One Night Bride

Chapter 590

He said "28 mother gave birth to a son", not a "brother", and his tone was so alienated Jin Wushu's mouth was full of ecstasy, but somehow, he couldn't laugh Since their sons died of illness, although there are still several daughters, their daughters have always been humble. The water poured by the married women is not one of them. They are worried that they will soon be "Queen", so naturally, they are eager to have their own sons But he didn't have much impression of the 28th lady. It was a young woman presented by Bohai Sea. It was not so beautiful as youth And she can't play and sing, can't have any elegance, and even can't read. He only trusted her and never got along with her again for half a month Unexpectedly, she was pregnant and had a baby

He looked at Lu Wenlong's face, somehow, there was a hint of flattery, and panic: "son, you have a brother, he will respect you very much in the future, and someone will play with you, aren't you happy?"

"No! I'm not happy at all!"

Lu Wenlong is outspoken. He is not used to lying, nor does he know how to look at Dad's face


"You always flatter other women while saying that you are happy with your mother and treat her well!"

Jin Wushu's face turned red and white for the first time in his life, as if he had been slapped in the face by someone, hard and without hesitation He struggled and angry: "son, you are still young, you don't understand! It's normal for men to have three wives and four concubines. We have a small population and need warriors to fight. Therefore, men try to marry more wives and have more sons to expand the population of the country. This is a contribution to the country! Son, when you grow up, you will also marry many wives and have many sons!"

This time, it was Lu Wenlong's turn to gape No, it's not In the days of elong Town, grassland and savage tribe, my mother told me many stories, but my mother didn't say so

Jin Wushu tried to convince his son that he was still a teenager and didn't understand anything His tone was more gentle: "Son, you don't understand this. When you grow up, you will naturally know it. A good man must not be limited to his own small family, and everything must be considered for the national interests. A little love and a small talk, just a little man's ordinary behavior. You will grow up slowly. My father is already considering marrying you. In a few years, I will let you marry two girls from noble families as your first wife, and then you can marry other women you like as concubines to open branches and leaves for our fourth Prince's residence..."

"No!" Lu Wenlong didn't listen to him at all, Suddenly refute loudly: "No! Yue's father is only his mother. I saw it with my own eyes when I was in elong town. My mother said that Yue's father once served as a nun of the song state, and he didn't have many women. My mother told me that someone once sent him a concubine, and he also retreated, saying that he only liked his mother. If he took a concubine again, it would hurt his mother's heart. At that time, my mother told me that if Yue's father took a concubine, she would divorce Yue's father... You know 'divorce' What does it mean? " He was confident, "Dad Yue doesn't take concubines, doesn't the song state need to develop its population? Moreover, I saw Wang Anshi's life at home a few days ago, and Wang Anshi only has one wife. Dad, you said that the song people you most admire are Su Dongpo and Wang Anshi, isn't Wang Anshi also a vulgar little man? I already understand why my mother doesn't want to stay, I told you, but you don't listen..."

The child is still talking and telling his confusion these days The boy suddenly became an eloquent speaker, asking and forcing every sentence

Jin Wushu only heard the words "Yue a'di"! It's a huge shadow, forever hanging over my head Yue Pengju, who wins every battle and is loved by others! He even married only one wife all his life! Become the most perfect moral model of Song people! These are all instilled by Hua Rong into Lu Wenlong! Even those words are the original words she taught him. Otherwise, how can his child understand these?! It's her! I knew she had ulterior motives! She deliberately hypocritically let her son make his own choices, but she didn't realize that she had already instilled these demonic thoughts into her son, which were deep-rooted, such as a time bomb that would explode at any time

When did the feud between father and son begin to breed?

After the flowers come to the grassland? When Qin Hui was assassinated?

Jin Wushu's hand trembled slightly and could not be contained. He raised his hand again and slapped him severely However, he breathed heavily, forcibly suppressed his rage, and managed to maintain his final Harmony: "son, you go, go..."

Lu Wenlong stared at him, very stubborn, as if he were a bison. "Dad, you must answer my last question, and I'll go right away. You said, did you save mom?"

PS: exhausted, take a day off, tomorrow night at this time is not more; 10000 words on Saturday night; That 10000 words, I will have a good brewing, which is also a recent climax

Jin Wushu stepped back and said coldly, "how dare you be selfish if you want to benefit the country!"

Sure enough! The ominous premonition came true Lu Wenlong thought of that night. Dad suddenly had a whim to play the piano and asked him to drink with him Then mom came He seemed to know that his mother was coming I still remember when my mother first came, she said, "thank you, fourth prince." Dad replied, "I didn't do anything for you." At that time, he only thought it was his father's politeness for fear that others would know Now I know, not at all The mysterious golden general in Hailing's mouth is really not Dad No wonder, like Dad, who always puts the interests of Da Jin first, how can he save his mother? impossible!

He suddenly felt sad. He didn't know whether it was for himself or for his mother. It was just incomparable sadness At this moment, I already understood that even my mother thought that the mysterious Jin would be dad, otherwise, she wouldn't ask that Even, he thought, that night, mom not only came to take her, but also wanted to thank dad Thank him for saving his life

However, like my mother, I misunderstood and completely misunderstood Because they all think that the mysterious golden general who can mobilize the abduction horse must be dad undoubtedly It's really because of this that he decided to choose Dad that night!

Regret! Panicked regret!

Just like this, he is even more pitiful to his mother Because even my mother didn't know that it was impossible for my father to save her in front of the "big festival" This is different from the treatment of savage tribes Recovering the savage tribe is good for Dajin, while assassinating Qin Hui is not good for Dajin

Dad! What a great dad

At that time, it was for this reason that I felt grateful for Dad's good deeds, worshipped his nobility, and felt that it was the biggest hero and the most famous man I had ever seen in my life. Therefore, I had the determination and choice at that moment - staying in the kingdom of Jin is my hometown! Stay with Dad, that's your idol!

At that moment, even mom couldn't match

Dad's tenderness, Dad's piano sound, Dad's tenderness when cooking tea... The youth's heart feels that the word "perfect face" is supreme

Wanyan luwenlong

Lu Wenlong

He became more and more frightened. "Lu Deng, a righteous man of the great Song Dynasty", "Mrs. Lu, a woman of the great song festival"... Two holy cards kept flashing in his mind, intertwined into a tangled net, tangled and tangled, which was unbearable at his age Not at all!

Vaguely, who is that?

Who are they?

He slapped his head hard, completely unconscious, trying to wake himself up

Jin Wushu said in a deep voice, "Wen long, what's the matter with you?"

He woke up with a start in the sound

Lu Wenlong approached one step: "so, mom really wasn't saved by you!?"

Jin Wushu's voice was a little difficult, but he was still very calm: "I will never do anything detrimental to Da Jin!"

Lu Wenlong was breathless and speechless Father and son were deadlocked For a long time, his face showed a sad look, and his eloquent tone disappeared. He was very disappointed, and his tone was depressed: "Dad, the big truth you told me is always the opposite. You also said Qin Hui was a big villain. However, what did you say is that for the benefit of Dajin, even my mother did not save! What does this have to do with Dajin's interests?"

"Wen long! If you grow up and stand in my position, you will do the same!"

"Sure enough! You really didn't pay attention to your mother. But you still kept saying that you were good to your mother..."

Jin Wushu said, "I think it's better to treat your mother than other women in the world..."

The teenager shook his head sadly, "I used to think so. Although my mother said that you didn't like her, she said that what you like is a kind of 'conquest', just like conquering the state of song..." the teenager couldn't understand it, and my mother didn't explain it again. Therefore, he was very confused. Why did my father treat my mother so well, my mother still wanted to leave, and still often said good words to my father

Being good to a person is not icing on the cake, giving her a lot of gold, silver and jewelry, but like her mother, she has to protect herself with her life in every big difficulty

Dad has never done this for his mother! Never!

Dad, the fourth Prince of the golden Kingdom, always gives some small, hands-on help within the scope of his leisurely control; When he really needs to pay a huge price, he will never be willing!

Absolutely not!

He was in a leisurely trance, thinking, who is that mysterious golden general?

However, he soon forgot this: "I used to think that my mother was biased against you... Now I know, it's really not!"

Jin Wushu's eyes gradually showed a trace of anger and painstakingly: "son, a man must make the most favorable choice to survive in the world, do something or not. Just like Lu Deng, a righteous man in the Song Dynasty, who would rather die for the festival than go against the interests of the song state. Besides, I am the fourth Prince of Da Jin, and I can't go against the festival..."


Lu Wenlong quickly interrupted his words, and his voice was very fierce: "Dad, what do you say about the interests of Da Jin? In fact, it's because Hailing they always impeach you and covet your position. Even the wolf Lord doesn't absolutely trust you. You have many political enemies. You want to be Prime Minister Zuo, marshal Du, who will be high all your life, for fear of being caught by them, so you don't save your mother..."

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