Luna didn't stay long in the restaurant and left. MEG took out a small book and began to prepare lessons carefully.

It's good that he doesn't have to worry about the lack of students. This kind of start is a bit beyond his expectation, which means that he is about to harvest 100 iron fans.

And these 100 iron fans may bring him more generous returns in the future.

Before that, what he has to do is to learn how to be a good teacher and teach them his cooking skills so that they can grow up to be independent chefs.

Elimination of some children who are very curious about this matter makes MEG a little uneasy.


MEG went to the dormitory, found Angela who had just come back from the outside, and said, "Angela, go to Luodu. Go to Luomo street to find Miss Vicky, the head of black cat opera house, and say that I recommend you to study acting in the past."

"Learning to perform?" Angela Leng Leng, a puzzled look at MEG, "why should I learn to perform?"

"I didn't mean to give you a chance to be famous before, but now it's up to you if you can grasp it." Meg said with a smile.

Angela blinked and said, "boss... You didn't sell me, did you? Sold to an opera house? The less serious one? "


McGonagall reached out and gave her a chestnut. He didn't have a good way: "the opera house is serious. Now it's the best opera house in Nolan."

Angela covered her reddened forehead with an aggrieved look on her face and said, "well... What can I do to learn acting? I can't sing opera. "

"I'm going to shoot a magic shadow. You're the heroine. At present, the script is being polished, but you need to learn your acting skills. After all, it's the first step of magic shadow. Don't be embarrassed." MEG explained patiently.

"What is the shadow?"

"It's a kind of communication technology that uses the photo stone and magic to save the picture and then play it on the player. The content of the shooting is a story, which is the shadow."

Angela thought seriously for a while, but she didn't realize that Ming Li was very strong. She couldn't help but ask, "I'm a woman leader, who's a man?"

MEG pointed to himself.

Angela stared at MEG for a while, not sure: "boss, you are not coveting my beauty, are you?"

"Do you think you have the strength to say this in front of the landlady?" MEG rolled his eyes.

Angela immediately felt that it was very reasonable. She said with a smile, "that's right. How dare you? The landlady can crush you to death 100 times with one finger."

McGonagall's mood is slightly complicated. This is the situation caused by strong women and weak men. People even think that you dare not move your mind.

"What if I go to the restaurant?" Angela asked.

"You don't have to worry about this. You'll be busy, but you're not too busy."

"You mean it's the same with me or not?"

"With you, we can have a little more rest."

"Well! I'm leaving tonight! " Angela ran upstairs in a huff.

MEG smiles, shakes his head and turns to go back to the restaurant.

After a while, upstairs and a head, some counsellors asked: "is it difficult to learn performance?"

"It shouldn't be hard for you." McGonagall said with a smile, this girl's acting talent should be full, perfect.

"Then I'm relieved." Angela smiles and retracts her head.


The next morning, Angela came to the restaurant for breakfast and said goodbye.

"Sisters, I went to Luodu to drink spicy food. When I become a big star, I'll come back to see you." Angela swept the bean curd out of the bowl, and then said with a little bang.

"Father, is sister Angela going to Learn Hypnosis skills?" Amy asked, looking askance at MEG.

McGonagall's mouth twitched and almost didn't smile. She shook her head slightly and said, "she's going to learn how to perform. She's determined to be the first benchmark for magic to get rid of the bath center."

Amy nodded thoughtfully, "isn't that out of the crowd?"

Everyone laughed when they heard the words.

"By the way, Barbara and Sheryl, how are you getting ready for class?" MEG asked, looking at them.

"Yesterday, principal Luna came to me and said that there are very few children with magic talent. At present, there are only more than 20 students who can practice magic." Barbara sighed, "although I haven't seen those children yet, I don't think they are very talented, otherwise they would have been accepted by chaos school."

McGonagall also had expectations for this. Seeing that Barbara was not very energetic, he said seriously, "if they are willing to follow you to learn magic, you, as the only magic teacher in hope school, should try your best to teach them."

Barbara looked serious, nodded and said, "I know. I just didn't expect the ratio to be so low."

"Maybe they didn't test right. After all, there are no magicians among the teachers. Many children's magic talents need to be developed before they can be exposed. Therefore, many children who have their own magic talents may be buried because no one is aware of them." Irina interrupted.

Barbara's eyes lit up and she was full of energy. "That's right! Then wait for me to dig slowly! There are more than 3000 children from all races. I don't believe there are only a few who can learn magic. "

"And you, Cheryl?" MEG looks at Sheryl.

"Principal Luna said that so far only four children have signed up for archery courses." Sheryl smile with a bit helpless, looked at the side is clever to bite the bun Anna, "one of them is Anna."

"Today's children, why don't they like to keep fit, such a good archery teacher, no one signed up?" Abelmia said strangely.

"It's not hard to understand that these children had a hard life before. For them, it's much more important to find a job that can make them rich after they leave school than to keep fit." MEG explained.

If they were thoughtful, they quickly understood the meaning of McGonagall's words.

"However, they should not realize that if they learn archery from Sheryl, they can also become an excellent hunter and a free profession." Said Elizabeth.

"There is an experience period of one week for course selection. During this period, children can make a change according to their abilities and preferences. After they know the fun of archery course, the number of students will increase." MEG comforted.

"Boss, how many students are there in your course?" Asked abelmia.

The crowd also looked at MEG.

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