
Narakajima Castle.

Fang Xun climbed up the steps.

He looked at the Shogun's Mansion in front of him, and there was something strange that he couldn't explain.

It was just... very quiet,

so quiet that it made people feel a little flustered.

And the group of shogunate soldiers,

the garrison at this moment was much more than when Fang Xun first came to the castle tower, as if they were specially transferred from the military camp.

The group of people stood straight, tightly grasping the long guns in their hands, and everyone showed a serious expression, as if something big was about to happen.

In response, Fang Xun casually asked the shogunate general beside him: "That... what happened?"

The general said to Fang Xun politely: "Mr. Fang Xun, nothing happened."

"We just obeyed the order of the general to strengthen the patrol force of the castle tower."

"Please rest assured, Mr. Fang Xun, you will be safe in the castle tower."

As he spoke, a shogunate soldier hurried over to report.

"Sir, we have invited all the famous doctors in Inazuma."

"They will stay here and save people at any time!"

"Famous doctors? Save people?" Fang Xun was very confused.

The general of the shogunate army explained to Fang Xun: "Well, the general asked us to invite all the famous doctors in Inazuma to the castle tower."

"The general did not say who was sick, but just arranged for famous doctors to guard here in case of emergency."

"Although we don't know the deep meaning of the general's arrangement,"

"But the general must have her reasons for doing so. We, as subordinates, just need to obey orders."

With the explanation of the general of the shogunate army, and such a big posture,

Fang Xun suddenly felt that things were a bit complicated.

What on earth was the matter that required the transfer of a large number of shogunate troops and the arrangement of doctors to guard nearby?

Could it be that Ying had to cook, so he mobilized so many troops?

Apart from this possibility, Fang Xun really couldn't think of a second possibility.

Before, Yae Shenzi heard that Fang Xun was going to teach Ying how to cook, and told Fang Xun that he would not see him the next day, with a farewell tone in his voice.

At that time, Fang Xun thought Yae Shenzi was joking,

Now it seems that this is a road of no return.

At this time, a room in the castle tower opened from the inside to the outside,

The end of the deep and quiet corridor is the kitchen.

The voice of Lei Yingying came from inside: "Is it Fang Xun? Come in quickly."

The shogunate troops stepped back and made way for Fang Xun.

Fang Xun was also in a complicated mood. He promised to cook a meal, and he had to finish it with tears.

He strode towards the kitchen, every step was particularly firm, and he was ready to die.

A real man should face Lei Yingying's cooking skills!


In the distance, many residents also noticed the changes in the castle tower today.

After all, there were suddenly many more troops, and it was hard for people not to notice.

The people gathered together and talked about it.

Someone touched his chin and sighed: "Did the castle tower call in so many troops again? It's exactly the same as last time! Oh, there are many famous doctors this time?"

"Will it be like last time? We ordinary people should go home quickly to avoid disaster!"

The people who knew about it had already shown a look of fear and subconsciously stayed away from the castle tower.

Some people were still confused and puzzled, not knowing what was going on.

"Excuse me, what happened in the castle tower before? Why are you so scared?"

"It's easy to understand why the castle tower has strengthened its military strength? After all, it is the residence of the general. Are you a little too nervous?"

Fortunately, someone who knows the situation stopped and explained to those who were confused.

"One day before, there was a loud rumbling sound inside the castle tower. The loud sound was like a thunder in the sky, which scared all the people."

"Every household came out to check the situation and looked towards the castle tower in the direction of the sound."

"At that time, the castle tower was ablaze with flames and black smoke. The originally clear sky was also affected by thunder. Light swallowing!"

"You outsiders don't know how scary that scene was. It scared all the witnesses at that time!"

"Some people say that the general is studying the ultimate martial arts. Even the indestructible castle tower can't withstand the ultimate sword swing!"

"Others say that the general is showing his unparalleled divine power to scare monsters and protect the people of Inazuma."

"Anyway, don't stand there, retreat quickly,"

"We ordinary people can't bear the majesty of the general!"

As they talked, every household had closed their doors and windows,

The streets were empty, and not even a dog could be seen.

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