"It's a script, but it's not a drama script. It's a ghost script. You'll know it later." McGonagall said with a smile: "your job this month is to adapt the script into a readable and popular novel."

"Hot money?" Cynthia was a little embarrassed. "I've only written one blockbuster in my life. As for what it is, you should know."

McGonagall's face was slightly stiff. He did know that they would not have known each other if it wasn't for this.

"As you write that book, the script has provided you with the framework and content of the story. You just need to add some details to it." "Don't put too much pressure on me," McGonagall said

"According to that feeling?" Cynthia thought for a while, hung her head red and red, and answered softly, "I see."

McGonagall looked at Cynthia a little inexplicably. He was a little worried and said, "in a week's time, please hand in the draft to me first. I'll control the content."

"Good." Cynthia nodded.

MEG didn't stay long. After leaving Cynthia's house, he went to the Lord's mansion.

Delma's assets are being notarized these days, of which the publishing house is the most difficult.

This small publishing house has more than a dozen staff members, and it has no outstanding representative works. The most famous "boss Mai" series has been banned, and its value is not high. So far, there are not many bidding staff.

McGonagall bought the company for 1.5 million copper dollars.

Anyway, how much money will come back to him in the end, just earning a company in vain.

"Boss Mai, you're really cutting corners. It's estimated that for a long time, no company will dare to arrange you casually." Dix accompanied MEG to go through the handover procedures and said with a smile.

"The rumor maker, after all, has to pay the price." McGonagall smiles, bows to Dix, "thank you."

"It's just a small matter. This kind of illegal businessman really deserves some punishment, and it's also a deterrent to those who are small." Dix smiles and shakes his head.

"I heard that Cyril is not going to pay the liquidated damages?" Asked MEG.

"This morning, old lady Denise came in person and asked us to give them more time. She also wanted to communicate with Mr. LEV in person. It seems that she wants to reduce the amount." Dix shook his head with a smile. "But Mr. Lev insisted that he would have thirty million copper coins, not a cent less. It seems that he was determined to take a bite on the fat meat of the Morton family."

"This kind of guy can't have a memory without a lesson." MEG laughs, says goodbye to Dix and goes to Delmar.

There was a seal on the door of Delma publishing house. When MEG stopped his bike, he saw a middle-aged woman sitting on the doorstep dejectedly.

McGonagall knew this woman. She was the editor of Delmar publishing house. She had been specially responsible for urging Cynthia.

When the editor heard the voice, she looked up at MEG, as if she recognized him. She bowed her head in embarrassment and pretended not to know him.


MEG came forward and tore the seal off the door.

"You... What are you?" Now the editor couldn't sit still. She got up and looked at MEG, looking surprised.

"I'm the boss of this publishing house now. Are you an employee of this publishing house Meg said, looking at her with a smile.

"Are you the boss of this publishing house?" The female editor was completely stunned and looked at MEG in disbelief.

"Yes, the boss of the publishing house went bankrupt because of contract fraud. The publishing house was auctioned in the city Lord's mansion, and I caught it." McGonagall nodded and showed the female editor the ownership transfer certificate of the city master's office.

"How could this happen..." the female editor was still a little silly.

The publishing house closed down very suddenly, the boss was caught suddenly, the well managed publishing house was sealed when it was sealed, and the staff of the publishing house were laid off collectively.

Today, she hasn't recovered. She hasn't paid her last month's salary, and she hasn't found a new job. Today, she just turned to this area and sat at the door for a while. I didn't expect to meet boss Mai.

"Are you an employee of this publishing house? What did you do before? " MEG asked again.

"I used to work as an editor in this publishing house, responsible for docking authors and proofreading books." The editor replied, "my name is Eleanor."

McGonagall looked at her and asked, "it's the editor. Do you know the writer named northwest lone wolf?"

Eleanor's expression was a little embarrassed, her eyes were a little wandering, and she said vaguely, "I... I've heard of the author, but I don't know her, what she looks like, where she lives, what she likes to eat."

"So." McGonagall nodded and said with regret, "I think the author is very talented. If you know her, maybe you can help me get to know her and send me some blades or something."

It's embarrassing for Eleanor to leave and meet boss McGrady when she doesn't hear.

"Eleanor, I'm going to reopen this publishing house, but I'm not very professional. Now the publishing house is short of staff. Would you like to join my publishing house?" MEG looked at Eleanor and said with a smile.

"Well?" Elinor was stunned and looked up at McGonagall. "You mean, let me continue to work at Delmar press?"

"No, it's the new Macy press." Meg said with a smile.

Eleanor looked at McGonagall's gentle and kind smile, and with almost no hesitation, she nodded and said, "I do!"

"Very good. Please show me around the publishing house first." MEG pushed the door open. "By the way, let me introduce your former colleagues."

"All right." Eleanor quickly followed and took MEG around the press.

The house is the most valuable asset of the publishing house, accounting for about 90% of the auction.

The publishing house has accumulated some works over the years, but all of them are not well-known works. Let alone the explosion, they have been struggling to survive.

However, although sparrow is small, it has all kinds of internal organs. The publishing house has all kinds of personnel and is fully capable of planning and publishing a book.

McGonagall listened to Eleanor's relatively fair introduction to his former colleagues, and he broke his mind to recruit everyone back.

At present, he has no plans to publish his works in large quantities. His first work is still in the process of polishing "magic love". He doesn't need other people's help in typesetting and printing.

"From today on, you are the deputy editor in chief of the company, with a monthly salary of 6000 copper coins." Meg said, looking at Eleanor.

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