One Night Bride

Chapter 592

However, King Qin would never run like this. He trained thousands of elites, especially the silver As much as 150000 Liang, it is not so easy to pass under the eyes of the defenders of the song and Jin Dynasties King Qin can give up everything, but he will never give up

When he first got the exact news of the treasure, he was also surprised and immediately sent Hailing to attack However, he also knew that maybe it was just a bait. King Qin had always been like this. At the beginning, he didn't believe that King Qin's treasure would be so easy to find

Sure enough, because of this delay, King Qin estimated that he had just escaped the pursuit and search of the Jin army along the way and had rushed to the border King Qin was indeed a tough character, but he forgot who he was fighting with It's his turn to plot. He's just a pirate It's not so easy to play tricks in front of yourself

There was no bump on the horse's back. He was as tired as today, as if he could not bear the burden War is also a load Behind him, Wu Qimai and other bodyguards looked at him anxiously, completely unaware of what had happened Originally, the battle at the pass was not as good as that at the mountain. Da Jin sent a large number of abducted horses to deal with King Qin. It was already killing chickens. How could the fourth Prince be worried?

Like all Jin armies, Wu Qimai almost holds the hope of complete victory, and many checkpoints have been added at the border. Even a fly can't fly out. Why should he be afraid of King Qin?

Looking from the back, he saw the fourth prince riding on the horse, his eyes closed tiredly, slightly, as if asleep Fourth prince, why?

The wind, the dew, the grass and the sun all the way - this is still a mountain road with trees, and the dew on the grass wet the horse's hooves; Jin Wushu was on the horse's back, bowed his head, and a slanting branch swept over his head, dripping cold dew Suddenly remembered Su Dongpo's words:

Ice flesh and jade bones, cool and sweat free The wind in the water hall is full of fragrance The embroidered curtain is open, and the bright moon peeps at people; Before sleeping, people lean on pillows and hairpins, and their hair is in disorder

Get up and hold your hands. The court is silent. Sometimes you see the sparse stars and the river and the Han How about night? It is already three o'clock in the night, the golden waves are light, and the jade rope turns low But when will the west wind come, and don't tell fleeting years secretly change

What flashed in front of me was the woman who served tea with slender hands and beautiful eyes in the teahouse in Kaifeng City. The elegance of such a lush girl was restrained and only gentle Da Jin woman has thick hands and feet. When he roughly reads this word, it is difficult to imagine what "ice flesh and jade bone" is, but after that time, he understands

She is equal to all the beautiful poems, such as Tang and Song poems

With a beautiful shadow and a wisp of soft fragrance, it is the figure of King Qin, rough, hateful, full of violence and ridicule - Wushu live turtle! Wushu live turtle!

His image overlaps, concealing her, and even merging into one The devil possessed her. She was possessed by the devil

"Kill, kill King Qin!"

"Kill, kill Hua Rong!!!"

He shouted and suddenly woke up

"Fourth prince, don't worry, King Qin will not run away."

He was stunned. He had been pretending to sleep just now Was haunted by a nightmare I was so tired on horseback It turns out that I'm really old He thought, Lu Wenlong has been pitying his mother, but who will pity himself?

Wu Qimai whispered with a smile, "congratulations to the fourth prince, you have successors. The little prince is still waiting for you to go back..."

He didn't say anything, but his heart immediately felt comforted If Wu Qimai had said so in the past, he would have stopped it, but today, he just glanced at the bodyguard gratefully. After all, he is an old servant who has been following for a long time. More or less, he knows his heart best, which is more intimate than all women

Before despair comes, there is a glimmer of hope. After all, blood is thicker than water Maybe this is the greatest comfort of God to yourself?

Jin Wushu's mouth showed a smile and hatred, as if the culprit of all this was king Qin. As long as you kill King Qin, everything will stop Just like killing Yue Pengju at the beginning, the world was at peace He held the reins tightly, and with a whip, the horse galloped forward

This time, no matter how you want to catch King Qin, you must kill King Qin for both public and private!

The more forward, the more flat and desolate the terrain is

Occasionally a tall tree was gnawed bare, and now even the groundhog could not see it In front of the empty sentry, there was no one, and it was easy to come and go However, today, it is obviously guarded by the Jin army According to the experience of King Qin for many years, just wait for entering the black, sneak attack can succeed, and forcibly break out

The crowd stopped, chose the most hidden position, the highest point, and waited for night to break out

Hua Rong stood on the highland and looked ahead from a distance. In his line of sight, there were already rolling mountains within the border of the song state The sky is so blue, and the clouds are fluttering She suddenly remembered her hometown, with beautiful mountains and rivers, and a flowing river in front of it, full of wild reeds When the reeds are ripe, pick a handful of reed flowers and hold them in your hand. Blow a breath at them, and they will spread like snowflakes in the sky Many little girls of the same age are chasing and running, carefree, like chasing colorful clouds one by one Colorful clouds and poplars fill the sky. What a beautiful scene. I have been living such a beautiful life for many years

I have forgotten such a day for many years The family perished before the country, and the husband also died. In fact, there is nothing to miss about the state of song Just, why should I think of my hometown at this time?

She looked at the mountains in the distance, rolling and shadowy She thought it was better than staying in the golden kingdom She thought that the ocean was better than the kingdom of gold, not to mention her own son and her own blood

Beside her, King Qin was looking at the terrain, thinking about how to escape this disaster most effectively He looked back, and saw that she just lowered her head, revealing a large section of snow-white neck, slender, soft, with a little sad His eyes suddenly widened, his pupils narrowed slightly, and his whole body suddenly became hot and dry, and he wanted to bite gently at that snow white

Hua Rong heard his thick breathing sound, raised his head, touched his hot eyes, blushed, and whispered angrily, "are you stupid?"

He laughed and quietly held her hand: "girl, I can't wait to get married."


His voice was extremely soft: "girl, after this, we will find little tiger head. Are you happy?"

She smiled like a flower, as if she saw her son's fat little hands, soft voice, and called "Mom, Mom", which was the blood of her own and Peng Ju. She would never leave him in the future He must be brought up well, worthy of his father's lifetime fame

I want to return to the state of song, because there are still tombs of my husband That's why I have to go back so urgently

She suddenly dared not look at the fiery eyes of King Qin. Until this time, how could she forget the fiery and tragic figure? Originally, after so much experience, I thought I could be indifferent! Originally, no? Never forgotten? For the beloved, how can you forget it after a lifetime of poverty?

She was slightly flustered, changed the topic, and sighed again: "it's a pity that Wenlong..."

King Qin also had nothing to say, and thought to himself that the boy had told him so many despicable things about Jin Wu Shu that he would not listen If you had known this, just tell him his life story

"Alas, I really regret it. If I had known this, I'd better tell him Jin Wushu's face. Jin Wushu is his enemy who kills his father and mother. See if he still follows that guy..."

But seeing Hua Rong's disapproving eyes, he laughed and stopped talking. Anyway, if this boy doesn't follow Hua Rong, it's his life, and no one can do anything

"Jin Wushu's treatment of children is really good. Let a child know hatred, but he can't revenge, and he won't have any fun in his future life. What good is that for him? Qin Shangcheng, fortunately, you didn't tell him."

"You repeatedly told me not to say, how dare I say?"

Hua Rong couldn't laugh or cry when she saw that he was still very sorry Looking down from the height here, she could even see the guard tower of Jin Jun in front of her After here, maybe you will never look back in your life As for Lu Wenlong, maybe he won't have a chance to see him again in his life

She was very disappointed. King Qin whispered, "girl, what are you thinking?"

She asked quietly, "are those silver coins safe?"

"Safe! It's a pity that I can't take the silk out, so I have to give it to Hailing..."

Most of the 250000 silk and 100000 silver fell into the hands of the Jin army King Qin originally hoped that if he couldn't take it away, Yelv would use it cheaply, but he didn't expect that Jin Jun's action was so rapid that Yelv didn't get much benefit at all They didn't know the war at this time, and Hua Rong felt a little regretful. The 250000 liang of silver and 250000 silk were the blood and sweat of thousands of people in the Song Dynasty, mostly from the taxes in the southeast As early as when Yue Peng was in the army, she knew that although the Jiangnan Fujian area was rich, the people's taxes were unimaginable. Even in a bumper harvest year, it was inevitable that they would be naked and hungry Why should they pay such huge silver to the kingdom of gold every year? Isn't it enough to plunder from the state of song in the past ten years?

According to her temperament, if only this batch of silver could be brought back to the state of song? You know, if the Jin people get one more point, they will increase their weapons and financial resources to massacre the song people Even if it is distributed to the civil heroes fighting against gold in the two rivers, or the refugees suffering from the severe drought, it is also good Unfortunately, we lost more than half of it first But if we don't lose, it's impossible to wait for others by ourselves

Seeing her chagrin, King Qin whispered, "girl, don't be chagrined. It's good that we can live."

In fact, she was not upset, so she said, "let's find a suitable and safe opportunity to share the silver with the victims of the two rivers?"

"It's up to you. Anyway, I haven't done anything good in my life. If you want to do it, you can do it." King Qin was in high spirits, "I also know a small anti gold leader in the area of the two rivers, who met unintentionally when fighting with the Jin army last winter. It's inconvenient for us to come forward. It's best to give him..."

She smiled and looked at him: "Qin Shangcheng, you are a great hero this time! You have done better than anything. After I go back, I will tell xiaohutou immediately. If he knew that his father was so heroic, I don't know how happy he would be..."

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