On the way back, MEG carefully observed the little girl who braided a Zi's hair.

The kid's temperament is similar to that of a two-year-old who has just learned to walk and talk. He is curious about everything and has a certain desire to express himself.

She is very clever and a genius of language. She points to this and that all the way and soon has a good vocabulary.

"Come here, sweetie." Gina smiles and waves.

"Wait... Wait a minute." Xiaoguai tied a knot with the eighth pigtail, put it down gently, looked at the four pairs of four neat pigtails, nodded with satisfaction, then got up and walked towards Jina, and rushed into her arms.

"Hungry?" Gina put her arms around her.

"Hungry?" Xiaoguai is bulging her eyes and looking at her curiously.

"Do you want to eat?" Gina touched her stomach and said with a smile, "is there any growling in her stomach?"

"Goo Goo ~"

Xiaoguai's stomach with the call, she nodded with a smile, "it called, Xiaoguai want to eat, Xiaoguai hungry."

"Just born, do you want to drink milk?" McGonagall asked casually.

"I want to drink grandma, I want to drink grandma." Little darling immediately nodded her head and looked at Gina.

Gina's face turned red. She... She doesn't have any milk.

McGonagall also realized that he seems to have a little bit of a problem, although the baby out of the shell to recognize the mother, but Gina is not really born her, where the milk.

And... Didn't she lay eggs? There is no reason for breast-feeding.

"Host, you are a little ignorant. On earth, there are egg laying mammals, and platypus is one of them. And on the continent of Nora, it's not surprising that there are oviparous mammals The sound of the system sounded in his mind.

McGonagall didn't want to pay attention to the unknown science popularization of the system. He looked at Xiaoguai with a smile and said, "Xiaoguai, open your mouth and let me have a look."


Xiaoguai opened his mouth cleverly, revealing two rows of neat and shiny teeth, swept away at a glance, there were already 20.

"Well, first of all, our baby's teeth have all grown up, so we don't need to drink grandma. When we get home later, we can eat meat directly." Meg said, touching the little guy's head.

"Meat?" Xiaoguai showed a curious expression again.

"Meat... Is delicious food. Wait a moment, we'll be home soon. When we get home, I'll make it for you."

"Yes, yes, I want to eat my father's meat." Little darling nodded his head.

"It's my father's meat, not my father's meat." McGonagall corrected.

Half an hour later, violet landed outside the city of chaos.

MEG took Gina and Xiaoguai out of the mountain, and then rode a bicycle slowly into the city.

"Wow... What a big house." Sitting in the bicycle basket, the little girl looks up at the towering city wall, and her face is full of surprise.

"Darling, this is the city of chaos. We will live here in the future." McGonagall introduced with a smile.

"City of chaos! I love it here The little girl is lighting the cerebellar pouch.

Through the city gate, McGonagall introduced everything he saw along the way. He said a lot. He listened carefully, and occasionally he would come up with one or two interesting questions.

Gina was sitting in the back of her bicycle, her hands gently around Meg's waist, in a wonderful mood.

"Is that the feeling of family?" Gina thought in her heart that her face was slightly red, but when she thought that she would return to the restaurant, how to explain to everyone, her face was even more red.

"Home!" McGonagall's two long legs supported the bicycle, pointed to the sign on the door and said, "look, this is our home, the Maimi restaurant."

"Mai... Mi... Restaurant!" Xiaoguai read it again, and then said happily, "our home looks better than theirs."

"Vision, let's go, let's go home." MEG got out of the car and took the baby out of the basket.

"I'll hold it." Gina came forward to take the baby.

MEG parked his bike at the door and went up to open it.

Xiaoguai holds Jina's shoulder and looks at the restaurant curiously.

"Meow ~"

The ugly duckling, who was dozing on the counter, stretched out and opened his eyes in a daze.

"Meow, meow?" The baby's eyes fell on the ugly duckling for a second.

The ugly duckling seemed to be suddenly stared at by something terrible. She stood up all over. She stared at the little girl in Gina's arms, stepped back two steps, popped, and fell directly from the counter.

"Giggle, stupid meow, stupid meow ~ ~" the little girl giggled.

MEG and Gina can't help laughing at this scene.

The ugly duckling leaned out half of his head from behind the counter and watched in the dark with one eye.

"The ugly duckling has always been fearless. He dares to take a nap in front of the top ten. It's a killer." MEG laughed.

"Mother, I'm going down. I'm going to play with meow." Said the little girl.

"Go on, be careful. Don't scare him. It's little Amy's pet." Gina put the baby down with a smile.

"Little meow, come out and play with me." As soon as she landed, she ran towards the counter with short legs.


The ugly duckling jumped out from under the counter in an instant, three steps up the beam, flying over the eaves and walls, and in one second, he reached the pillar in the upper right corner of the restaurant, lying on his stomach, looking at the baby with alert face.

McGonagall was a little surprised. The ugly duckling's hands and the usual lazy appearance of the dead fat house can be compared with the general level 5-6 Warcraft.

The duckling looked around for a circle, only to find the ugly duckling squatting on the high place, with a little hand on his waist and a small mouth, said: "little meow, come down to me quickly, darling."

The ugly duckling drew his head back and hid it directly, without looking like he was going to come down.

MEG looked at the wall clock. It's four o'clock in the afternoon.

"No, I forgot to pick up Amy!" MEG patted his thigh and turned to go out.

"Father, I'm back!" Before McGonagall went out, Amy came in with her schoolbag on her back.

Xiaoguai looks back at Amy who jumps into the door. Her big blue eyes light up.

Amy also noticed the little girl standing in the middle of the restaurant. The expression on her face was surprised at first and then turned into a surprise. Her blue eyes bent slightly, looked up at MEG and asked, "my father, whose cute is this?"

McGonagall said with a smile: "our family, this is a little girl."

"Our family? Honey? Is this lovely little sister really from our family Amy's mouth was slightly open with an incredible expression on her face.

"That's great! I have a sister, too! " Amy threw her schoolbag on the table next to her, opened her hands and ran to the little girl. She picked up the little girl who was holding her hands.

"Elder sister... Elder sister..." xiaogua looked at Amy and cried softly.

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