One day and one night, the construction of the Communist Youth League came to a successful end. MEG looked at the drunk girls, rubbed their hands and walked over with a smile.

All packed back to the dormitory, set a seven o'clock for them.

And left a note: come on, migrant workers!

Gently put Gina back to her aquarium and close the door. MEG was relieved.

He is really a good boss.

Back in the dining room, Elena is playing a game of plants versus zombies with a tablet.

The ugly duckling squatted beside her and looked at it with relish.

McGonagall thought about the fun of such a small game. He couldn't help standing aside and looking at it for a while. Then he said with a slightly strange expression, "what game are you playing?"

"Don't you have zombies?" Irina side of the bright light of the small sun, while in front of the zombie in a potato, of course, said.

"Oh, yes." McGonagall nodded thoughtfully, which made sense.

Irina plays this game with two operations: collecting the sun and planting potatoes for zombies.

It's really the first time he's ever seen plants versus zombies as a nurturing game.

"You see, it's getting more and more. It's just that the pigsty is not big enough, otherwise I can make them have more." Irina raises her tablet at mcgyoung.

"Well, it's very good." MEG nodded and sat down opposite Elena, waiting for her brain to be eaten by the zombies.

Ten minutes later, Elena happily ended the game, raised her hands to stretch, stretched the beautiful curve, and said with a smile: "this game is too simple, every time we can successfully raise so many zombies."

"Yes, the game is quite simple." MEG nodded with a smile and passed a glass of warm water.

"Are the girls settled?" Irina took a sip of water, looked at MEG and asked with a smile.

McGonagall said calmly, "well, they've all been sent back to the dormitory, and they've set an alarm clock for work."

"Tut, you are a ruthless capitalist." Elena rolled her eyes.

"It's a basic principle to play, to make trouble, and not to be late for work." Meg said seriously.

"I hope the school will start tomorrow? You're not going to the opening ceremony? " Irina asked.

McGonagall patted his head, "if you don't say that I almost forgot, I'll close down tomorrow. As a part-time teacher, I'll take part in this important occasion."

Luna had told him before about the opening ceremony of the school, and invited him and Gloria to attend the opening ceremony.

McGonagall certainly can't refuse this kind of thing. He will be there tomorrow morning.

"By the way, today we met two night elf girls on an island. They almost fell into the clutches of some demons." Meg said, looking at Elena.

"Now there are demons who dare to attack my night elves?" Irina looked cold.

McGonagall told Irina what happened today and said with a smile, "this time is good luck. If you meet us, you won't be so lucky next time. I think you night elves still need professional training on fraud prevention. Many elves have been in the wind forest for a long time, and they don't know what is dangerous in the Jianghu. "

"I'll talk it over with Ashley." Irina nodded and thought Meg's proposal was reasonable, but she still looked at him and said, "the six elders of the abyss demons?"

"I went to try the gun, the accuracy is good, a shot in the head." Meg said with a smile.



Pete's manor.

"Father, the carols came to discuss the marriage yesterday. Do you think it's time for Luna to come back?" Said Derek, looking at the old man reading by the fire.

"A few days ago, Luna wrote a letter to me, saying that the hope school park is about to be built. These days, the children should start school." Byron field said quietly, without looking up.

"As you know, this marriage has been settled in the early years. The karod family is very powerful in the court. Our family has gradually declined. If we can't rely on the karod family, I'm afraid it will fall in a few generations." Derek said solemnly.

Byron put down his book and slowly looked up at his son with a look of disappointment and ridicule.

Derek was a little uncomfortable with Byron's gaze, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "I know you've been spoiling Luna, but after all, she's old enough to get married. She can't let her temper go any longer."

"Luna is a child I grew up watching. Everything she does has a plan and a goal. She never does stupid things with her temperament." As soon as Byron patted the table, his voice suddenly became serious and cold. "But you father, you don't want to make progress, you just want to exchange your daughter's marriage for future and family glory, and you have the face to say these words before my eyes?"

Derek's face changed and his head bowed. Nie Nie didn't dare to speak.

"Luna teaches and educates in the city of chaos. How many children have she cultivated? Now she is creating a hope school and recruiting 3000 poor students. With such good deeds and such abilities, how can you expect her to come back and marry the drunkard family?" Byron looked at Derek coldly. "Just for your spineless father, an unseen future?"

"Father... I... I'm also for the future of our family..."

"Shut up Byron coldly interrupted Derek's words, and said: "if the family of Phoebe is going to end up in a humble level of relying on women's marriage for their future, then it should be moderate. What's the benefit of maintaining such false prosperity?"

"And the carols?"

"Refuse directly, just say what I said, Luna's marriage has her own decision, no one is qualified to intervene." Byron said in a determined tone.

Derek looked at Byron, sighed and whispered, "yes."

For the first time in so many years, he saw his father so angry and talking so hard.

"Besides, I've asked for leave. I'm leaving tomorrow morning for the chaotic city. I'm going to see Luna's opening ceremony of hope school with my own eyes." Byron added.

"I'll arrange it for you." Derek bowed and walked out quickly.

It's obvious that there's no room for discussion. Derek has to start to have a headache about how to negotiate with the carols about the divorce.

Originally, the karod family had promised him that as long as the two families were married, he would be able to become an assistant to the chancellor of the exchequer. Now he needs to consider how to calm the anger of the karod family and keep his present position.

"Ah... I didn't want to stay. I knew I shouldn't have let her go to the city of chaos." Derek sighed.

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