McGonagall has always been very tolerant of his peers' imitation behavior, which is also a very important step for him to slowly change the Norland catering knot.

Recently, the blacksmith shop in the chaotic city has suddenly increased many orders for hemispherical iron pots. Frying pots have become a kind of cooking utensils that many chefs learn to use, and even become one of the choices of some housewives.

Stir fry has changed from a relatively small way of cooking to a home-made way of cooking like stew. The publicity of fish flavored eggplant recipes is a very important catalyst.

Frying, baking, salad... All kinds of cooking methods are gradually understood and loved by more and more people through the catalysis of Maimi restaurant.

Of course, it can't be said that McGonagall created these cooking methods.

But he had a promotional effect.

If only a few people are in charge of how to make delicious food, the world will be boring.

Let more people know more cooking methods, in different regions, may collide with amazing food.

If people who live by the sea can only cook and steam seafood, isn't it a waste of barbecue and hot pot?

If the herdsmen on the grassland can only cook and stew cattle and sheep, won't they miss the delicious taste of stewed beef and dry beef?

McGonagall hopes that one day, if someone comes across the world from the earth, he will not wake up choked by a mouthful of cookies, but marvel at how rich and distinctive the food in the world is, but feel a bit familiar with it.

But there are some things I can't bear.

"What's the" rice restaurant "and where is it?" MEG asked, looking at Gina.

Gina stretched out her hand and said, "just in front of us, there is a big restaurant. It seems that it has just opened these two days. The decoration style is similar to ours."

"It's too much. It's just rubbing the porcelain against the heat. If something goes wrong, we have to carry the pot."

"We have to take care of it."

The girls are also a little indignant.

"I'll see it tomorrow." McGonagall nodded with a smile. He also wanted to see who owned the cottage shop.

The restaurant was cleaned up and the girls said goodbye and went back to the dormitory.

Annie had already gone upstairs to paint, but the little girl and Amy were playing hide and seek, sweating and not sleepy.

The game of hide and seek is fun, but it's a bit of duck.

As the victim of this game, the ugly duckling has been running after two bear children all night.

"Come on, come on, ugly duckling, come and chase me!" Xiaoguai ran to one side of the post, poked out a small head and made a face at the ugly duckling.

"I'm here. The ugly duckling will catch me." Amy didn't know when to climb on the beam of the house and asked for the ugly duckling.

The ugly duckling shakes his head from side to side. For a moment, he doesn't know who to chase.

The key is... No one can catch up with these two masters, and no one can provoke them!

"Well, my little princesses, the game is over. It's time to go upstairs to have a bath and sleep." McGonagall walked over with a smile, reached out and rubbed the head of the ugly duckling, then opened his hands to Amy on the beam and said, "come on, millet, jump down, father will follow you."

"Then I'll jump."

Amy jumps down, catches by MEG, kisses her on the forehead and puts it on the ground.

"I want to hug, I want to hold high, I want to kiss." The little girl ran out from behind the post, jumped up, held Meg's thigh and climbed up.

"Good, good, good, good, good, good." McGonagall picked up the little guy, lifted it over his head, and tossed it gently. He caught it and tossed it again.

The little girl's laughter reverberated in the restaurant.

"Well, it's time to go upstairs and sleep." MEG gave her a kiss and put her down.

The ugly duckling collapsed on the ground and looked at MEG gratefully.

"Come on, I'll take you to the bath." Gina came forward with a smile, and lost two colorful bubbles on the two little guys, which were like two air hoods. She wrapped the two little guys in it, then floated up and flew upstairs.

"We're flying in a bubble!"

"Have fun!"

Two little guys happily float away.

McGonagall looked at Gina's back when she went upstairs. She was a girl who liked to greet her with a warm hug a month ago. How can she feel like an old mother now?

He went upstairs to take a bath and changed his bathrobe. When he came out of the bathroom, McGonagall saw two kids waiting at the door who had already changed their pajamas.

"Why don't you go to bed?" McGonagall asked with a smile.

"We're going to listen to my father's story before we go to bed."

"Well, I want to listen to Sun Wukong's three hit Baigujing."

Said the two little guys, looking expectantly at MEG.

"I want to hear that, too." Annie poked her head out of the door and looked at MEG with the same anticipation.

"Do you mind if I sit in?" Gina came out slowly.

"Well, since you like it so much, today we'll tell you the story of Monkey King's three dozen bones." MEG grinned, rubbed the soft hair of the two little guys, and walked towards the room.

Ordinary fairy tales have been unable to coax several little guys, even the little ones dislike the stories of princesses and princesses, which are too boring.

The day before yesterday, McGonagall told them the journey to the West on a whim. Unexpectedly, the three little guys listened with interest, and even Gina became a loyal audience.

The charm of the monkey has transcended the world and race.

"The master and apprentice went all the way to the West and came to Baihuling..."

McGonagall told the story of Monkey King's three attacks on white bones once again, and heard the four applaud for Monkey King's alertness and monk Tang's stupidity.

At the end of the story, good guy, four people have big eyes and little eyes. They are not sleepy at all. Their spirit is better.

"My father, four of them went out of Baihuling, and then what happened?" Amy asked.

"To predict what will happen, please listen to tomorrow's decomposition. It's time to go to bed because it's late today, or you'll be late for class tomorrow." McGonagall laughs and sells the story. It's too interesting and a problem. It's easy for children to fall asleep.

"Father, father, is the monkey king his elder sister or elder brother?" Xiaoguai asked curiously.

"Brother, of course." MEG laughed.

"You said she jumped out of the stone. Why can't she be my sister? Maybe her name is Sun Wukong? " Xiaoguai asked seriously.

"Er... This..." although McGonagall thought that Xiaoguai's statement was a little ridiculous, the little guy's thinking was so interesting that he didn't know how to refute it.

"If Sun Wukong is the elder martial sister, is she the same as Tang Sanzang? So Tang Sanzang abused her thousands of times, and her heart remained unchanged? It's like it's sweeter. " Anito thinks.

"But if the monkey king is a man, isn't it sweeter?" Gina thinking?

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