At the end of dinner, Xiaoguai fell asleep in Jina's arms. There was a satisfied smile on roududu's face. Two little pear vortices made people want to poke them.

"Then... I'll take the baby back to bed." Jina holds Xiaoguai and says with a reddish face.

"All right." McGonagall nodded, reached out and touched the little boy's head. He was very clever.

"Goodbye, boss."

The girls said goodbye one after another.

"Darling is so cute. When I come back from school tomorrow, can I take her to play in the square?" Amy asked, looking at MEG.

"Of course." MEG nodded with a smile and stood at the door of the restaurant, looking at Luna and Byron's grandparents and grandchildren walking side by side in the distance. He said with a smile, "your teacher Luna is here."

"Miss Luna?" As soon as Amy's eyes brightened, she stood on tiptoe and looked into the distance. With sharp eyes, she found Luna in the crowd and ran out immediately.

"You're not going to explain it to me?" Irina stood behind MEG with her arms in her arms and said with a smile.

MEG looked at her and thought about the cableway: "I accompanied Gina to the Poseidon ruins. Under the guidance of the Poseidon bead, I found an egg. The egg opened and the baby jumped out of it.

I guess she should be the reincarnation of Poseidon, and Gina was chosen as her guardian, so she was blessed, and her strength jumped from level 9 to level 10.

Now I believe that there are gods in this world, and the gods worshipped by all ethnic groups may exist. "

"I see." If Elena was thoughtful, it all made sense at once.

"The specific process and details, I'll tell you in the evening, in the morning I asked Luna's grandfather to have a drink, he's here now." MEG interrupted Elena's thinking and said.

"See the woman's parents again?" Irina frowned.

"What is meeting parents? Byron and I are friends." McGonagall corrected.

"Teacher Luna treats you as a friend, but you want to be a grandfather?"

"I'm here. Would you like another drink?" MEG laughed.

"Come on, you old scholars are the most boring. I'll take a bath and Practice for a while." Irina shook her head dully, turned and went upstairs.

Amy is holding Luna and saying something.

Byron walked forward with a smile, looked at McGonagall and said, "Mr. McGonagall, I heard that you have a very good business in the Maimi restaurant. Will it affect your work if I come to you for a drink?"

"It doesn't matter. Today's school opening ceremony and the restaurant closing for one day will not affect it." MEG smiles, shakes his head, greets Byron and Luna into the dining room and closes the door.

"Your restaurant is very well decorated." Byron went into the restaurant, looked around and tut tut.

Although he is not a gourmand, he has visited most of the famous restaurants in Luodu.

The scale of Maimi restaurant is not huge, but the decoration and layout are exquisite. With all kinds of log elements, the overall environment looks comfortable and warm.

MEG smiles, looks at Luna and asks, "Luna hasn't eaten yet, has she?"

"Well." Luna nodded, a little embarrassed, said: "the school just finished, originally intended to eat in the canteen, but my grandfather said to come to you, on the way to visit Aden square, did not eat."

"Sit down for a while. I'll fry two dishes. We'll have a drink. It's just to celebrate the opening of hope school." MEG asked them to sit first, while he went to the kitchen to fry a fish flavored eggplant and spicy chicken. The pot was still stewed with braised pork. Husband wife lung slices and drunkard peanuts were also ready-made.

After a while, MEG came out with the tray.

"So rich." Byron looked at McGonagall's dishes and asked about the smell of braised pork. His throat rolled.

"Just a few drinks and dishes. What would you like to drink? Wine or rum? I've got rum from master SIMM's cellar for 50 years. Would you like to try it? " Meg said with a smile.

"The old master SIMM's 50 year old rum?" Byron's eyes brightened and he looked at MEG, surprised and said, "are you really good?"

Rum is a good thing. Byron is not a drinker, but he is used to drinking it every day.

He didn't like sweet and greasy fruit wine, but preferred rum from FAK tribe.

It's hard to get a bottle of old master Sim's wine. For decades, he has only drunk a few bottles. Now he still has a bottle of wine stored in the cellar for ten years. He has never been willing to drink it. He thinks that when Gina finds her husband, he will drink it again.

But McGonagall said he had a 50 year old rum here, and it was made by old SIMM himself? Then this is the king of wine.

"I'll get it for you." MEG went to the wine cabinet and took a bottle of rum from the top.

It's a rough clay bottle with a yellow seal on its mouth and a number "50" engraved on it. Byron nodded, "yes, it's the hand of old master sim. It's a wine that has been cellared for 50 years!"

Fifty years of cellaring and 50 years of wine history are two different things. After the wine is bottled in oak barrels, the quality of the wine will not change again. If it is not stored well, the quality of the wine will decline.

50 years of cellaring means that the wine has been stored in oak barrels for 50 years. The aroma of oak is perfectly integrated with the wine to produce the most mellow wine.

MEG moved this wine from Hannah's cellar. It must have been written by old sim. The quantity of this wine in the world is very small. It belongs to the treasure of drinking one bottle and losing one bottle.

Byron looked at the wine on the table. He was so excited that he couldn't sit still. He stood up and looked at MEG carefully for a while. He asked, "Mr. McGonagall, where did you get this wine?"

As a rum lover, Gu has also found many channels to buy the old simmer master's own brew.

Let alone the wine that has been cellared for 50 years, even the wine that has been cellared for three or five years is hard to find.

"I know old master Sim's granddaughter. She gave me this wine." Meg said with a smile, reaching out to tear the seal on the bottle.

"I can't, I can't." Byron pressed McGonagall's hand and shook his head. "Let's have a drink from another bar. It's great. It's a waste for me."

McGonagall did not say, but Byron knew that such a bottle of wine could sell hundreds of thousands of copper coins at the auction.

Luna sat quietly. She didn't know much about the wine, but she could see that McGonagall's wine should be very good, which even grandfather couldn't bear to drink.

"A good wine deserves people who understand it. It's rare for an old man to come to a chaotic city. How can he not have the reason to entertain people with good wine?" MEG cracked the seal with a smile, unscrewed the cork, and a strong smell of wine poured out.

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