The next morning, the girls in the McMillan restaurant were woken up by the alarm clock in their sleep.

Get up in a daze, and then you see McGonagall's intimate greetings: Good morning, worker!

The girls stood in the living room for a moment in silence, their faces a little strange.

However, just after they had washed and dressed up, they went out against the cold wind and came to the McMillan restaurant, only to find a small blackboard hanging on the door: "ask for leave today."


"Is this... Written by the boss yesterday and forgotten to pick it up?" Mia frowned.

"But on the rest day, the boss never hangs a small blackboard." Phyllis shook her head.

"But I had a rest yesterday. How can I have a rest today?" Gina said strangely.

Before everyone could tell the truth, the door of the dining room opened. MEG stood at the door and said with a smile, "come in and have breakfast. I forgot to inform you yesterday that I hope the school will open today. I'm going to attend the opening ceremony, so the dining room has a day off."

All of a sudden, people thought that MEG is still holding another identity: teacher.

"Can we go to the ceremony then?" Mia asked.

"I can take you in later. There is a viewing area for parents." MEG nodded with a smile.

Amy came down from the upstairs, dressed in the new uniform of hope school, and jumped happily in front of MEG, "father, do you think my uniform looks good?"

"Well, it looks good." MEG nodded with a smile.

The school uniform of hope school is donated by Gloria. There are two sets of winter and summer suits. The style is relatively simple. It is bright red and blue stitching, but the cotton padded clothes are thick enough to keep warm, and the trousers fully meet the children's active habits.

McGonagall did not participate in the design of the school uniform. It is said that Gloria completed it independently. It can be seen that she really worked hard.

Amy chose to transfer to hope school, and McGonagall went through the transfer procedure for her two days ago.

With her condition, she didn't meet the requirement of free admission, so McGonagall paid 3000 copper dollars for tuition and went home to eat, so there was no food fee.

This is what McGonagall and Luna discussed before. The initial positioning of Hope School Park is a charity school, but it does not hinder their ambition to build it into the first university in Nolan.

Therefore, for the children from poor families in the chaotic city, they will always implement the policy of free admission, but for those students who have good family conditions and pass the test of hope school, they need to pay tuition every semester.

After all, it is not a long-term strategy to rely on charitable funds to maintain the operation of the school. What's more, we hope that the treatment of the teachers in the school park is no worse than that in the chaotic city, which is higher than the high expenditure. They have to find the source of living water.

Improve the quality of teaching, expand the reputation of hope school, so that more parents want to send their children to hope school to study, so that the capital chain of hope school will be flexible.

"But today I went to hope school to attend the opening ceremony, and then I have to go to chaos school to have a class. Mr. Krasu said that the magic classroom can't be moved for the time being." Amy said in a somewhat helpless tone.

"It doesn't matter. I'll see you off later." MEG smiles, touches Amy's head and greets everyone to eat.

The opening ceremony started at eight o'clock. After breakfast, MEG and his family left for the hope school.

At the gate of the hope school, children in brand-new school uniforms, with smiles on their faces, walk into the school accompanied by their parents.

These children are of different ages, some are only four or five years old, some are already thirteen or fourteen years old, but their eyes are shining with the same light.

McGonagall unconsciously stopped, looking at the children, eyes inexplicably some wet.

After he came to this world, he did a lot of things, but what really made him feel that he had done a good thing was watching these children carrying schoolbags into the campus.

At Luna's, he read about some children, some of whom had been digging coal in the mine at a young age, some of whom had been forced to beg on the street, and some of whom had learned how to steal things from other people's pockets for nothing.

Luna and the teachers of hope school found them one by one and brought them back to hope school.

"Young children, as expected, school is the most beautiful place. It's really enviable." Abemia looked at the children who came into school with admiration. "If I were a few years later, I should be able to go to class."

Elizabeth took her hand lightly.

"You can come to my class any time in the future." MEG looked at her and said with a smile.

"Really?" Abelmia's eyes brightened.

"Of course." MEG nodded.

"Thank you, boss!" Abemia is happy to jump up, which can make up for her regret that she has never been to school.

McGonagall and his party go to the gate. McGonagall, Gina, Vivian and Sheryl have employee cards, and they can enter the school with their cards on.

"This is my family. They want to visit the opening ceremony. Can they go to the viewing area?" McGonagall talked to the guard.

The guard uncle knew MEG. Hearing this, he looked at a group of beautiful girls standing at the door. Looking at Meg's expression, he immediately became admirable and gave a thumbs up and said: "future generations are formidable! Go in. "

McGonagall was a bit strange by uncle's words, but he still asked the girls to come in and go to the viewing area from the left side.

"Gina, after the opening ceremony, I'll accompany you to the Poseidon ruins." MEG took a break and spoke to Gina alone.

Gina looked at MEG in surprise, but she nodded quickly.

Yesterday everyone had a good time. She thought MEG had forgotten about it, but she didn't mention it. Unexpectedly, he said he would go with her today.

McGonagall took Gina and others to the teachers' area. Today's teachers are dressed in elegant clothes, standing in front of the rostrum at an interval of about one meter. Even the retired old teachers are standing tall and straight one by one, showing the elegant demeanour of teachers of hope school.

The students first report in the classroom, and then queue up to arrive at the playground under the leadership of the class teacher.

Like the chaos school, we hope the school will be divided according to the stage of study, not according to race.

So any class can see students from all races, although the size is different, the team looks a little uneven, but the atmosphere is very harmonious.

"Amy is there." Barbara reminded MEG.

McGonagall has already noticed that Amy and Jessica, two children holding hands, are standing at the front of the line. They are quite eye-catching along the way.

"That elf is so cute, so is the girl next to him."

"Yes, they're so small. They look like they're only four or five years old."

"It's nice to be young."

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