"No! This time I'm going to share it! " Vicky shook her head decisively.

She has suffered a loss in picture books. She can't play the movie again this time.

"I want to remind you that at present, we don't have any screening venues, and the people in Nolan have no concept of magic shadow. It is estimated that it will take a long time to build magic cinema or popularize the concept of magic shadow. The probability of cost recovery of Miss Black Cat is very small. Are you sure you want to share it?" Meg said with a smile.

Wei Qi smell speech a Leng, the face also showed the color of tangle.

She knew that McGonagall's words were true. Even in the world where movies such as dungeons have been popular for thousands of years, there are still many street directors who make one and lose another.

It's hard to imagine when you were the first one to eat crabs when there were no cinemas in Nolan, and McGonagall was the only one who could do it.

"I would also like to remind you that I intend to provide a venue for magic shadow as a cinema after the development of this industry, so the role of my early film source is more to open the market, which can not guarantee any box office." McGonagall added.

Vicky knew that Meg was telling the truth, and that she was very pertinent and honest.

"The opera company is not short of money now, so I can also make some money for my dream. I don't want a buyout, just 30% of the box office in the future." Vicky looks at MEG and smiles.

"Deal." MEG nodded. There was no counteroffer.

This share ratio is somewhat similar to the share ratio of previous films and cinemas, but as an investor, distributor and propagandist, this share ratio is not very reliable.

But McGonagall is not short of money. This kind of small money is not worth mentioning compared with a versatile screenwriter.

"By the way, can I make a small request?" Asked MEG.


"I want to add a small role and an actor to miss black cat." Said Meg.

Vicky frowned. He just said that he would not interfere in the movie, but still asked, "what role? Who are you going to add? "

"One more chef, that's me." MEG patted himself on the chest.

"You want to play?" Vicky was a little surprised, but she soon became entangled. "It's not easy to change this story into that Miss Black Cat and the chef eloped together..."


"I don't want to be a hero, I just want a small role." McGonagall shook his head, "I don't want much drama, just give me a dish time, I want to teach you to cook a dish."

"So..." Vicki blushed and realized that she seemed to be thinking awkwardly. After thinking for a while, she nodded and said, "I can think about it, but if I can add it in, I'll see your lens expression before I make a decision."

This is really a strict director, not even a member of the group. MEG nodded with a smile. "OK, no problem."

Who is he? McGonagall Alex and Hades, the movie stars who switch their identities at will, don't worry about the expressiveness of the camera lens, OK.

"This power... Shadow, how much do you plan to invest?" Vicky asked again.

"This movie doesn't need any big scenes and special effects. The investment should not be too high. I'm going to invest 10 million copper coins." Said Meg.

Vicky a little thought, but also agree with the nod, "enough."

She knew that if MEG wanted to build a cinema system in Nolan, that would be the big money.

"In addition, I have a script that I want to invite you to write for me." MEG takes out a pile of paper and pushes it in front of Vicky.

"The phantom of the kitchen god?" Vicky looks at the tacky name on the cover with a slight eyebrow pick, which looks like a best-selling novel on the stall.

She picked up the pamphlet and began to look at it. Her expression, which was not expected, became more and more serious. Her eyes were even brighter and she was reading it like a treasure.

About twenty minutes later, Vicky put down her pamphlet, looked at MEG and asked, "who wrote this story?"

"No, it's just me." MEG smiles.

Vicky looked at Meg's eyes even hotter, and said with admiration: "although the writing style is extremely poor, the narrative is also very chaotic, and the emotional changes are rigid, this is really a good story!"

McGonagall's face trembled, and he didn't know whether to be happy with the praise.

The style of writing is his, the narration is his, the emotion is his, the story is someone else's.

This girl is very accurate.

Vicky also felt that her words didn't sound very good. She explained: "I mean... The story is very good. There are many flaws in it. Even if it is changed to opera, it should be very popular."

"I'd like to ask you to help me change it into a magic script. Of course, as a reward, I can give you the opera copyright of this story for free." Said Meg.

"Seriously?" Vicky's eyes lit up.

"All the cooperation we talked about today will be signed later." MEG nodded.

"Deal!" Vicky nodded decisively.

Recently, she is thinking about a new opera, and McGonagall's story makes her feel bright.

The love and hatred between a human chef and a demon are interspersed with elements such as tree demons, old dominators, etc., which keep up with the trend and are highly dramatic at the same time.

Vicky thinks that this story is not under Miss Black Cat, and maybe even above black cat.

What's more, the story is naturally suitable for playing on the big screen.

Whether it is the tree demon or the old dominator, it can be created by magic effects, which can bring a strong visual impact to the audience.

"This chef... You're not going to do it yourself, are you?" Vicky asked, looking at MEG.

"Yes." McGonagall nodded honestly. This is a movie tailored for him.

"Then the heroine..." Vicki bit her lower lip lightly, as if she had made up her mind and said, "I'll make it difficult..."

"The heroine has been chosen." MEG answered with a smile and looked at Vicky's young airport. "You're too young to play this role."


She's still young, but she thinks Meg's little finger is another one.

It's very hurtful and insulting!

She was so angry that she wanted to tear up the outline in her hand, but she was reluctant to give up the good story. She twisted her face for a while, gritted her teeth and nodded, "OK, I'll take it!"

"I'm going to shoot this story first, and I'll ask you about the script. I hope I can come back to the theater in seven days and see the first draft of the script." Meg said with a smile.

"Seven days?" Vicky almost jumped.

Does this guy think everyone's a tentacle? When she tangles up, she may not be able to write a word a day, OK!

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