that time, zongwang, persuaded by Princess Maud, chose some little girls who could not make a living to stay. They were both domestic slaves and geisha who raised them for fun later Naturally, these little girls are carefully selected and clever. After raising them for these years, they have just grown to the age of huaguduo. However, zongwang has already died and can't enjoy it As a result, they were taken over by local garrison officials and became their playthings

Over the years, Nuzhen aristocrats have also enjoyed the pleasure style of the scholar bureaucrats in the Song Dynasty. Without song and dance, they cannot become a formal banquet The local officials stationed in the local area heard that the fourth prince came and it was a celebration banquet. How dare they not prepare carefully?

He carefully selected eight geisha to play, sing and dance with the banquet, which won the unanimous favor of these Nvzhen generals. All of them admired that the beauty of the Southern Dynasty was indeed far better than the rough women of the northern country

In particular, there are two 15-year-old young girls, twin sisters The wonderful person who just bloomed in huaguduo, who is good at singing and dancing, is graceful and colorful, and almost attracts the attention of Jin Wushu at the first glance Although other generals are not blind, they all like these two people, but who dares to compete with the fourth prince?

Jin Wushu has been depressed these days. His wife is in Yanjing. He is a man in his prime. He is energetic and can't spend a long night alone So, let those two young girls sleep this night They had already been trained, and naturally they used all their skills to flatter him Only men can understand the super graceful situation of twin sisters, and the best climax of life is just like this After ecstasy, Jin Wushu was relaxed, his troubles dispersed, and he fell asleep. Unexpectedly, he was awakened by a wild cat in the middle of the night, and somehow walked out recklessly, before he accidentally ran into Lu Wenlong

At this time, when I heard the song, I found that after I left, those generals and local officials were still drunk And the woman who sang the song somehow chose such a song

At this moment, so untimely

The song has become an epilogue, curling in the dark night, following a silent rain with a faint spring

Lu Wenlong listened carefully. For the first time, he knew that such sadness should belong to adults. At this time, he was like a sentimental teenager, like a young scholar in the south of the Yangtze River. His eyebrows and corners of his eyes were full of doubts: "Dad, this is also Su Dongpo's poem?"

No, this is not Su Dongpo This is a poem by another subjugated Emperor Li Yu

As if it were a wonderful irony, Li Yu's world was killed by the ancestors of Zhao and song Taizu After his Empress Xiao Zhou, he was raped and insulted by Zhao Guangyi, Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty, and was painted as a spring palace, leaving his "great achievements" that cannot be erased forever!

Now, it is Huizong of Song Dynasty and qinzong of Song Dynasty who have died miserably one after another. The imperial concubines and concubines of the state of song are tossing and turning under the body of Jin Jun, moaning in pain, and countless humiliations that cannot be washed away by tears

Infinite rivers and mountains, easy to see and difficult to see at different times, Song people are like this, generation after generation regret, generation after generation repeat the mistakes Li Yu died in the hands of Zhao; Song Huizong's father and son were destroyed in the hands of Jin people. How should they be reincarnated next time?

Jin Wushu's face changed dramatically, and he heard it very harsh. He left. These generals dared to continue their endless pleasure Suddenly realized that over the years, the entire military discipline and combat effectiveness of Da Jin have been rapidly degenerated. The more border areas, the more close they are to the former song army Because of remoteness, loneliness, bitter cold, and being too far away from his family, he is more unscrupulous

In those days, when the battle came, the general still held the beautiful concubine Ji and drank alcohol. What's the difference between today's Da Jin? It's true from the combination of thorns to oneself, from top to bottom

Lu Wenlong asked again, very curious: "Dad, whose song did they sing?"

Jin Wushu didn't answer, but rushed over with a big stride and went straight to the direction of the song

Lu Wenlong also immediately followed up

Several bodyguards saw the fourth Prince angry and panicked, chasing him to the hall. Sure enough, a room full of drunk people were sleeping soundly, with filthy carpets and wine fumes. From local officials to generals, they were staggering, salivating at the corners of their mouths, holding Geisha in their arms, and Miaoling geisha also fell asleep, with messy temples and clothes

Only an elderly singer sat in the middle with her lute in her arms, playing with the end of the tune She was also tired. She could see that she was not young, and there were crow's feet between the corners of her eyebrows and eyes. The powder on her face was washed away late at night, revealing her yellow skin and infinite haggard She just casually and perfunctorily fiddled with the pipa in her arms, leaving a lingering sound

This woman's real name has long been forgotten. Everyone calls her "Alan". She is a prostitute in the Jingkang disaster Because of old age, I am only responsible for teaching those little singers But what she committed herself to was the local official stationed there, his concubine, so she was able to attend today's dinner

Jin Wushu's angry voice rang over the heads of the officials: "disobey orders, bustle in the middle of the night, pull out and kill!"

The crowd suddenly woke up, and they didn't know whether the fourth prince was going to kill himself or a singer. With a plop, they knelt down and said, "spare your life, fourth Prince..."

"Pull this bitch out!"

With a bang, Alan's lute fell to the ground, and the geisha were stunned, kneeling on the ground and crying bitterly

"The fourth Prince spare your life, and the little ones will never dare again..."

"The fourth Prince forgives..."

Jin Wushu's eyes fell on Alan. These beautiful and withered women were old, spoiled and relaxed, and their status was very low. Naturally, their hearts were full of resentment She is deliberately, deliberately sing the so-called "infinite rivers and mountains, it is easy to see when you leave, but difficult when you leave"! Because those Jin Jiang couldn't understand what she was singing at all. Yi Yi, as long as it sounded good

How dare this bitch tease the golden man so much, and how dare she openly satirize the ignorance of the golden man

He was angry and hateful. He really wanted to kill all these wine bags

Suddenly I remembered that the use of troops was imminent, and the killing of generals was ominous Looking at these frightened faces, they have been the generals who have followed them for many years. Now Dajin talents are withering. They are really killed, and their successors are indeed weak

"The fourth prince, spare your life... Spare your life... The little ones must be guilty and meritorious..."

Jin Wushu still couldn't control his anger. Pointing at Alan, all his anger was vented on her: "pull out this bitch and kill her."

Even the local official was stunned, stuttered and incoherently said, "fourth prince, fourth Prince forgive me..." as soon as his eyes touched the sharp eyes of the fourth prince, he dared not beg for mercy any more

Alan's eyes were not so constricted, but full of resentment, as if he had lived enough and suffered enough, and he had no longer lingered on life


The sound of "kill" rang overhead Lu Wenlong looked at Dad's ferocious expression in the slightly dew morning light - so ferocious, as if he had never known a stranger, with a touch of malice It's as simple as saying "kill" means "eat"

Jin Wushu seemed to be aware of his son's eyes, but he said to the crowd: "it's a great violation of discipline to disturb the morale of the army on the eve of the war. This is the practice of military justice..." he didn't know why he wanted to explain, and he was still flustered and very embarrassed

Lu Wenlong bowed his head, but other generals breathed a sigh of relief It's not a pity to die a singer, as long as you and others are all right Moreover, they are secretly unconvinced. In recent years, isn't everyone like this? Which time is not a war of life and death? The day when the blade licks blood, is it not for the enjoyment of women's treasures? What's so strange about being happy when you are happy?

The two soldiers went out with Alan, who was already paralyzed. Alan walked to the door and suddenly struggled to turn around. He looked at Jin Wushu fiercely and shouted: "the four princes who killed thousands of knives, the damned golden dogs, and the shameless people of selfless Song Dynasty, you must die hard. In the next life, even if the slave family becomes fierce, the ghost will come to you for revenge..."

Jin Wushu was stunned and suddenly remembered the snowy day when Princess Tianwei was killed in the Wumen vegetable market Tianwei cursed like this, full of resentment

He was about to drink "stop", but his mouth was not open. The two soldiers raised their knives and fell. The smell of blood flashed in the air. Ah Hua fell to the ground and fell into silence

Everyone retreated in a hurry, leaving only father and son standing in the empty Jingyuan villa

Lu Wenlong looked at Dad and found his eyes very flustered and dim His eyes are also very flickering, thinking of that "Lu Deng" - no, he is perfect Lu Wenlong There is also the word "perfect face" in front of me Once, he questioned why his name was so long. Dad said, isn't pruhu long? Wanyan pruhu! That used to be the number one real power faction of Daikin

Lu Deng is just a Song Dynasty man I also have the word "perfect face" in front of my name This is also the reason why he gave up his mother at that time - not giving up, but not daring to go to strange places and places of Song people

But, with vague doubts in his heart, who is LUDEN? This ambiguity did not dare to say it again, and it kept stirring in my mind, like a pot of scorched paste

Jin Wushu had completely calmed down, and his eyes became very strict: "Wen long, going to war is no joke, you go back immediately!"

Lu Wenlong suddenly opened his mouth, and his tone was very strange: "Dad, I'm here. In fact, I have another important thing to report to you. It's just that you're having a dinner at night, and I'm not free, so I didn't come to you, so I almost forgot..."

"What is it?"

"Twenty eight women gave birth to a son..."

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