Meili is intoxicated with the delicacy of steamed large yellow croaker, and even makes her forget many troubles.

She suddenly felt the beauty of life, and her brain gradually became clear. Children's smiling faces were more important than those digital achievements. She was obsessed with achievements, but lost her heart.

"Well! It's delicious. It tastes light, but it's so sweet. I didn't expect that there would be such delicious fish in the world. " Sheila is also full of praise, full of surprise looking at the big yellow croaker in front of her.

"It looks a little light. Is the steamed fish really so delicious?" Vivian murmured in her heart. She also picked up a piece of fish and fed it to her mouth.

The light salty flavor of the soup first aroused the interest of the taste buds, and then the tender and sweet fish appeared.

Different from the spicy grilled fish, the big yellow croaker is more tender and delicate, bringing the delicious of the fish to the limit.

It's the delicious food that makes the taste buds cheer, and it's the taste that makes the body excited!

"That's great! It's so delicious to make fish by steaming! It's boss Mai Vivian picked up the second piece of fish and said with admiration.

Although the three beauties kept restraint and reserve, they could not hide their love and praise for this steamed large yellow croaker.

The onlookers swallowed their saliva and soon someone began to order.

Light, delicious, sea fish.

For some guests who can't accept the hot taste of spicy grilled fish and minced pepper fish head, it completely makes up for the regret that they want to eat fish but can't.

The price of five thousand copper coins is not cheap, but there is no shortage of rich people in the Maimi restaurant.

Delicious steamed large yellow croaker were brought out of the kitchen and served on the table of the guests, which attracted a lot of praise.

Vivian ate half a steamed large yellow croaker, and her spicy grilled fish was served.

"Let's eat together. Spicy grilled fish is more exciting." Vivian's attention immediately shifted and said enthusiastically.

Before that, Vivian didn't have much contact with Sheila and Meili, but today's dinner experience is good, simple communication also deepened understanding, and the relationship became closer.

"Well, let's eat together." Sheila nodded with a smile, and the braised pork and fish flavored eggplant they ordered were on the table.

As for steamed large yellow croaker

This will have left only a clean fish bone.

"Well." Melly's face also showed a smile, at this time the state has become a lot easier.

Vivian ate a few spicy grilled fish, took a big drink of the ice water at hand, and looked at Meili, who was biting the braised pork with a small bite. She said with envy, "Meili, I heard that all the children you teach are very good. Yesterday I passed by the principal's office, and I heard some old teachers praise you for your strong professional ability."

"Really... Really?" Meili's chopsticks stopped and looked up at Vivian in disbelief.

"Well, you are very responsible. It's very rare among young teachers." Vivian nodded her head.

Meili blushed, but her mouth could not hide her joy. She shook her head with a smile and said, "I just did what I should do."

"Hee hee, I said you don't have to worry about it. We all see what you do, and we don't have to worry about the exam next month." Sheila frowned at her and said with a smile.

After dinner, the three separated at the door of the restaurant.

Meili boarded the carriage and lifted a corner of the car curtain. The cool spring breeze was blowing on her face, but it couldn't get rid of the smile on her face.

That night, she had a good sleep.

A rare night without a dream.

When she opened her eyes the next morning, she felt comfortable and energetic.

Sitting in front of the dressing mirror, she was surprised to find that the dark circles on her face had disappeared, and the whole person suddenly regained her girlish vitality.

"Sure enough, is sleep the best beauty medicine?" Melly's fingers gently stroked her cheek, and a confident smile rose from the corner of her mouth: "Hello, Miss Melly."

Suffering from insomnia and mental disorder for a long time, she finally came out after a good sleep.

"Is it because I ate steamed large yellow croaker?" Meili tilted her head and thought that the only thing that made a difference yesterday was to eat large yellow croaker in the Maimi restaurant.

Melly tied up her hair, put on a capable black sweater, and went to school with confidence.

"Miss Melly, you look very energetic today."

"Miss Melly, you are so beautiful today."

On the way to campus, Melly received a lot of praise, including teachers and children.

This makes the smile on Melly's face a little more confident, and feels that the bright sunshine on her body has become warm.

"Oh! My God, Melly, you look so beautiful today. It's like a new person. It seems that you should have had a good sleep yesterday. " Sheila came out of the office with a stack of papers in her arms and saw Melly's eyes brighten.

"Sheila, you're beautiful today, too." Melly said with a smile, then approached her, lowered her voice and said, "we're going to have dinner at the McMillan tonight. It's my treat."

"Yes, yes." Sheila nodded.


McGonagall's Kitchen God advanced class has become the most discussed topic among the students of hope school these two days.

The children of the advanced class, having seen McGonagall's marvelous cooking skills and tasted the most delicious Yangzhou fried rice, have already made McGonagall a myth.

After entering the kitchen god advanced class, you can taste the most delicious food in the world, and make the magnificent Kitchen God building a holy land for many children.

The first phase of registration has been completed, and the next phase is one month later.

Many children have secretly made up their mind to eat hard! Strive to improve the strength!

Kitchen God advanced class is the most difficult practical training course in hope school, which has become the consensus of children.

Therefore, those children who have entered the list of 32 people's Congress have become the envy of many people.

"Beck, tell me how delicious Yangzhou fried rice is?" A few half year olds gathered around Beck, looking at him expectantly.

Beck scratched his head shyly. "I said it several times yesterday, so I won't say it."

"You say, we'll listen to it."

"Yes, I was drooling yesterday. I had a big dream at night. I'm satisfied."

A few children smile to urge a way.

Beck looked around and saw that the students were so enthusiastic and hard to shirk. He coughed and said, "this Yangzhou fried rice is made of ten kinds of ingredients, including big shrimp with thick arms and salty ham

After this dazzling stir frying, Yangzhou fried rice is as gorgeous as a rainbow, with all kinds of color and fragrance. Only in this way can it come out of the pot.

With a spoon on the spoon fed to the mouth, the egg almost melt in the mouth, cut into the size of rice asparagus and green beans crisp and delicious, the rice wrapped in eggs is full of sweet taste after chewing, soft waxy ham kneaded into the rice, which seems to have the taste of shrimp.

All kinds of flavors are contained in one mouthful here. When one mouthful goes on, one feels warm all over the body, and the fragrance of rice still remains between the lips and teeth.

How wonderful


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