Finally coax the three curious babies to sleep, McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief and went back to the bedroom, only to see Elena lying on the bed with her hands on her cheeks and looking at him curiously.

"Why, do you want to ask Sun Wukong whether he is a man or a woman?" MEG laughed.

"I just wonder why you never told me these stories before? And the monkey king, the mermaid, snow white... Where did you hear these stories from? " Irina looked at MEG and said with a smile, "I've always been curious about what kind of life you've had in the past three years and what kind of people and things you've met that have made you who you are."

"It's an unprecedented challenge for me to be a baby father alone. It takes more courage than any fight I've ever experienced." MEG sat down by the window, fingered Elena's long soft hair, and said with a smile: "it may not need you to have a strong force, but you need to have profound knowledge to deal with the problems that children constantly come out of. You need to have excellent cooking skills to satisfy children's small appetite. You also need to master many tricks in life to deal with all kinds of things that children bring."

Elena sat up and looked at Meg's face tenderly. The smile was on her face. Then she opened her hands and hugged MEG tightly.

"When I was in the tree hole, I was worried that you couldn't take care of yourself and Amy, but you did better than I thought. You are a good father."

MEG put a smile around her and whispered in her ear, "I just did what I had to do. I hope I can make your life more comfortable."

"Then..." Irina's voice softened a little as she raised her mouth. "Can you tell me a journey to the West alone?"

"Well???" McGonagall's groping hand froze.


Rodo, backstage of the black cat opera house.

"You've been at the opera for a few days. How do you feel?" Vicky asked, looking at Angela, who was sitting in a chair and staring curiously at the actors' makeup removal.

Angela looked back at her and said with a smile, "I think acting is fun, and it's much simpler than I thought."

This woman smile with a bit of charm, said it was born ingratitude is no exaggeration, let Vicki are Leng for a second.

"Simple?" Vicky frowned. "You mean acting is a simple thing?"

The relaxed atmosphere of the backstage gradually quiets down, and the eyes of the opera performers are looking at Angela one after another, with some pity.

Angela nodded. "So far as I've seen this, I don't think it's difficult at least."

Vicky put her arms around her chest and said, "OK, show me a nervous performance."

"In terms of tension, there are many kinds. Which one do you want me to perform?" Angela stood up and asked with the same serious face.

"Urgent urination, no toilet around, no grass, all men." Vicky said coldly.

Angela's slender and mellow legs were clamped, her fists clenched slightly, her body slightly bent forward, her teeth bit her lower lip, her watery eyes looked left and right, and her expression was anxious with a bit of tension and shyness.

"Don't say, it's quite in place."

Senior actors on the scene nodded in recognition of Angela's performance.

Vicky was stunned. She didn't expect that Angela's series of actions and facial expressions were quite in place. Moreover, the coquettishness between her eyebrows and eyes was more pitiful than ordinary actors.

"The man who is liked knocks on the wall, but accidentally farts." Vickie continued in a cold voice.


Angela is also stunned, but soon a pick eyebrows, back two steps against the wall, chin slightly up, quickly into the role of the wall Dong.

I saw her hands folded in front of her body, her lips slightly pursed, and her soft eyes were a little shy and happy, which was the appearance of a beautiful girl who saw her lover.

Seven pure, three charming, by her deduction incisively and vividly.

The men who were present were stunned, as if they saw the shadow of their first love.

Then, her expression suddenly solidified, and then became obviously nervous, her eyes became a little erratic, her feet moved back a little, completely against the wall, her left hand gently pulled the skirt, her slightly raised head also slowly lowered a bit, her eyes looked to the left, as if ready to escape.

Vicky's eyelids jump. Angara's performance, though not so amazing, can be regarded as an adverse performance for a novice who has never systematically studied performing and just stayed in the opera house for a few days.

Another way of expression is: she was born to eat this meal!

The design of the action is quite in place, and the micro expression on the face is just right. In the first half, the coquettish look with some expectation is enough to move most men. In the second half, the embarrassment of trying to escape due to accidental farting is also charming and lovely.

When MEG introduced Angela to her, she had already guessed that Angela was the female owner of the new movie. Originally, she was still a little unconvinced and felt that her acting skills would crush her.

But now she admired McGonagall's casting eyes.

Although Angela is not a professional actor, she has great talent and strong learning ability.

What's more important is her fit with the role. From her performance, Vicky has found the shadow of the woman in her works.

I'm afraid there's no better actor in the world than Angela.

Vicky looked at Angela's eyes mildly, nodded and said, "from tomorrow on, you will learn to perform with me. Performance is an art. You still have a lot to go if you want to be an excellent actor."

"Is that the end?" Angela was a bit surprised. "In terms of nervousness, I can do many more."

"I'll get up at six tomorrow morning. Three hours before the performance starts is your study time. If your performance satisfies me, I can give you a chance to go on stage." Vicky said flatly, "but don't expect too much. It's the one without lines."

"That's the one who runs like a dragon?" Angela picked me up.

"Little girl, don't look down on the runner. We all come all the way from runner." The old man said with a smile.

Angara shrugged her shoulders and looked at Vicki. With a smile on her face, she said in a soft voice: "I can't wait for knowledge for a moment, commander. Don't wait for tomorrow morning. I'll go to your room to study this evening. I believe that after your explanation and demonstration, I will have the ability to go on stage tomorrow."

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