Sheila looked at the golden price and was silent for a while. She soon reached a consensus with Vivian and nodded: "I think this proposal is good. Let's fight for a steamed large yellow croaker. Anyway, one can't eat such a big fish."

When young girls see what they like, they all pay to experience it, which has gradually become a trend of young people in the city of chaos.

The three girls here know each other's family well.

I hope the teacher's salary is 3500 copper dollars a month, enough to eat a spicy roast fish, but not enough to eat a large yellow croaker.

Of course, if they only live on their monthly salary, they won't step into this restaurant.

Mei Li looked at the golden steamed large yellow croaker on the menu, but she still couldn't get much interest. However, seeing that the two colleagues were so excited and didn't want to be disappointed, she nodded and said, "I think it's OK."

The smile on Vivian's face became stronger. She turned around and ordered a meal with mia, who went to her side. By the way, she added a spicy roast fish to herself.

When you can taste the new products, you can also eat your favorite spicy grilled fish. Only in Maimi restaurant can you do so many things at one stroke.

"You... You order two fish?" Sheila, who is preparing to add two dishes, looks at Vivian in surprise.

"Yes, I like spicy grilled fish best. As long as I come to the Maimi restaurant, I will order every meal." Vivian nodded with a smile and stressed, "I only ordered my own share. Do you want some?"

Sheila quickly shook her head: "we don't need any more fish. Let's have a taste of steamed large yellow croaker. We're going to order another portion of braised pork and a fish flavored eggplant for dinner."

Vivian nodded and said nothing more.

As a new product today, steamed large yellow croaker has attracted great attention of customers.

However, the shining price of 5000 copper coins has also deterred many customers.

This is the most expensive dish on the menu of Maimi restaurant at present, apart from the Buddha jumping wall, which can solve the problem of baldness.

It's not that many customers can't afford it. It's just that according to the Convention, expensive new products often need a drug testing warrior to clear the mines for the masses.

So when Vivian was the first to order steamed large yellow croaker, people all threw their eyes to the warrior.

Mia smiles and responds. She is used to the way of the guests and reports the big yellow croaker Wei Wei'an ordered to the kitchen.

How delicious the steamed large yellow croaker is. She had already tasted it on her last Island trip. The ultimate delicacy is completely different from the spicy and refreshing spicy grilled fish and spicy minced pepper fish head.

McGonagall had long noticed that the three teachers of Hope School Park were sitting on a table. He sighed that the rich people like to run to be teachers now. On the one hand, they had caught a live large yellow croaker from the fish pond and slaughtered it.

There is a big yellow croaker in the translucent fish tank. If you catch one, you will make up another, ensuring that each one is directly supplied to the back kitchen of the restaurant from the deep sea.

Wild Pseudosciaena crocea is also a precious seafood in the past. For example, in Meg's hand, it weighs two Jin and its scales are delicate and golden. It's like the best Pseudosciaena crocea plated with a layer of golden armor. Moreover, it's still fresh and can be sold for tens of thousands.

In the Maimi restaurant, you only need 5000 copper coins to taste the steamed large yellow croaker cooked by the top chef!

The price of absolute conscience is good!

The processed large yellow croaker is simply pickled on one side, and then steamed on the pot.

The most top-level ingredients often only need the simplest cooking method.

Fresh top-level ingredients like Pseudosciaena crocea don't need a lot of side dishes to suppress the fishy smell, and they don't need a lot of condiments to blend the taste.

Steam in a special steamer for three minutes, turn off the fire, and a golden steamed large yellow croaker will come out of the pot.

Cut on the back and spread the fish on the plate with both sides facing out, connecting the abdomen.

The fine scales of large yellow croaker have not been scraped off. After steamed, it still exudes a dazzling golden luster. Sprinkled with shredded ginger and scallion, the fragrance has spread.

But when abemia came out of the kitchen with this steamed large yellow croaker, a beam of light just fell on the large yellow croaker on the plate. The dazzling light made everyone in the restaurant shine.

The attractive fragrance of large yellow croaker is that the guests sitting in the aisle can't help swallowing.

Different from the strong offensive flavor of spicy grilled fish, the flavor of steamed large yellow croaker is more mild, just like a lady with half exposed shoulders, which makes people feel comfortable and salivating.

"Your steamed large yellow croaker." Abelmia put the fish in front of Vivian and said with a smile.

"Wow, it looks very nice. There are so beautiful fish!" Sheila's eyes were shining, reflecting the golden light.

"It seems a little too light?" Vivian was a little hesitant.

As a loyal fan of spicy grilled fish, I feel that this kind of steamed large yellow croaker, which can't even see a piece of shredded pepper, is really light. I don't know whether I can eat it or not. I even doubt whether the fishy smell of the fish can be suppressed.

Mei Li's nose, which was a little dejected, moved. Looking at the large yellow croaker with exquisite shape and gorgeous color, her eyes lit up slightly.

These days the pressure is too big, sleep is not good, appetite is also very poor, looking at this good quality of large yellow croaker, smelling the delicate and delicious fragrance, it is a bit of mouthful.

"Try it?" Sheila picked up the chopsticks and looked at them.

"Of course." Vivian also picked up chopsticks. Since she had ordered them on the table, there was no reason not to taste them. Anyway, she had a spicy roast fish.

"Try it." Mei Li nodded slightly, picked up her chopsticks and held a piece of fish near the end of the fish.

The small scales fall off with a slight touch, revealing the delicate white fish. Pick up the fish, dip it in the soup on the plate, and then feed it to your mouth.

Melly didn't have much to look forward to. The expression on her face suddenly solidified, and then gradually showed an incredible expression.

This fish has a fresh and tender taste, mellow and fragrant, tender and smooth and refreshing. The salty flavor brought by the sauce can not cover the freshness of the fish itself. The delicate fish is extremely fresh and sweet.

It seems like a very simple dish, steamed cooking, even spices and spices are less visible to the naked eye.

But it is such a simple cooking method that makes the delicious of this large yellow croaker get the most extreme play.

Taste buds are like being swept by the spring rain. The tender fish turns into a warm current and slides down the throat into the stomach. Then, it seems that there are strands of strange feelings rising slowly to her mind, which makes her feel that the tight nerves are a bit relieved.

"It's incredible delicious. It's fish from the sea, isn't it?" Melly tried to restrain her excited voice and exclaimed.

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