As for Fang Xun,

He came to Ying's kitchen with a nervous heart.

Originally, he had nothing to worry about, thinking that it was no big deal to just cook a meal.

But everything showed that things were not simple.

He stepped on the wooden board and heard a clear echo.

The kitchen prepared by Ying was very large, and Fang Xun had no doubt that it was half the size of the castle tower.

It should be to prevent explosions, so the kitchen area was specially expanded.

Looking at the fresh ingredients carefully prepared by Ying, Fang Xun looked a little dazed,

Because there were all kinds of ingredients in the kitchen, flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, everything was available,

There were many ingredients that Fang Xun had never seen before.

In addition to such a large area, Fang Xun really felt like shopping in a supermarket.

It can be seen that Lei Dianying really made enough preparations to learn how to cook.

Just as Fang Xun was sighing, footsteps came from behind him.

Looking back, it was Lei Dianying walking towards him step by step.

"Because I don't know what dish to learn today, I asked someone to prepare all the ingredients that can be bought."

She looked at Fang Xun and said seriously: "If there are any ingredients missing, you can tell me."

Fang Xun heard it and shook his head repeatedly: "With so many ingredients, there is no shortage of anything."

"Ying, there is actually no need to prepare so many ingredients,"

Lei Dianzhen nodded gently, and then said: "It doesn't matter. After I use the ingredients, someone will take away the rest of the dishes, so there will be no waste."

Fang Xun hummed and prepared to teach Ying to cook.

"Because you are a beginner, try to make it as simple as possible, the simpler the better."

Fang Xun looked at the full of ingredients on the table, and then had an idea.

"How about this, Ying, I will teach you a relatively simple dish, scrambled eggs with tomatoes,"

"The difficulty coefficient of this dish is not high, especially suitable for beginners to learn."

Hearing Fang Xun's words, Lei Dianzhen touched his chin with a confused expression.

"Tomato scrambled eggs... This is the first time I've heard of this dish. Is it a specialty of Fang Xun's hometown?"

Fang Xun smiled and said, "It's a specialty of my hometown."

Lei Yingying nodded, "Okay, how do you make tomato scrambled eggs?"

"Just fry the two ingredients, tomatoes and eggs, together. It's very simple."

Lei Yingying looked up at Fang Xun, "It does sound easy... Is that right?"

Seeing the whole tomatoes and unpeeled eggs in the pot, Fang Xun fell into deep thought.

If you say this dish is not tomato scrambled eggs,

it does use tomatoes and eggs.

If you say it's tomato scrambled eggs,

no one eats it this way.

Fang Xun hesitated and finally said tactfully, "Ying, you did it right, but not completely right."

"Let's cut the tomatoes into dices or pieces first, whatever you like."

While speaking, Fang Xun paused because he didn't see the kitchen knife.

Fang Xun asked casually: "Ying, where is the kitchen knife in your kitchen?"

Lei Dianying tilted his head, very puzzled: "Kitchen knife? What is that?"

Ying rarely goes into the kitchen, and knows very little about cooking.

For her, kitchen knife is a new word.

"It's a knife for cutting vegetables... Wait, if there is no kitchen knife in the kitchen, then what do you usually use to cut vegetables?"

"I usually use this to cut vegetables."

While speaking, Lei Dianying took out her naginata.

Fang Xun was stunned,

Use naginata to cut vegetables?

You are worthy of it, Lei Dianying!

Looking at Fang Xun's complicated expression, Lei Dianying asked: "What's wrong? Isn't it used to cut vegetables?"

"It's true that we don't use naginata to cut vegetables. We can change to a lighter knife."

There is no way, Lei Dianying can only stop temporarily as Fang Xun said, and then let the shogunate army buy the so-called kitchen knife.

The generals of the shogunate army were stunned.

The general needs a kitchen knife?

Could it be that the general's sword intent has risen to a new height again?

Can he kill all enemies in the world with a kitchen knife?

As expected of the general, as long as he has the ultimate sword intent, he can look down on all living beings with any weapon, even if the weapon is a kitchen knife.

The shogunate army did not dare to be negligent and hurriedly sent a kitchen knife.

After having the kitchen knife, Fang Xun also began to teach Ying how to cook.

"Ying, watch carefully, just cut the tomatoes into pieces like this."

While speaking, Fang Xun took the kitchen knife to demonstrate to Lei Dianying.

Cut a tomato into pieces of similar size, and then handed the knife to Lei Dianying.

"Try it, use a kitchen knife.Cut vegetables."

Lei Dianying held the kitchen knife and imitated Fang Xun's movements to cut vegetables.

Her movements looked a little unfamiliar, and the cutting effect was not ideal.

"I'm not used to cutting vegetables with a kitchen knife, so I'm more comfortable with a naginata."

Lei Dianying shook his head and gave his own evaluation.

Fang Xun could also understand Lei Dianying's idea, but it was too much to use a naginata to cook.

"Ying, it doesn't matter if you are not used to using a kitchen knife, I can teach you."

"First, the posture of holding the knife, your fingers are placed in the wrong position, you should put them like this."

Fang Xun stood by and instructed Lei Dianying how to use a kitchen knife to cut vegetables.

"Then scratch the tomatoes like this, using clever force, not brute force."

Fang Xun also found that Lei Dianying didn't know how to cook at all, so he taught very patiently.

While talking, Fang Xun noticed that Lei Dianying didn't seem to listen to him, but looked at him stupidly.

In response, Fang Xun stretched out his hand and waved in front of Ying: "Ying, what's wrong? "

After coming to his senses, Lei Dianying shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay, I was a little distracted just now, please continue."

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