The wine is full of fragrance, with the fragrance of oak.

Byron's hands froze, and he couldn't help sniffing the wine. He felt that he was drunk when he smelled it.

Even Luna, who doesn't drink at ordinary times, has a bright eye when smelling the wine. She doesn't feel greedy. She just feels special and impressive.

"Mr. McGonagall, you're... Oh, I'm really ashamed of you." Byron looked at the opened bottle with a sigh of helplessness, but his eyes at McGonagall were more intimate with his younger generation.

"If you're ashamed, I'll be guilty." McGonagall took three glasses, two full, Gina's glass to a small half, picked up the glass, said: "first from a penalty." Say, a drink.

"Sit down, have a drink and talk about whether you are guilty or not. I don't know what to say when you treat me with this good wine." Byron looked at McGonagall with increasing satisfaction.

"It's all in the wine." MEG touched him with the cup.

"That's right." Byron also holds up the glass. Amber rum shakes slightly in the crystal glass. There is no impurity in the clear liquor, just like a gem, which makes people intoxicated.

He put the glass to his mouth and took a sip. The delicate and sweet taste made him unconsciously intoxicated. Only the aging wine stored in oak barrels could give off such a wonderful taste. The thick taste and lingering aftertaste left in his mouth after swallowing made him close his eyes.

This is the 50 year old rum!

Long aftertaste, let him seem to see the ring of history.

In the deep cellar, the brewed rum lies in the barrel made of century old oak and ferments quietly.

An old winemaker was sitting on the barrel, drinking wine, as if waiting for the wine to come out of the cellar.

Byron opened his eyes, with tears in his eyes, nodded and said, "it's a 50 year old rum, good wine!"

It's really made by old master sim. There's no other person in the world who can make such a wine.

He never thought that he just came to have a simple meal, but he could drink the good wine that he did not dare to dream of.

"Then you'll have two more today." Meg said with a smile and picked up his chopsticks. "Come on, eat more and let's drink slowly."

"Good." Byron picked up his chopsticks and put a peanut in his mouth. The crisp peanuts are spicy. The more they chew, the more fragrant they are. It's a bit of a top. It's a perfect match for wine.

Good wine and good food, McGonagall and Byron's conversation also gradually opened.

McGonagall has a good impression of this old gentleman. He was a very special person in LoDo, who was a high-ranking old gentleman with a heart for basic education and academic research.

That's the kind of person who can educate women like Luna.

You know, there are many ladies in Luodu City, but they can't choose who they want to marry.

Byron looked at McGonagall, nodding and smiling.

"I've heard from Luna that she hopes the school park can be built, but you've given her a great help. Here's to you." Byron, a little drunk, looked at MEG with his glass in his hand.

"I hope the school park can be built, thanks to teacher Luna. I just helped a little bit." MEG picked up his glass, touched it with him and said with a smile.

"You don't have to be modest." Byron shook his head. "Luna has mentioned these children's problems to me several times in the past two years. There's nothing I can do. I can only help her if she can.

But as soon as you come, the foundation will be established successfully. With the money in place and the relationship in place, I hope the school park can be built in such a short time.

I've been in officialdom for decades. I understand these things. Luna, this is a meeting with a noble man. "

One side is eating Luna holding a hand of braised meat meal, eyes also looked at MEG.

"I'm sorry to say that." McGonagall put down his glass and said with a smile, "the construction of Hope School Park is also beneficial to the chaotic city. It's Michael city master's strong support, so he can quickly pass all the procedures. I dare not take the credit for it."

Byron chuckled and patted MEG on the shoulder. "You're fine, boy."

Then they talked about the implementation of the decimal system and the nine nine multiplication table, which, with Byron's strong impetus and its superiority, had been tried out in the Los empire.

After three rounds of wine, the food and drinks on the table were almost the same, and Byron was already drunk.

Rum is a strong drink with a lot of stamina.

This cellar has been aged for 50 years, and its strength can not be underestimated.

"I... I think you're a good young man..." Byron took Meg's hand and nodded happily. "Luna, give it to you, I'll... I'll be relieved..."

As soon as the words were finished, he slowly fell on the table.

"Why... What do you mean to give it to me?" McGonagall eyebrows a pick, the first reaction is in the upstairs bath Elena did not hear this is not famous words.

"Grandfather..." Gina looked at the drunken Byron with a red face. How could she tell MEG that they had nothing.

MEG and Luna sat quietly in the dining room, not knowing what to say to break the embarrassment.

"That... Grandfather was drunk and said some strange things. Don't worry about it." Gina or first mouth, red face, looking at McGonagall some embarrassed said.

"Oh, it's OK. He must be worried that you are alone in the city of chaos." MEG shook his head with a smile, looked at Byron, and said, "I'll call a carriage to take you back."

"Well, thank you." Luna nodded. She wanted to get out of here now.

McGonagall went out to stop a carriage and helped Byron into the car. He told the coachman to help Byron into the house when he got to the place and gave him more fare.

"Luna, go back first. I gave these two bottles of wine to the old man. You can help him with them." MEG pushed a pocket into the car.

"Yes, thank you." Luna nodded.

When the carriage started, Luna put down the curtain and let go of her left hand. She found that her palms were full of sweat and she couldn't help laughing.

She reached out and touched her hot face, but she couldn't help thinking about her grandfather's words. She didn't know whether he was drunk and talking nonsense or serious?

If he really wants to entrust himself to Meg, should she... Refuse or agree?

Then she thought of the words that Vivian often said in her ears, and her face became more hot.

Of course, Mr. McGonagall is good. There should be no other gentle and talented man like him who can cook good dishes and write good words.

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