Seeing Gina and Byron off, MEG goes back to the dining room and is about to clean up the table. Elena comes down the stairs in her bathrobe and looks at MEG with a smile.

MEG saw something dangerous in her smile.

Sure enough, as soon as Irina opened her mouth, she said, "when I was just taking a bath, it seemed that I heard someone trusting me for life."

"Yes? Oh, Byron was drunk just now. Maybe he said some strange things. I didn't listen to them carefully. " McGonagall had a face I didn't know.

Irina cut him one eye, but did not continue to struggle on this issue, opened a chair and sat down, "you said about the Poseidon ruins, in the end what's the situation?"

The existence of God has always been an illusory thing for Elena.

The elves believe in the God of life, and she is recognized by the tree of life.

But in addition to the subtle concern, she can't confirm whether God really exists, or... Whether God is still alive?

Meg, they went to the remains of the God of the sea, which is believed in by landist, and brought back the little darling.

Whether it's Xiaoguai's mysterious breath or Gina who suddenly broke through to become a level 10 magician, the relationship between this matter and the gods makes her curious.

"We went to the ruins of lantiste, where Gina opened the remains of Poseidon with the beads of Poseidon..." MEG told Irina the process of their visit to the remains of Poseidon.

Irina listened carefully, thinking from time to time. When MEG finished, she asked, "so, is there a lot of small spaces in the world that we don't know, and God is hidden in those spaces. They may have died, they may have entered reincarnation, but they are still connected with the world? "

"It's possible." McGonagall nodded. "Judging from the little girl's reaction to Anne, there may have been an endless war between the God and the old dominator. This hostile relationship has even been printed into each other's souls, even after entering reincarnation, they still remember it. "

"Is she God when she grows up?"

"Well... I'm not sure." McGonagall shook his head, but developing a Poseidon sounds like a sense of accomplishment.

"Now that you have a baby with Gina, what are you going to do?" Irina looked at MEG with her arms around her chest

"You know, it doesn't count." MEG scratched his head.

"I know it doesn't count. My father and mother scream in front of me. Do you want people to think you are a good man?

Although we have a child, we are not married?

Do you think everyone is a fool, or are you a fool? " Irina sneered.

McGonagall choked all of a sudden. Despite the fact, he is a good man, but as Elena said, as long as the baby is not raised hidden, then this situation can not be avoided.

His relationship with Gina must be different because of this child.

And this... Is undoubtedly a betrayal for Elena.

McGonagall peeked at Elena, and now she was sitting so calm that she didn't even take out the folding chair, which was beyond his expectation.

"Or shall we have a showdown?" Meg said, looking at Elena.

"After the showdown? Shut down the restaurant? Leave the city of chaos? Where are you going? What do you want to do? " Elena soul five questions.

MEG looked at Elena, suddenly felt that she was very cute, stepped forward, approached her, and then said: "if there is no showdown, give me a chance to pursue you. Even if I change my identity, I hope you are the landlady of the restaurant."

Irina looked at MEG and was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked, "which race do you like? spirit? Beast ear mother? Little fox? Big sister

"Any race will do as long as it's you." Meg said calmly.

"What kind of posture are you going to put me on the stage? Is it a girl who is obsessed with the delicious food you make, or is it Amy's mother who comes back from the king Irina added.

MEG thought it over for a while and said, "I think it's good for Amy to come back from her mother."

MEG is more optimistic about Amy's mysterious mother's sudden return to the restaurant as a hostess than the vulgar drama of the ignorant girl being cheated into the chef's bed.

Right. Even McGonagall had his lines in mind.

"It's you?"

"It's you!"

"Why did you leave our father and daughter so ruthlessly?"

"In fact, I have difficulties, but I'm back now."


You see, how powerful the line is.

"Then am I not a poor woman?" Irina frowned.

"As long as you are strong enough, there is no such problem."

"There is only one Irina in the world."

"For a restaurant owner, a high-level spirit is very powerful. It doesn't have to be Elena." MEG shrugged.

"I see." Irina nodded, turned her voice, and said, "but if you can't even hold down these little girls in your shop, it's not so boring for the landlady to be."

"Well... Just be happy." McGonagall can't say anything.

"OK, that's settled. I'll have a magnificent return tomorrow." Elena's mouth is slightly up.


Jina is tucked in by Xiaoguai and looks at her with a gentle smile.

I don't know how, just looking at her, I feel very stable.

And since landist fell into the underground city, her empty heart seems to have finally found a foothold.

In this world, besides the boss, she has another person to look forward to.

She is so lovely, so young, need her careful care, training, let her grow up.

She doesn't have much confidence in herself, but she has great confidence in Xiaoguai.

She's too smart to teach anything.

However, she also has a little worry about whether she will leave when she grows up. After all, she may be a Poseidon.

"Meow, meow," the little girl turned around, reached out and hugged her hand. Her face was close to her arm, showing a smile every day.

Gina felt her heart was melting.

No matter whether she is reincarnated or not, she is now her own daughter.

"Good night, sweetheart." Gina gave her a kiss on the forehead, closed her eyes and went to sleep.


McGonagall worked hard all night and got up early the next day to make breakfast for everyone.

He's looking forward to what kind of posture Elena is going to show up in front of everyone today to declare her sovereignty as the owner of the McMillan restaurant.

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