More than ten minutes later, Gina turned to Meg's direction, patted the submarine and said, "boss, the ruins are in this direction. Let's go."

"Well, you lead the way." MEG nodded, driving the submarine, following Gina, who had become a mermaid.

It moves all the way to the bottom of the sea and finally stops at the edge of the site.

MEG looked around, empty sea, the ground is nothing special, here is the so-called sea god ruins entrance?

Out of the submarine, McGonagall slightly adapted to the sudden increase of pressure, and his bones made a few brittle noises to resist the pressure.

"Except for special time, only Poseidon beads can make the entrance of Poseidon relics appear, so people in the underground city should not have found it." Gina's voice, Poseidon beads have appeared in her palm.

A touch of blue light came on, and there seemed to be a mermaid's shadow spinning and dancing among the Poseidon beads.

The bottom of the sea trembled slightly, and a golden gate suddenly appeared in the water in front of them.

It's a ten meter high golden gate. It's simple in shape, with countless mysterious words carved on it. On the left and right sides are two Mermaid Dharma protectors with golden harpoons.

McGonagall understood why frankster regarded Poseidon as his belief. After all, on this gate, the mermaid looked like a protector of the left and right, guarding the gate of this relic.

"Boss, I haven't entered the Poseidon ruins. I don't know if it will exclude you." Gina said, looking sideways at MEG.

"Don't worry, it's just an ancient relic. The older things are, the stronger they are. This is a strange theory." McGonagall smiles and shakes his head. He only believes that the longer he lives, the stronger things become, such as the old masters.

Even the ancients have become more and more powerful through the development of science and technology.

Gina nodded and pushed the Poseidon bead forward slowly.

The Poseidon bead, with a dazzling blue light, fell into a small hole in the middle of the golden gate, like a key, perfectly embedded in it.

The closed golden gate opened slowly, revealing a mysterious entrance as black as ink.

McGonagall glanced at the door. His divine sense was like a bull in the ocean. He couldn't find out what was going on behind the door.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look." MEG grabbed Gina's hand and stepped into the mysterious space.

With a flash of blue light, MEG held Gina in one hand and Tiandu sword in the other.

After a short period of discomfort, their vision recovered and they found themselves standing on an altar.

This is not the bottom of the sea, but the sky is particularly pale, there are no clouds and the sun, only white, just like a white painted board, covered in the sky.

It's a dilapidated relic. The buildings made of white marble have collapsed. White stone columns, white stone towers, white walls, white floors... Except for white, there is almost no second color in this world.

It's like there was a fierce battle here, everything was destroyed.

But even if you look at these ruins, you can imagine how dreamy it was.

All around a quiet, looking at the broken world, it seems strange.

"Be careful." MEG suddenly pulls Gina into her arms. Where she used to stand, a dark space crack quietly appears.

It is a long arm cracks, like a zipper, quietly appear, it seems that people and animals harmless appearance.

McGonagall's feet moved, picking up a marble the size of a millstone and flying towards the crack.

Marble hit that dark crack, just like hitting countless invisible sharp blades, instantly cut into powder, and then sucked away by the crack.

There is no sound in the whole process, and the cracks in the space are still harmless to people and animals.

Gina swallows her saliva and drills a little bit into Meg's arms. The master didn't cheat her. It's terrible. The boss has a sense of security.

"Well, I'll help you look at the cracks in the space. First, you can see what happened to the change of Poseidon beads." McGonagall reluctantly reminds Gina, who is hanging on her body, that as soon as her legs change, she likes to hang on people.

"Oh." Gina stands up again and takes out the Poseidon bead that comes back to her.

After entering the Poseidon ruins, the blue light spot in the Poseidon beads became brighter, and a small arrow appeared in the crystal ball, which seemed to lead them in the direction.

"Since there is guidance, let's go and see what it is first." MEG put one hand around Gina's waist and ran along with the navigation.

There is a lot of space inside the Poseidon ruins. MEG left the transmitted altar, passed through a large area of ruins, avoided numerous sudden cracks in space, and finally stopped at a place that looked like a arena.

The arena paved with white marble is full of potholes.

But from the scale of the arena, McGonagall still felt the power of the man who once controlled the place.

Gina is also slightly open mouth, a face shocked looking at the front of this huge arena.

The blue light spot no longer moves, and the prompt arrow is gone, which means that they should have reached the position that Poseidon bead wants them to reach.

"What's that?" MEG raised his sword and pointed to a blue egg on the high platform in the middle of the arena.

It's a half meter high oval egg. It's full of blue light. There are mysterious lines on the eggshell. It looks like it's formed naturally.

MEG and Gina come to him and look at the big egg in front of him. It seems that this egg is the cause of the change of Poseidon bead.

"It's like it's alive." Gina whispered, looking surprised.

"It's alive." MEG nodded in affirmation.

He felt faint signs of life on the egg, indicating that the egg was alive.

In a relic left over many years ago, an egg with signs of life appeared, which is undoubtedly strange.

"Is it... The Poseidon?" Gina asked, looking at MEG with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Compared with Poseidon, it's more likely to be the old dominator." MEG clenched his sword and looked at the egg cautiously.

Although it is not sure that the owner of the site is the God of the sea, he can confirm that it was once a powerful force, and their controllers may really have the power of "God".

But this place is still destroyed, the whole small world is destroyed.

Only the old masters can do all this and are keen to do it.

Countless years later, a living thing appeared on this relic.

Compared with Poseidon, he preferred the immortal old ruler.


A crack appeared on the eggshell.

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