There was a sudden silence in the yard, and everyone looked at Geoffrey with surprise in their eyes.

Cyril was also completely stunned, with a burning pain on her face, but she never thought that her father would slap him in front of so many people.

"Evil! How dare you disobey the Lord's mansion? " Jeffrey snapped.

"I..." Cyril was afraid and afraid. For a moment, she didn't know what to say, so she could only look at Denise for help.

"Master, you have to help our son. He has been wronged. How dare he do anything against the law?" Denise came forward, wiping her tears and pleading, "please tell the Lord of the city not to catch Cyril."


Jeffrey raised his hand with another loud slap, which landed on Denise's face.

When the servants in the yard saw this, their eyes widened a little. They moved their eyes and did not dare to see more.

Cyril was also stunned, looking at the beaten Denise and the cold faced Jeffrey with her mouth open, and her heart was half cold.

Old lady Denise was stunned for a long time before she came back to herself. She covered her face and looked at Geoffrey in disbelief. Her voice suddenly became sharp. She cried, "you... You hit me!"

"What a loser! If you hadn't spoiled him so much, he wouldn't have come to this stage. Now you don't want to repent, and you want to go astray and don't beat you. Why do you really have family rules? " Jeffrey looked at her coldly.

"Well, you're a heartbreaker. You beat your wife when you were old. If it wasn't for my mother's help, how could you have such a great family background today? Now you think I'm old and weak, and you want to kill me, don't you?"?! I tell you, it's not that easy! I'm today... "Denise sat down on the floor and started spilling.

"Take her down!" Jeffrey didn't even look at her and gave a cold order.

Although the old ladies were embarrassed, they didn't dare to disobey my grandfather's orders. After all, the big mouth was not delicious, so they took Denise away with half a hand.

"It's your own fault. You'll bear it. This time, no one will wipe your ass for you." Geoffrey takes a look at Cyril, looks at the governor's office, and turns away.

"Father..." Cyril was frightened to catch up with him, but he was caught on the shoulder by two officials.

"Now, master Cyril, please come with us." The leading official said with a smile, waved and dragged Cyril away.

The servants let Cyril break his throat, and no one dared to stop him.

Although they didn't know what Cyril had done, there was a consensus in everyone's heart that master Cyril was completely finished, and miss Gloria would be in charge of the family.

The two criminals were arrested in the city Lord's mansion, together with MEG, who changed his appearance, and Cynthia, who attended as witnesses.

The judge in charge of the case is Dix, McGonagall's old friend.

As for the efficiency of the city Lord's mansion, it was because he and Dix said hello and should have reported to Michael, so as soon as the papers were handed in, people were directly detained.

Cyril and Delma were taken to record their confessions respectively. Under the supervision of the spiritual magician, the two ordinary people could not lie, and they could only tell the whole process over and over again.

In fact, the case is very simple. It is a case of breach of contract.

As long as they can repay the money, the crime is not big, but the amount is huge, so they were arrested first.

Dix took a look at their confession and the contract provided by McGonagall, nodded and said: "in this case, the case is very clear. You two signed this contract with LEV, promised the liability for breach of contract, and someone assumed the liability as a guarantor.

Now Mr. Lev has issued a certificate that the original author has given up writing the novel and asked to remove it from the bookshop. This is a complete violation of the terms of the contract. There is fraud in your prior commitment.

Now Mr. Lev asks for the termination of the contract and the corresponding compensation of 60 million copper dollars. "

"Bitch! You're kidding me! You said clearly that you would continue to write well! " Delma points at Cynthia standing on the witness stand and roars.

"I went to your publishing house this morning and clearly told my attitude. Many people in your company have heard our dialogue and disputes. As for the agreement you said, I don't know. You can provide evidence." Cynthia said calmly.

"You lie! You said it Delma grabs the railing with white knuckles and blue tendons on her forehead.

Sixty million coppers, even if he and Cyril were half, it would be thirty million coppers.

Even if he sold the publishing house, he couldn't afford to pay for it!

"On the court, be quiet!" Dix cheered coldly.

Cyril looked at Delma with a chill in her heart.

Thirty million copper coins, put in the Molton family, is not a small amount of liquidity. For him, it is also money that he can't get out of his pants.

Before, he might have thought that his father would come to help him.

But today, Jeffrey has told him clearly that it won't help him.

Where is he going to find the 30 million copper coins?!

"My Lord! My Lord, this matter has nothing to do with me. I was cheated by him to sign. I didn't get anything. This matter has nothing to do with me. I don't have to bear anything, do I? " Said Cyril, looking at DIX.

"It's written in black and white. You're the guarantor. You'll take half of the responsibility, so you'll get half of the compensation." Dix looked at him and said with a smile, "besides, you don't get nothing. Your confession says that Del Mar gives you a five million copper dollar reward. You're taking people's money and acting for them. How can you not take risks?"

Cyril's face turned pale, pointed to Delma and MEG and said, "that's... That's what they got together to cheat me! How can there be such a coincidence? I just signed the contract in the morning, but I haven't got the money yet. This is a breach of contract?! My Lord, I am wronged! I'm the one cheated! "

Dix did not pay attention to him, but directly declared: "the case is simple, and the evidence is clear. Delma and Cyril breach the contract and cheat. They compensate Lev 60 million copper dollars according to the contract amount, and each of them pays 30 million copper dollars.

In view of the large amount of money, the two of you will be detained for the time being. You ask your family to raise liquidated damages and send them to the city Lord's residence. After paying the full amount, you can get the understanding of the victim and be released as soon as possible. If you fail to pay the full penalty, you will be convicted according to the difference! "

"My Lord is wise." McGonagall smiles and bows.

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