One Night Bride

Chapter 591

Jin Wushu was dizzy and his ears almost rotted It's almost certain that this is what Huarong taught. It's Huarong!

Child, how can you say such a thing?

In fact, it was taught by King Qin It was when King Qin came to see him in the savage tribe that he told him As long as king Qin listens to him say "Daddy", he will take great pains to lose Jin Wu's skill He talked about many secrets of Jin Wushu, such as how to kill Zonghan, a general who is the best at fighting in the kingdom of Jin and has a higher status and seniority strategy than him, how to kill the Hercules Valley God who created the Nuzhen script, how to kill his brother Zong Jun for hegemony, and how much property looted during the southern invasion was hidden in his home, and how to manage his baichengzi independent kingdom privately. He had no intention

King Qin and Jin Wushu are natural enemies. Naturally, they always take the trouble to slander Jin Wushu. Even a point can be said to be ten. Besides, those facts exist, but he is not really framed by Jin Wushu And he talked more about the Huaiyang massacre, the Zhuxian Town Massacre... How the righteous fourth Prince killed ordinary people in the Song Dynasty, and how many women were humiliated by him, and even his wife, nine times out of ten, were all prisoners of war trophies of various countries

The child heard it harshly. He always felt that this villain deliberately belittled his father and said bad things about his father. Therefore, no matter how King Qin gave him gadgets and taught him martial arts to please him, he hated King Qin very much

However, King Qin was good at telling stories, and his mouth was foaming. Especially when he talked about the past of playing tricks on Jin Wushu, he was very happy. Lu Wenlong was no longer satisfied, but he heard it very strange It's just that he's slandering him because his mother didn't say this in front of him My mother often talked about the heroic past of "Yue a'di", and I always heard his blood boiling

In contrast, naturally, it is only when King Qin is telling a story

I remember the last time I saw King Qin, he stared: "smelly boy, one day, you will find that your golden Wushu father is a big jackal. This is the most hypocritical person in the world. He is the best at acting, and you have been deceived. One day, you will regret it, and you will see his true face..."

His reaction at that time was to grab a stone and throw it at King Qin, shouting at him: "bad guy, you are a big bad guy." He didn't even call "Uncle" anymore, and even his gadgets were not strange: "get out, I don't want to see you again."

However, subconsciously, I heard too much, and I always vaguely believed it. Even if I didn't believe it, I was a little worried. At the bottom of my heart, I was a little shaken, a little afraid, a little unbelievable - in case, in case dad was really like this, what should I do?

Therefore, when I heard that my father didn't save my mother on the first day of junior high school, I was so disappointed, so angry, and even easily turned against my father

Now, I understand that what king Qin said is true Even if he doesn't understand, he knows it's true

How dare you be selfish if you want to benefit the country? What's the matter with killing Zong Han and Zong Jun? Also for the country? What's the matter with so much property at home? Also for the country?

All the standards of dad are noble! But it's all up to him to explain. The power of explanation belongs to him, and he will always stand on his rational side

Then, he heard Dad's sharp voice: "Wen long, how many bad words did your mother tell you about me?"

He stood still and fell into a strange circle of life, which was completely beyond the depth of thinking of a teenager of his age - half of his acceptance came from King Qin, and half of his opposition came from dad

Suddenly, he was angry: "it's all king Qin's fault, and it's all the bad guy's uncle..." all the resentment focused on King Qin. It was this bad guy who, repeatedly and deeply rooted, knocked down the biggest, deepest and dearest idol in his mind

His father, the great father

Also felt incredible, "you see, Dad, you don't know your mother. My mother has never spoken ill of you to me. She always told me to listen to you, saying that the person you care about most in the world is me... Said the bad uncle..."

Jin Wushu was also completely irritated by this "bad uncle", and immediately realized that it was not Hua Rong, but this shameless pirate The flame in his chest is burning. King Qin is always playing with his despicable tricks and slandering, just like a gossip, the most vicious gossip

From the whole box of green hats to the sky full of Green Tortoise fireworks, to the huge Green Tortoise banner, and then to plagiarizing their own wrongs in front of children, twice, threeorfour times... Everyone's mouth makes money and destroys their bones. It turns out that the child has already been poisoned by him

King Qin, a garbage, seems to be his natural nemesis. He can do anything that any man with a little integrity can't do

The bones in his hands made a noise, and old hatred and new hatred rushed to the bottom of his heart, almost making his body burn quickly, more than hating Yue Pengju Yue Pengju was at least a public enemy at that time. He and King Qin were completely private and unbearable humiliation

"Wen long, King Qin is just a despicable pirate. He rapes, rapes, commits all kinds of crimes, and lies and rumors are his specialty..."

Lu Wenlong's voice was even louder: "however, he went to save his mother; hailing and Xia Zha both said that when his mother went to kill Qin Hui, he went to save his mother and took her away... I heard it with my own ears, but you, you didn't!"

Jin Wushu suddenly realized that he shouldn't talk to children about these useless things

"Dad, bad uncle... Er, King Qin, he also said..."

"I don't want to hear any more rumors about him..."

"King Qin said that once in a naval battle, you ordered to shoot my mother and wanted to kill my mother..." he said in one breath, "this is not a rumor made by King Qin?"

Jin Wushu's teeth clenched Really, King Qin, he is not Yue Pengju; He is not even Zhao Deji! He is not any kind of political enemy of Jin Guo!

He is more despicable than all the above people combined

Meanness is the pass of the meaner, and the meaner can be invincible


Jin Wushu shouted violently, "come, send the little prince back to Yanjing immediately without any delay."

Two bodyguards came forward, one on the left and one on the right, standing beside Lu Wenlong

Lu Wenlong was disappointed to hold his long gun, and his face was still hot. At this moment, he felt that dad was really too strange, becoming more and more strange How important it is to mobilize abducted horses. No wonder hailing and others can't find dad's "criminal evidence"! For this reason, he secretly liked dad's wisdom and worshipped his clever plan. In the child's heart, for the sake of his relatives, the greatest view of right and wrong is Killing a villain should also be applauded. On the contrary, it is unforgivable to watch and encourage the villain to do evil

However, false, these are wishful thinking

It's not him at all. How to check?

The great image of father collapsed and collapsed in my mind At one time, the fourth prince was the greatest hero, the greatest moral model, and his idol... That was his father!

But why is it not?

"Send the little prince on the road right away. If there is any mistake, the military court will engage in."

He suddenly remembered his father's previous "kill" and killed the singer. That's what he said. If he didn't kill, he would "engage in military justice" Everything about dad is famous

Jin Wushu dared not look at his strange eyes and was deeply afraid. How could a child have such terrible eyes? The child suddenly changed into a stranger That look, terrible - he suddenly shivered, as if Lu Deng stood in front of him, dead in his eyes, the body refused to fall, how also refused, such a look

If you are not of our race, your heart will be different

If the child knew that he was his enemy who killed his father and mother - he was in a cold sweat and dared not think about it anymore Turning around, I was unsteady and wanted to run away for the first time, escaping from an uncontrollable environment

Even the fourth prince, who is in power, sometimes cannot hold it

Lu Wenlong stared at Dad. Two soldiers came forward and pulled him. He suddenly waved his hand. This time, he exerted great force, and a soldier was waved and staggered

"Don't touch me, I'll go myself!"

Jin Wushu avoided his eyes and only felt a chill into the bone marrow

Lu Wenlong strode away with theout calling him for first time The two soldiers followed suit and escorted him

Looking back, dad was gone, and a horn sounded, which was the sound of going to war In the morning wind, the abductors and horses lined up in a square formation and drove away in teams He knew that this was Dajin's most elite team. This trip was to catch the bad uncle and perhaps his mother

I wish, I wish mom wouldn't be with that bad uncle If we are together, dad will never let her go!

Dad, this time, I really want to kill my mother!

His heart was beating wildly, and he was dizzy. He didn't know what to do at all Only praying, mother must not be with the big villain King Qin

If so, there is Jin Wu Shu

I hope Hua Rong will never be with that pirate leader However, intuition and experience told him that it was impossible. They must be together King Qin chased here all the way and led the savages to rescue. It was not a trick

The army is under the city. This time, it is not a city, but a more powerful guerrilla war than a city Originally, the song army was not good at guerrilla warfare. They were good at storming and guarding the high walls of the city, and lacked the tradition of taking the initiative to attack Those who are good at guerrilla warfare are nomads or bandits, bandits and green forest forces Fight if you can win, and run if you can't win

But king Qin, he is not a regular army of the song army. He is a robber. He has been immersed in guerrilla warfare for 20 or 30 years. He has been stronger than the regular army in the fight with all kinds of bandits, song army and Jin army in hundreds of wars, large and small

Jin Wushu fought with him many times around Yanjing. He escaped several good opportunities because he was particularly good at this damn guerrilla war Jin Wushu is no stranger to such a battle What I'm afraid of is that he has to be more thorough in guerrilla warfare: if he runs away alone, he won't be able to catch him

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