"I heard that those of you who can write manuscripts can write tens of thousands of words every day, or you are not worthy of this bowl of rice." Meg said, smiling at Vicky.

"Is that so?" Vicky's brow was frowning, and MEG seemed to be fooling her.

"I just heard that after all, I don't know much about your circle, is it really true? You has the final say." MEG shook his head.

"Well, I'll give you the manuscript in a week." Vicky still gritted her teeth.

For Vicki, the adaptation of the script is also an immediate task. In fact, there is little difference between the opera script and the movie script. Although there are some changes in the lines and some scene switching, they are generally reasonable.

Although she is not a film writer, when she first learned to be an opera writer, she also learned a lot about film writers. It should not be too difficult for her to adapt such a framework and complete story.

"Well, that's our deal." MEG nodded and got up to leave.

"Won't you stay for lunch?" Vicky asked to stay.

"No, I've just made an appointment with Effie. I'll have lunch with her at noon. Marla is in charge." MEG shook his head and said, "would you like to come over for lunch?"

"Good." Vicky naturally agreed.

Although it's not MEG, Mara's cooking is really good, at least better than eating in the theater.

MEG and they arrived at Titan's tavern, and Mara had arranged several dishes on the table, including cold pig's ears, drunkard's peanuts, and cold pig's tongue.

Good guy, it's all food and wine.

"Master, please sit down and have dinner. I've already cooked the dishes." Marla looked at McGonagall expectantly and said that she had been practising her cooking recently, so she wanted to show it in front of McGonagall.

"I think I'll fry two more dishes. I can't just drink." McGonagall is a little helpless to go to the kitchen, the girl seems to have only three dishes to take.

"Very good." Vicky sits down at the table impolitely. She thought she couldn't eat Meg's food today, but she still couldn't help cooking.

"Well, I'll go and see if I can learn more about cooking." Marla went into the kitchen with a red face. In fact, she could cook some home cooked dishes, but she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of her master, so she only cooked three specialty dishes.

"Sister Annie, look, this is your painting!" Amy was surprised to find a volume of Miss Black Cat on the counter. She pulled Annie and said.

Annie also noticed the picture book with a smile on her face.

"Annie, you are really good. Many people like your picture books. They say that they are excellent and worth collecting." Effie came over and put her hand gently on Annie's shoulder, her face full of admiration

"Thank you." Annie said in sign language.

"A lot of people have asked me if I drew the picture book myself. I think if you hold a signing party, there should be a lot of fans to support it." Vicky also came up and looked at Annie and said.

This quiet girl has amazing power under her brush.

Although she created the story of Miss Black Cat, Annie recreated it in another way.

The ability of Annie is shown in the following aspects: scene segmentation, story rhythm, and simplified lines.

She moved a story originally expressed by singing on the stage to the grid picture book and found the best balance.

Vicky even thinks that if this picture book is released in the underground city, it will also be welcomed by picture book lovers.

In recent days, she has also considered discussing with MEG about purchasing the right to issue the picture book in the underground city from Annie, trying to release the picture book in the underground city and try to test the water.

However, Annie shook her head slightly and said in sign language, "I like painting, but I don't like contact with many people."

Vicky nodded with a smile. "It's right to concentrate on creation. Other things are just icing on the cake."

Elena sits on one side leisurely, without saying a word, just looking at Vicky and Effie with great interest.

Effie felt Elena's eyes and sat down opposite her with a smile. "What's the lady doing lately?"

Irina said with a smile: "he is busy touring the mountains and waters. He is always uncertain. He likes to live in the mountains for a few days to see the stars and the seaside for a few days to blow the sea breeze. It's interesting, but sometimes he feels tired."

Effie's eyelids jumped and she felt a little hurt.

She was as busy as a top every day, breaking her heart for the two pubs.

It's good for husband and wife. They travel around every day, looking at the starry sky and blowing the sea breeze. Do they feel tired?

"Look, there are some fine lines in the corners of your eyes. Haven't you had a good rest recently? Women, they still need to eat less snacks and go to bed early every day, so that they can maintain themselves as well as I do. " Irina looked at Effie with a caring face.

"Fine lines? Is it? Where? " Hearing the words, Effie suddenly got nervous. She took out a small mirror and looked at her eyes. There were several fine lines in the corner of her eyes. Although it was not obvious, they really existed.

Effie's expression suddenly some serious, as a confident woman, she has always felt that she is far from the age of old age.

But looking at the fine lines in the corner of her eyes, she seems to be reminding her that she has become old.

Look at Elena sitting opposite, her skin is so delicate and white, not to mention wrinkles, even a small imprint can not be found, who can think that she is the mother of two children, and she is still a virgin!

"It doesn't matter, sister Effie. It's just a small fine grain. There will be more in the future. You'll get used to it." Amy comforted.

Effie opened her mouth and was speechless.

But putting down the mirror, she still felt a little sad.

Only women know how important a beautiful skin is.

Originally with a sense of teasing, Elena, looking at a little depressed Effie, but with a smile on her face, thought a little, took a small bottle from her arms and handed it to Effie.

"What's this?" Effie took the delicate bottle and looked at Elena suspiciously.

"This is a small bottle of water of life. If you put a little bit of it on the corner of your eye every night before you go to bed, it should improve your fine lines." Said Irina.

"Really!" As soon as her eyes brightened, Effie grasped the small bottle in her hand for fear that it would fall to the ground. However, she soon realized something. She held the small bottle in her hands and handed it to Elena: "isn't the water of life the holy water of the elves? I can't have such a precious thing... "

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