Guests come in one after another, McGonagall greets with familiarity, and some strangers will happily call him boss McGonagall, and then say that they are famous fans.

Then, a familiar name jumped into his eyes.

"Bayat, male, human, 45 years old..."

McGonagall looked at this dark, bearded, tall man who was like a businessman running around all the year round. The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The chef of Ducas restaurant, who had competed on the same stage before, naturally McGonagall would not be so forgetful.

However, his make-up is quite exquisite. If it wasn't for the door of channeling, he didn't know it was him at first glance.

It's just this point. He doesn't work in the back kitchen of Ducas restaurant. What's he doing in McMillan restaurant? In his impression, the business of Ducas restaurant should be good.

"Is he here to learn art, too?" McGonagall's eyebrows were slightly raised, thoughtful, and he and bayatt nodded with a smile, saying nothing more.

During this period of time, some of the guests in McMillan are chefs from other restaurants, which he knows very well.

The most striking feature of these people is that they order the same dish every time for several days in a row. They eat slowly, taste carefully, nod from time to time, and most of the time they scratch their ears and gills.

Bayatt went into the dining room, looked left and right, and chose a seat facing the kitchen, where he could see the interior of the kitchen through the crystal.

This is his first time to enter the interior of Maimi restaurant. Although he heard a lot of rumors and news, he was surprised to see this bold kitchen design.

You know, the most important thing for a chef is the privacy of the recipe. I wish I was the only one in the kitchen when cooking, so as not to steal my recipe.

Just like when he roasted suckling pig, the sauce in the curing and roasting process was brought to the restaurant after he was deployed at home, and the knack of baking and baking was only known to him.

This is the reason why he has been able to stay in the position of head chef in Ducas restaurant for more than ten years, and also the way for a chef to survive in the workplace.

McGonagall overturned the law. He opened the kitchen so that everyone could see what he was doing.

You know, McGonagall is the most popular chef in Nolan. With the spread of food magazines, McGonagall is well-known.

In today's restaurants, including the one sitting next to him, bayat has observed more than eight chefs.

They are sitting here for the same purpose.

McGonagall didn't care about the existence of these peepers and plagiarists. He even published the recipe of fish flavored eggplant in a food magazine and the recipe of braised pork in brown sauce in a children's picture book.

He was so open and aboveboard that bayat felt like a despicable mouse and moved his body uneasily.

But he didn't have a choice. He had to save his career and Ducas restaurant, which was in trouble.

"This time... I learned this dish, and I will never do such a thing in the future." Thinking in his mind, bayat opened the menu on the table.

He was awed by the exquisite dishes on the menu. As a chef, he knew how difficult it was to create a delicious food.

McGonagall's creativity is amazing, every dish on the menu is so unique, he uses a variety of cooking methods, so that seemingly unmatched ingredients collide, and then create a delicious food.

Then his eyes fell on the golden "steamed large yellow croaker".

This is a fish that bayat has never seen. It should be some kind of sea fish. It's as golden as gold.

Steamed large yellow croaker looks much lighter than spicy grilled fish and chopped fish head covered with peppers.

"What would you like, sir?" Abelmia went to the table, looked at bayatt and asked.

"I'd like a steamed large yellow croaker and a fish flavored eggplant." Bayat closed the menu.

"Yes, just a moment, please." Mia smiles and nods.

Bayatt leans back comfortably in his chair, looking like he is enjoying the busy chef in the kitchen, which is one of the delights of the guests sitting near the kitchen waiting to serve.

When the dishes enter the kitchen, bayatt sees MEG fill the pan with fried rice, take out ten Jiaohua chickens from the oven, carry two portions of them to the dining table, and then walk towards the fish tank.

"Here it is Bayatt leaned forward slightly, his eyes fixed on MEG.

Through the way of food analysis, it is not as efficient and accurate as watching the chef cooking directly.

I don't know how long it will take for the materials, the heat and the steps to come out again by analysis, but if he can watch MEG do it again with his own eyes, he is confident that he can learn it.

MEG reached into the fish tank, and when he lifted it up, he was already holding a big yellow croaker weighing two kilograms.

Fish cutting, cleaning, steaming

Meg's action was so fast that bayatt's eyes couldn't keep up with him. There were hundreds of kebabs served and two steaks served.

When MEG put on the lid of the steamer and continued to swim among the stoves while cooking several kinds of food, bayat was still in a state of muddle with his mouth open.

Have you learned?



Yes, he didn't even see what McGonagall had done.

His action is too fast, and he has done too much work in a short time to keep up with his rhythm.

He only saw a few general steps, but did not see what spices and ingredients he put.

"It seems that we can only recover by tasting." Bayatt's mood was low.

About five minutes later, the big yellow croaker came out of the oven, and MEG took it directly to the dining table.

"Your steamed large yellow croaker and fish flavored eggplant." Soon the two dishes floated out of the kitchen and landed firmly in front of bayat.

Maimi restaurant's unique way of serving food is controlled by the space magician, and other restaurants can't afford it.

Bayatt's eyes have been attracted by the steamed large yellow croaker in front of him. The golden large yellow croaker is not big and has a streamlined body shape. The fish is cut in half from the middle and spread out in a long strip-shaped plate. The golden thin scales still shine with golden light after cooking, and the slender scallion strips are dotted on it, which makes it smell delicious.


Bayatt's throat rolled.

The delicious taste is not like the spicy grilled fish at the same table. It is full of aggression, but it still has strong power and temptation.

Fresh soup is only a shallow layer, throughout the whole fish, can not see the rest of the side dishes.

Big yellow croaker is the only protagonist of this dish. Scallion strips are not even a supporting role!

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