Yes, this fish looks so simple that it can be seen at a glance. But this does not affect the fish to the diners to bring a strong visual impact and delicious sneak attack.

Steaming is rarely used to cook fish. Chefs always want to cover up the fishy smell of fish with a variety of heavy flavor spices.

However, we have to admit that the steamed fish retains the delicate appearance of this large yellow croaker. It is like the golden scales shining like gold, with its own light, making it the most beautiful cub on this table.

"Scallion, fish." Bayat wrote it down quickly in his mind.

Of course, he doesn't think that this steamed large yellow croaker really only has this side dish. Before serving, the chef will remove some side dishes and spices that affect the appearance of the dish, and then add some side dishes that may have nothing to do with the cooking process, but have beautiful color as embellishment.

Bayatt picked up the chopsticks and gently scratched the fish, the golden scales were cut off, revealing the white fish below.

First, pick up a piece of fish on the top of the fish, which is wrapped by scales and not soaked in the soup. It should be the simplest and purest flavor, which can better show the level of a chef.

The fish is fresh and tender, and the ultimate taste lingers on the tip of the tongue, mixed with a touch of salty fragrance. It is so pure and natural that people can enjoy it.

There's no smell at all. Bayat is a little surprised!

You know, in addition to the light salty flavor, he didn't even feel too much flavor of spices and condiments. This is the original flavor of large yellow croaker!

He can be absolutely sure that this is a sea fish, and there is no such fish in the inland.

Steaming stimulates its original flavor to the greatest extent. The right heat makes the fish fresh and tender. The excellent elasticity between lips and teeth makes people want to stop.

Then he took a piece of fish from the tail, which was just overflowed by the soup. It should be the most delicious part to soak.

The fish is still fresh and sweet in the mouth, but it's soaked in the soup, which makes it a bit more fragrant. It blends with the fish and bursts out a new wonderful taste.

He can't tell what kind of sauce it is. It doesn't have a strong taste, but it has a unique aroma. It is full-bodied, delicious, tender and refreshing with the steamed fish!

Bayatt's eyebrows were raised, but his eyes narrowed. In addition to the sauce, there seemed to be several seasonings and side dishes in the soup, but their smell was very light. It seemed that they only played a little auxiliary role, but they were like the finishing touch, which made the taste of steamed rhubarb to a higher level.

But let him search all kinds of spices and side dishes in his mind, still can't find the same match.

One mouthful after another, his brow was wrinkled into a Sichuan character, and his specially made hairstyle was scratched. It was delicious and made his head bald.

There's no way. He really can't explain

However, he is not the only one who behaves like this. The uncle sitting next to him is eating the grilled fish with "hiss... Hiss..." and staring at the grilled plate with red eyes and a sad face. He has eaten more than half of the fish and his mouth is swollen, but he still doesn't know how to make the spicy grilled fish.

It wasn't long before bayatt's steamed large yellow croaker had a skeleton left. He stared at the plate and was silent for a while. He picked up the spoon and began to drink the soup.

Then, when the soup was finished, he fell silent again.

After a while, he took fish flavored eggplant, dried two bowls of rice and checked out.

"So full..."

Out of the Maimi restaurant, bayatt touched his stomach. It was the most delicious meal he had ever had.

"This way!" Alvar poked his head out of the wagon and beckoned at bayatt.

Bayatt looked left and right, saw that no one was paying attention, and quickly stepped into the carriage.

As the carriage drove away from the Maimi restaurant, alvar, sitting opposite, looked at bayat expectantly and asked, "have you learned?"

Bayatt wanted to shake his head, but looking at Alvana's expectant eyes, he turned his mind and nodded: "I've learned."

"Great! Then you can make one when you go back. If the taste is guaranteed, we'll have new products tomorrow! " Alvar clapped his hands and said excitedly.

"I'm afraid not." Bayat shook his head.

"Why?" Alvar smiles, "you lied to me?"

"To make steamed large yellow croaker, we must first find a stable supplier of large yellow croaker. The core of this dish is large yellow croaker. Other fish can't make it at all." Bayat said frankly.

Alvar laughed. "It's just a fish. Since he can buy it, we can also buy it."

"It should be sea fish. Although there are seafood merchants in chaos City, the supply is not stable, and I haven't seen this kind of fish in them yet."

Alvar frowned, but still waved his hand and said, "you don't have to worry about this. I'll solve the problem of fish. Go back and study how to make this steamed large yellow croaker, and see if it can be perfectly reproduced."

"Good." Bayatt nodded and said no more.

If Avar can really find large yellow croaker, he is confident that he can make delicious steamed large yellow croaker.

This is a delicious fish that can be steamed at will!

Even if he can't accurately restore McGonagall's method, he should be able to make a good steamed large yellow croaker as long as he can make a moderate soup and master the steaming temperature.

If Avar can't find it, it's easy to do. Steamed large yellow croaker can't be made without it.

What does it have to do with chef bayat?


"Recently, more and more chefs have come to the restaurant for dinner. There are more and more restaurants in Aden square with our dishes as their names. Boss, are you really not going to take charge of them?" At the end of the night, Mia looks at MEG coming out of the kitchen and complains.

More in name than in reality. I heard a man make complaints about the stewed chicken on the road yesterday, but chicken is too hard to eat. It is not good at all. It is not true, but the same is true in the wheat restaurant. Barbara then said, "but what she ate was a small dark restaurant by the side of the road. The sign was" stewed chicken and rice ". As a result, our restaurant was very angry."

"The most extreme thing is that I saw a new restaurant on the road yesterday, with the name of" rice restaurant ". Isn't that cheating?"

Girls, you and I express their dissatisfaction with the recent strange appearances.

McGonagall, however, said with a broad smile: "don't worry about this kind of thing. At least the catering industry in the chaotic city has some signs of blooming. It's not as rigid as it used to be. A certain local restaurant with one water is really both local and cuisine.

The rapid development of most industries starts from imitation. In fact, I am willing to share some cooking methods and ideas with my colleagues. "

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