I hope the opening ceremony of the school park will end in a happy atmosphere.

Young children, just looking at it, make people feel good mood.

McGonagall smiles at the children who are leaving one after another under the leadership of the head teacher. With a turn of eyes, he sees a familiar figure in the viewing area -- Byron feipeter.

This thin and elegant old man is looking at the direction of the rostrum, with a smile full of joy and pride.

McGonagall has got the course schedule. He doesn't have any classes this week. Next Monday, he will receive an application form. His first batch of students will be selected by free registration. Of course, he can choose the opposite.

After the teacher left, MEG met Byron on his way to the viewing area.

"Long time no see, Mr. McGonagall." The old man came forward with a smile, shook hands with McGonagall, and joked, "no, it's time to call you teacher McGonagall, isn't it?"

"I don't deserve it. I don't deserve it." McGonagall waved his hand with a smile. "Are you here today for the opening ceremony of the hope school?"

"Yes, such a good thing, I want to see it myself." Byron nodded, looked at the children's back, full of relief: "these are the pillars of the future of the city of chaos, ah, the city of chaos out of a chaos School Park, and now out of a hope school Park, the future is promising."

"The word" pillar "is a bit heavy. I just hope these children can have a more relaxed life in the future." Meg said with a smile.

Byron watched MEG be silent for a moment, then suddenly said with a smile, "Luna is right. You are an interesting person."

"Miss Luna didn't brag about my talent?"

"Luna mentioned your talent more than once, and I hope that the school will be built. Mr. McGonagall, you have a great credit." Byron looked at MEG admiringly.

"It's all thanks to Luna and all the teachers. I've done a little thing within my ability." McGonagall quickly waved his hand, looked at Luna, who was walking in this direction, and said with a smile, "principal Luna should be very busy today, so I won't disturb your brief meeting. Would you like to have a drink in the restaurant tonight?"

Byron brightened his eyes, nodded and said, "I'll come."

MEG nodded, said hello to Luna with a smile and left with Gina.

"Grandfather, what are you doing here?" Luna came quickly and looked at Byron in surprise.

"My granddaughter has become the principal. How can I not come to see this important moment?" Byron said with a smile.

Luna glanced left and right, slightly alert.

"Don't worry. I came alone. I didn't let your father come with me." Byron seemed to see what she was thinking and said with a smile.

Luna breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Byron and said, "did you come yesterday or this morning?"

"I came early this morning. I almost missed it."

"It's so cold. It's hard to get up so early."

"It's nothing. Compared with my granddaughter's crime, I'm enjoying it." Byron waved his hand with a smile. "I was just talking to Mr. McGonagall. He's as modest and polite as ever."

"Mr. McGonagall is a good man." Luna sent MEG another good man card.

"Yes, he asked me to drink in the evening." Byron nodded, looked at Luna again and said, "are you busy now?"

"Not busy. After the opening ceremony, the children are brought back to the classroom by the head teacher for the first lesson."

"Then show me around your school." Byron laughs.

"OK, I'll show you around." Luna nodded with a smile.


"Gina, does the change of Poseidon pearl still exist?" Sitting on the back of the purple Griffin, MEG looked at Gina and asked.

"Yes, and it's more obvious." Gina took out the Poseidon bead. In the crystal ball, a little blue light was shining, and it was moving slowly, like some living creature.

"Is there any record of this change in your family?" MEG frowned at the crystal ball, a little confused.

"No Gina shook her head. "But the high priest said that the Poseidon beads were found from the Poseidon relics, which has a great connection with the Poseidon. If the Poseidon beads change, it must be related to the Poseidon relics."

McGonagall pondered for a moment, then said: "but the whole landist has fallen into the underground city, does the Poseidon remains still exist?"

"The remains of Poseidon are not in randiste."


"The Poseidon relic was discovered by accident by the ancestors of the tribe. It exists in the area separated from randist, and it is also the only connected space when randist was sealed. There is an entrance in randist." Gina explained.

McGonagall nodded thoughtfully, which was different from what he had imagined. "What's in there?"

"There are many cracks and crises in the sea god ruins, so in addition to the previous high priests and a few strong people in the clan can enter, ordinary people are not allowed to enter." Gina shook her head. "I haven't been to the Poseidon ruins either, but the high priest told me that there may be a Poseidon heritage there, and it may be able to establish a real connection with the Poseidon."

McGonagall nodded. He didn't believe in all these illusions.

However, according to Gina, the so-called Poseidon ruins may be a small space, and it is extremely unstable.

The space crack is fatal for ordinary people, but he should be able to protect Gina and explore the ruins.

In less than two hours, the endless ocean appeared again.

"Ah Zi, wait for me here. We'll be back soon." McGonagall takes a picture of ah Zi, takes out the submarine, and goes down with Gina towards the site of landist.

McGonagall learned to swim, but the trench was tens of thousands of meters deep, so erlengzi slowly dived.

The submarine accelerated to dive, and the light around it quickly darkened. Occasionally, we could see huge marine creatures frightened by the movement of the submarine.

As soon as she entered the sea, Gina was silent.

This is the first time Gina has come back since randist's silence.

McGonagall can understand her feeling of homelessness. After all, the former randist has disappeared completely. I don't know what the cracks in the underground city look like, but it is no longer Gina's home.

Before long, the submarine detected ahead and reached the bottom of the sea.

It's not the naked Heidi. The underground city also has a cover to make this area look like the bottom of the sea in other areas.

But just because of this, the traces of the former existence of landist have been completely erased.

Gina left the submarine, looked around, pursed her lips, and tried to control her emotions.

McGonagall watched her quietly in the submarine. This kind of emotion can only be digested by herself. No matter how many words of comfort, they are pale and powerless.

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