On the same day, on the front page headlines of five influential local newspapers in the city of chaos, the author of the novel "Northwest lone wolf" published a letter of apology and clarified the rumor that had spread widely recently.

This letter of apology also denounced the malicious marketing of Delma publishing house, which refused to take the works off the shelves and had a bad impact on the life of the parties.

Finally, the northwest lone wolf also made a promise that "boss Mai's beautiful wife" will be stopped forever. This letter of apology can be regarded as a notice of stop, advising Delma to take care of herself.

The explosion of boss Mai's wife makes the name of Northwest lone wolf influential.

So when people saw this letter of apology, there was a heated discussion soon.

"The novelist refutes the rumor online! It turns out that the novel was made up. It's our carelessness. "

"I'll tell you how a good man like boss Mai can do such a thing. It's outrageous."

"Boss Mai is not such a person, then I... Don't have a chance?"


The party refutes the rumor in person with high credibility.

It's funny to wake up all living beings with one word and regard novels as reality.

The news was long legged and soon spread to Delma, who was drinking with Cyril and her little sister in the tavern.

"What Delma's glass fell to the ground, grabbed the newspaper in the Secretary's hand, and looked at the apology letter printed on the front page. Her face turned white.

"What's the matter?" Cyril raised his face in the abyss and looked at Delma with some doubts.

"It's over... It's over..." Delma sat down on the chair, her voice trembled and said, "the northwest lone wolf said no more."

"What don't you write? What's the matter? " When Cyril saw that Delma's face was not right, she asked her woman to go away, raising her voice.

"You see for yourself, this is the author who wrote that book. She said that this book will not be written." Delma passed the newspaper in her hand in a trance.

Cyril took it and looked at it for a while, then said with a smile, "it's just a writer. If she doesn't write, we'll change it. We can't do without her?"

"I can't do without her." Delma looked at Cyril with a mournful face. "Without her, we would have broken the contract."

"Breach of contract?" Cyril's voice suddenly became sharp, and suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem. He snatched the contract from the steward and turned to the breach clause. After a while, his face turned pale.

"Delma, you fucked me!" Cyril grabs the glass and throws it in Delma's face.

Delma couldn't get away, and her nose was bleeding. She covered her nose and said, "Lord Cyril, you've wronged me. I'm the victim, too."

"I just signed the contract in the morning, and now I'm in breach of the contract. I'll pay three times as much as my mother's penalty! How much is that? That's 60 million coppers! If you ask me to guarantee you, I will pay you 30 million yuan! You old boy, what a black heart Cyril was furious, his face turning blue and red.

He also knows that if he signs the terms written in black and white in the contract, he can't escape.

"I didn't know that bitch lied to me! Yesterday she said to me that she would continue to write well. Who knows that she gave me a back stab today. " Delma was also trembling with anger. "I'll go to her right now and ask her to write a new clarification report, saying that the previous one is false. I'll go to Mr. Lev's side to explain it, which should be able to recover."

"You'd better save it, or I'll make you unable to stay in the city of chaos!" Cyril lifted the table and stormed away.

Delma, too, hurried down the stairs and took the carriage to Cynthia's house.

There was a big lock on the door and the yard was quiet.

Delma kicked the door for a while, but there was no movement inside. She was pale and slid down against the door.

He knew he was done.

Thirty million copper coins. I can't sell the company!

"Boss..." the secretary came forward nervously.

When Delma looked at him, her eyes lit up and she said in a deep voice, "help me up and go back to the company."

Yesterday, the company just received a sum of money, plus the previous deposit, there is about five million, plus the five million banknotes collected in the morning, enough for the rest of their life.

It's just a pity that the company he worked hard for half his life to set up originally thought that this popular book would become his cash cow. Unexpectedly, just two days later, the tree broke.

But it doesn't matter. He goes to the company to take the money, take his wife and children and run directly. Let Cyril bear it. Anyway, he is the guarantor.

Delma's carriage stopped at the door of the publishing house. Delma jumped out of the carriage and rushed into the office. After a while, she came out of the company with a briefcase and went straight to the carriage.

But as soon as he got to the carriage, his hands were on his shoulders.

Delma was surprised and turned back to see the uniform of the official on them. Her face turned white.

"Mr. Delma? We have now received a report that you are suspected of contract fraud and there is a possibility of escape. In order to protect the property safety of the victims, we will take you back to the city hall for further investigation. Please cooperate. " An official's voice is low way.

"Wronged, I'm wronged..." cried Delma.

The news outside attracted the attention of the staff of the publishing house. They all rushed to the door to watch the excitement. They were shocked to see their boss detained by the official of the city master's office.

Is it so strict to publish xiaoh Wen now?

"Take it away." The two officers didn't talk nonsense with Delma, they just took him away in a prison car.


On the other hand, Cyril went back to Morton manor, more and more flustered, hiding in the room, let the servants watch the door, said he was ill, no one was seen.

However, this has not been able to stop the officers with detention orders from taking people.

"What have I done? You want to catch me! This is Morton Manor! You can't fool around! " Cried Cyril, with a fierce heart.

"Cyril, you are suspected of fraud and the amount is huge. Now I want to take you back to the city Lord's residence for investigation. Please cooperate." The leading official took out the detention order and said in a deep voice.

The Molton family had gathered in this other courtyard and had a lot of discussions. However, looking at the official with the detention order, no one dared to step forward for a while. I just didn't know what trouble Cyril had caused, so they let the city Lord's house come to arrest them.

"I see who dares to touch my son!" A sharp voice rang out, and the old lady, Denise, came up with a crutch and stopped in front of Cyril.

"Mr. Dennis, please cooperate with us, or you will be arrested in the name of interfering with the case." Staff calm way, and did not because of the emergence of Denise has the slightest step back.

"I see you dare!" Denise's eyebrows were cold.

"Take it away!" As soon as the officer waved his hand, four officers came forward.

DANNIS took a servant's hand, scratched his face and yelled at the servant: "hit! The official beat people! What else are you doing! Don't protect me and the young master yet

All the servants looked at each other. For a moment, they didn't know whether to do it or not. It was the official of the Lord's mansion.

"Don't flinch, get rid of the moltons Said Denise viciously.

The servants had no choice but to gather around.

"I see who dares!"

A roar of fury sounded like thunder at the gate of the courtyard.

There was a sudden silence in the yard, and people all got out of the way.

Jeffrey strode in, looking coldly at Cyril and Denise.

"Father, help me!" Cyril cried in panic: "they want to arrest me for no reason. I am wronged..."


Cyril's face swelled with a loud slap.

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