McGonagall holds the baby, can feel her kind of unconditional trust, and ordinary children will trust you all the same.

Jina looks at Xiaoguai with joy. After accepting her as her daughter, she immediately feels that her mentality has changed.

She has always been fond of children, but she always takes on the role of playmate.

I never thought that one day a little guy would call himself "mother" and trust himself so much.

This kind of feeling is so special, just like a little guy who needs her care and company in her life.

Wonderful and exciting.


The boss became the father of the child?

Although Xiaoguai recognized it after seeing it, this wonderful connection made Jina's heart beat faster.

For MEG, she was grateful, but she couldn't tell whether she was in love or not.

But listening to the little girl's name Meg's father, she thinks it's very good. There seems to be no more suitable person.

"Come on, we should get out of here. I'm afraid it's going to collapse." McGonagall, holding the baby in one hand and Gina's waist in the other, flew away towards the altar.

The space of Poseidon ruins has become extremely unstable at the moment, with cracks crisscrossing, tearing everything in the ruins, and almost no place to settle down.

McGonagall's speed is very fast, accurate through the cracks, not far away, the altar has appeared in sight.

However, a space crack suddenly appeared above the altar, and the ancient altar was instantly torn, turned into powder and inhaled into the crack.

"The teleport is destroyed!" Gina was surprised.

MEG also frowned, took Gina to stand on a broken stone pillar, handed her to Gina, and said, "you hold her, I'll see if I can split the space to go out."

"Good." Jina quickly took over Xiaoguai and set up a blue water shield behind her.

McGonagall pulled out the Tiandu sword from behind, holding it in both hands, staring ahead. A red and black light rose slowly on the sword, and his momentum also increased.

Xiaoguai stayed in Jina's arms, looking at the destruction scene around, not afraid, but with a curious look, her eyes finally fell on the destroyed altar.

The little guy waved his hand at the altar and muttered, "come here."


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the bright golden light came up from the bottom of the altar. A golden Trident hundreds of meters long broke through the earth, standing upright, like a sea god needle.

The cracks in the space around the altar vanish in an instant, and the surrounding space is empty.

MEG pulled out his fifty meter sword and took it back. He looked at the Trident in surprise.

Trident stands in the air, suddenly turns around and flies towards them. It shrinks rapidly during the flight. When it falls into the hands of Xiaoguai, it is only half a meter long, just like a delicate toy.

"Ruyi gold hoop halberd?" MEG didn't know how to make complaints about it for a while.

However, this Trident also confirmed his idea that he was reincarnated as a Poseidon.

"Should her name be Poseidon?" McGonagall thinks.

"Honey, can you get us out of here?" Gina looked at the little girl and asked.

"High?" Xiaoguai tilted his head, showing the color of thinking, and then holding the Trident in his hand, toward the front of the void in a stroke.

A bigger space crack appeared, which instantly engulfed the three people.

"Pit father!" McGonagall's sword was half drawn, and suddenly his eyes lit up. A mouthful of sea water almost choked him.

McGonagall holds Gina. When he looks back, he just sees that the golden gate is broken and annihilated in the twisted space, and then completely disappears.

"By the way, darling?" McGonagall suddenly realized that the little boy from the Poseidon ruins would not be crushed by the sudden increase of tens of thousands of times of pressure.

Then I saw that the little guy had slipped out of Gina's arms and swam happily in the sea with his little tail. He would be fighting with a lantern fish.

Yes, he is a sea god. Is it bullshit to be drowned in the sea?

MEG shrugged, amused by his strange worry.

"Come on, honey, let's go up." McGonagall put away the submarine and went upstream with her.

The little mermaid was familiar with the sea for a while, and immediately swam happily in the sea.

Then McGonagall saw a magical scene. Countless sea creatures followed the little girl in line, just like the king who followed them.

There are also countless sea animals who seem to have been inspired to make pilgrimage in this direction.

"I have never seen such a scene. She is the God of the sea." Gina looked at the scene with a shocked face.

"Now you are her mother. Don't put too much pressure on her. You have to discipline her." MEG smiles and pats her on the shoulder.

Gina looked at him and said, "are you going to ignore her father?"

Magden feels big. God, her father is hard to be. How can I explain to Elena?

Besides, I don't know if Amy and Anne can accept this sudden sister.

However, it's easy to be a little sister. Amy likes little sister best, especially her lovely little sister.

Floating tens of thousands of meters, McGonagall is still worried about whether the little guy can leave the sea. Xiaoguai has jumped out of the water on a big whale.


The little guy let out a happy cheering.

MEG jumped out of the water and hugged her.

"Feifei! interesting! Fun The little girl clapped her little hand and cried.

McGonagall looked at the little guy breathing the air happily, his face was ruddy and glossy, and he was very comfortable.

"Like to fly, that father takes you to fly higher." MEG whistled.

"Ouch --"

A purple lightning came from a distance, but when he was near MEG, he suddenly came to a sudden brake in the air. He looked at the little girl in Meg's arms with a vigilant face, and seemed to be afraid and afraid.

"Ah Zi, this is my darling. Don't be afraid. Come down."

McGonagall waved with a smile, Warcraft's sense of mind to be more acute.

Hearing McGonagall's words, ah Zi circled and fell close to the sea.

MEG and Gina jump on the Griffin's back.

"Go home." MEG patted violet on the back.

Ah Zi has two wings and soars.

On the surface of the sea, countless dolphins jumped out of the sea, whales spat high water column, and all kinds of sea animals roared, as if they were seeing off their gods.

"Everything has a spirit." McGonagall looked at the scene and felt something.

As an atheist, today he was defeated by the real God.

There are gods in this world.

"However, little darling's tail..." McGonagall looked at little darling's beautiful fish tail, and life on shore might not be very convenient.

"Fluffy... Fluffy..." the little girl stretched out her hand to a Zi's head, and the fish's tail turned into a pair of short legs in the blue light package.

The little guy broke away from McGonagall's arms, ran forward a few steps, and then jumped on purple's soft neck.

"So warm ~"

Muttered the little fellow.

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