Cherie and yini wake up smelling the fragrance. After Gina's treatment, their injuries have almost recovered. However, the huge consumption of chasing before makes them hungry at the moment.

"Come here, it's ready for dinner." McGonagall waved to the two men who were standing by the boat, looking timidly at them.

The night elf's little girl is one of her own.

"This way." Phyllis beckoned them to sit down, handed them fresh juice, and asked curiously, "where's Ashley? Do you know how to join her? "

"The island we set out from is called Ansheng island. Lord Ashley told us that if we all get separated, we should go back to Ansheng Island, where there are night elves' permanent staff." Said Cherie.

"After dinner, I'll take you back to Anson island." MEG cut the roasted mutton on both sides and gave it to the two elves who had swallowed saliva several times. He said with a smile.

"Thank you." Cherie made a deep bow to MEG.

Although they wanted to be more polite, they were too hungry and the roast mutton in their hands was too fragrant. They sat down, picked up a knife and fork and ate it.

The skin of roasted mutton is slightly crispy, but the meat is especially fresh and juicy. The sauce is pickled and soaked, and the pepper is sprinkled on the surface to activate the delicacy completely.

"Eat well!" Cherie's eyes had narrowed into a slit, and the feeling of happiness came to her heart, sweeping away some of her bad mood.

Food is really a good medicine, can cure all unhappy.

On the other hand, Annie also had a look of intoxication and satisfaction, which was the best roast mutton she had ever eaten.

No, it's the best food!

Although sister Phyllis is also very good at cooking, and the roast beef kebabs and mutton kebabs are extremely delicious, there is still a significant gap between her cooking and Mr. McGonagall's.

McGonagall cut a leg of sheep to Amy. The little guy painstakingly captured the sheep. Of course, he had to reward a big leg of sheep.

Amy ran to one side with the leg of the lamb in her arms. She didn't have to cut it with a knife.

Small teeth, but like a sharp knife, directly gnawed a small hole in the leg, chewing that called a happy.

A whole goat was soon divided up, and everyone got a large piece of mutton.

McGonagall himself was given a palm sized lamb chop. He simply divided the lamb chop into long strips with a fat head fish, and then grazed it with his hands.

This is an adult goat. It's not small, but its meat is very fresh and tender. It's suitable for being thin and fat. When it's roasted, he only brushed the oil once, and the rest is roasted completely by the goat's own fat.

What's more interesting is that the goat grew up eating a kind of hawthorn fruit. The meat aroma is faintly with a bit of Hawthorn fragrance, and the flavor is particularly unique.

In fact, the flavor of the sauce is relatively light, so the meat flavor of the goat itself is more prominent. With the chewy fascia and the fat and thin mutton wrapped in the lamb chops, the mouth is full of oil and crisp fragrance.

"I'll catch a few goats later and take them back. They'll be local products." McGonagall suggested.

"OK, I'll catch it later, and I'll have roast sheep." Amy was the first one to agree.

People also nodded in agreement.

Although the goat is very cute, the roast goat is really fragrant.

The dinner didn't end until the moon came. McGonagall handed a basket of fruits to Cherie and said, "these are all the fruits that can be picked on the nearby island. Take them back. Maybe they will help you in your task."

"Thank you." Cherie and enie bowed gratefully and took the big basket of fruit carefully.

The purpose of their coming to the island is to find new fruits. Originally, they went astray and almost were humiliated and killed here. Unexpectedly, they completed the task by accident.

"Get on the boat, we'll take you back to Anson Island first, and then we'll go home, too."

The ship carrying Cherie and them was sunk to the bottom of the sea, and McGonagall and their ship left the island.

About half an hour later, the ship landed at the harbor of Anson island.

Cherie and enie got off the boat with a fruit basket and stood on the shore waving to MEG.

"Go back and be safe." MEG waved and drove away.

"Cherie! Annie! Why are you here! " Before Cherie and enie turn around, an anxious voice has been heard behind them.

The two elves turned around and looked at Ashley and the elves. Tears rolled in their eyes and choked: "Lord Ashley, we... We almost can't come back..."

"What's the matter?" Ashley stepped forward and looked at them up and down. After confirming that they were not injured, she was a little relieved.

"We went out this morning to look for new fruit, in the harbor..." how they met the four demons, and how they were cheated to the uninhabited island. The demons showed their true colors and tried to bully them. At this time, little Amy's magic army came down, knocked down the demons and was rescued by the people in the Maimi restaurant.

Ashley and the elves are filled with righteous indignation when they hear that the devil has bitten and humiliated the villain. They feel quite relieved when they hear that Amy and McMillan all catch the devil and throw it into the sea to feed the fish.

"You mean, Mr. McGonagall, they're in the devil islands, too?" Ashley was a little surprised.

"Yes, they just left." Cherie looked back at the sea, where there was still a boat.

"This is the fruit he gave us. It was found on the archipelago." Yini raised her big fruit basket, which contained ten different kinds of fruit.

"Mr. McGonagall is a good man." Ashley could not help sighing when she looked at the fruit basket, but she looked at the two little girls and said with a straight face: "I said, you are not allowed to act alone. You almost lost your innocence and life because of your own recklessness and stupidity, you know?"

Two people bow, Nie Nie dare not speak.

"Well, go back first, and I'll settle with you tomorrow." Ashley took off her coat and put it on Annie's body. She went back with her little girl in her arms.

Cherie and Annie look at each other and smile, knowing that Ashley is the best for them.


"The moon is bright in front of the ship, and it is suspected that there is frost on the ground. Look up at the bright moon and look down at your hometown. " MEG stood in the bow of the boat, looking at the bright moon on the sea, and refrained from singing a poem.

"Is this your own poem?" Elizabeth did not know when to stand beside him, looking sideways at him.

"No, it was written by a poet from his hometown." McGonagall shook his head with a smile. Of course, he changed a word, which is more in line with the current context.

"Where is your hometown?" Elizabeth asked again.

"Far away." MEG looked out into the distance, "out of sight."

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