Eleanor was pleased that her salary of six thousand copper coins was two thousand copper coins higher than her previous salary, and MEG also promoted her to associate editor in chief.

Promotion and raise!

She never thought that she had achieved her goal after her boss was arrested.

Eleanor swept away her fatigue, looked at McGonagall in high spirits and asked, "what kind of work do I need to do?"

McGonagall thought for a while and said, "in the next few days, just sit down in the company every day and clean the company. There's nothing you need to do for the time being."

"Well?" Eleanor was stunned.

"I'm in the process of preparing a book, but I haven't made enough progress to need a publishing house." MEG explained.

Eleanor nodded. Although she didn't know what McGonagall was planning, as an obedient employee, if the boss didn't say anything, she naturally didn't ask much.

"Also, you can find those employees who were owed wages before, and ask them to come here at 10 a.m. three days later to collect the wages that were owed. If they don't have a job, they can prepare for the interview by the way, and I may recruit some new employees." McGonagall added.

"Do you want to pay them back?" Eleanor was a little surprised.

These old employees have no hope of getting back their wages. Unexpectedly, McGonagall took the initiative to raise this matter.

"Yes, I have acquired the property of this company, and at the same time, I have to bear the corresponding liabilities. This is the rule set before the auction." MEG nodded. "Thank you for that."

"No problem. I'll call you in place." Eleanor nodded.

"Here are the company keys. You have a bunch." MEG gives Eleanor a bunch of keys.

Elinor was flattered to catch it. In the past, only the editor in chief had a second set of keys besides the boss.

"Work hard, there will be opportunities for promotion and salary increase in the future." McGonagall encouraged.

"Well." Eleanor nodded heavily, but she thought, there are only two people in the company. Where can I go if I get a promotion? Is that why I added a vice editor in front of the editor in chief?

MEG looked up at the sign.

"I'll get someone to take it down in a minute." Elinor had a good eye, she said at once.

McGonagall looked at her and said, "I'll make the sign myself. You can just dispose of the old one and find someone to dispose of the things in the publishing house."


"Yes, I'm going to redecorate the publishing house. It's too backward." MEG nodded. He thought of the uncomfortable sofa in the boss's office.

"All right."

Eleanor swallowed all the words back to her stomach, thinking that the new boss was bold and bold. She said to change it. At the beginning, Delma, an old stingy man, had been mending a broken sofa for three years and three years, and all the office appliances of these employees had come back from the second-hand market.

MEG nodded and rode off on his bike.

It's not bad to have an obedient employee. It's only a bare commander who gets angry.

With the publishing house, printing can be solved by night elf, and now he is only short of the finished product of a popular book.

McGonagall has some confidence in Cynthia's strength.


McGonagall went back to the dining room and saw a girl standing at the door of the dining room, looking up at a pear tree with flowers.

"Miss Luna, why are you here?" MEG stopped his bike, looked at Luna in her kapok dress and asked with a smile.

"You are back." Luna turned her head and looked at McGonagall, with a gentle smile on her face. "I came here to discuss with Mr. McGonagall about the beginning of the class. The children have been in class for a week, and the enlightenment effect is good. After the meeting, we think that we can have some practice classes to let the children experience and adapt."

"Let's go in and take our time. The restaurant is closed today." MEG opens the door and goes in.

Luna followed her through the door, looked at MEG coming out of the kitchen with tea, and casually asked, "isn't the lady at home?"

"She's out on business." MEG put a glass of warm water in front of Luna.

"Oh, that's a bit unfortunate. I think she should be a very beautiful woman."

"Yes, a very beautiful woman." MEG smiles and nods.

Luna smile, took out a curriculum on the table, "you look at the curriculum, I give you two classes a week, one on Monday and one on Friday, class time is two hours, what do you think?"

"If there is no emergency, be sure to be on duty." McGonagall nodded with a smile. Luna's schedule avoided the working hours in the restaurant and reserved some time for him. It can be said that she was very considerate.

As for a class of up to two hours, this is actually McGonagall himself mentioned before.

Learning to cook is different from learning knowledge in class. Practice makes perfect. If you don't have enough practice time, you can't be a good cook even if you are a genius.

McGonagall has only two classes a week, which adds up to only four hours. It's not enough time to cultivate a good cook.

However, McGonagall just likes to meet the challenge, let a group of kids fall in love with cooking, train them to become the best chefs in the future in Nolan, and make hope academy become the Huangpu Military Academy of chefs. Just think about it, I feel a little excited!

"Are you going to select students tomorrow?" Asked MEG.

"Yes, we have informed the children of the practical courses and asked them to sign up voluntarily." Luna nodded, even showed a smile, "choose your kitchen god advanced course children up to 400."

"How could I be so popular?" McGonagall was a little surprised. He thought that learning to cook was the hardest and tiring thing for children.

"These children are poor and afraid. If they become a cook, at least they don't have to worry about going hungry." Luna said in a soft voice, with pity in her eyes.

McGonagall's heart was also tight. He thought of the way Amy chewed the hard crunchy biscuits when he just crossed the world. Some children were even more miserable than this.

"I can only recruit 100 students in the first phase. It seems that I have to work hard to eliminate many children." Meg said with a smile.

"If you have any requirements, we can exclude some children first to reduce your workload tomorrow." Asked Luna.

McGregor thought about the cableway: "too young children can't reach the stove, and can't lift the pot, so in terms of height and strength, it's limited to one meter three and the pot that can hold half a pot of water with one hand. I'll make a decision when I see the children."

Luna nodded and took out a pen and paper to record.

"I heard that you had a rumor recently. Have you dealt with it now?" Luna put away her pen and paper, looked at MEG and asked with some concern.

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