The black hole collapsed, and the monster fell from mid air, but rolled on the ground, still holding the metal cabin tightly.

At the same time, an elf appeared on the altar, holding the wizard's staff and pointing at the monster, and said in a cold voice, "don't you understand me?"

The noble temperament, the arrogance of the world, all show her identity.


"Your majesty!"

The Elves were boiling in an instant, looking at the queen in a gorgeous dress standing on the altar.

Her majesty, who had been shut up for several months, finally appeared at the moment when she was robbed.

"Your Majesty." Sally also looks at the queen in surprise.

"Mother..." originally ready to move Elena stopped, but looking at the Queen's brow is wrinkled.

"I'm afraid you're not qualified." The monster, Jie Jie, said with a smile, suddenly opened a door on his chest and swallowed the metal cabin with the baby girl. Then he opened his mouth and spat out two balls of flame towards the queen.

"Mother, be careful, its magic has space attribute!" Irina warned.

As soon as the voice fell, the fireball that the monster had just spit out disappeared in an instant. The next second it appeared on the altar, one after the other, just separated the queen in the middle, and then exploded.


A mushroom cloud rose, and the violent explosion was deafening. The elves standing in the front row of the square were overturned, and many people were injured.

"What a powerful magic attack!"

The eyes of the powerful elves on the scene are jumping wildly. These two seemingly ordinary magic balls are no less powerful than the full blow of the great magician.

"Her Majesty, she..."

The elves looked anxiously at the direction of the altar. With such a powerful magic attack, and so sudden and confusing, her majesty did not know whether she could survive.

The fire dispersed and the white jade altar was unharmed.

But above the spot, there is no queen.

"This is my forest of wind. You have no right to be wild!" The fairy queen stepped out of the void, raised her wand over her head and said coldly, "holy light, annihilation!"

A golden light from the blue gem on the top of the mage's staff lit up, instantly across the space, through the monster's heart.

A few meters wide through the hole appeared in the monster's chest, two transparent.

"It's interesting." He looked down at his chest and gave out a burst of harsh laughter. Suddenly, he patted his chest and wiped away the void. At the same time, there were black ripples outside his body, spreading in all directions.

"Attack invalid?" The queen frowned, the wound on the monster's chest had healed, and his momentum had not even weakened.

At the moment of her distraction, the black ripples had enveloped her.

She wanted to retreat, but the space magic started, but it was like falling into the mire, and she could not enter the void.

"Field? What a troublemaker. " The queen frowned.

"It's too late to run now." The monster said with a smile, the huge mouth in the middle opened, and a huge fireball began to condense.

"Stars, fall!"

A cold voice sounded.

Suddenly a starry sky appeared above the monster's head.

Among the stars, dozens of stars fall and turn into meteors. They suddenly appear above the field and fall towards the monster.

"It's the great priest!"

The elves, who have been hundreds of meters behind, look at the starry sky. Their worried faces are full of joy.

It is not easy to remove the void prohibition from the inside, but it is easier to break it from the outside.

Dozens of meteorites fall, and the huge energy fluctuation destroys the monster's forbidden space area, falling straight towards the monster.

"Holy light, sweep away all filth!"

Meanwhile, standing on the platform, Elena raised her wand.

A holy light shot through the monster's middle head.

Although the monster deviated, half of its head was directly cut off by the holy light.

It's just that the shaved head didn't explode, but showed a metallic luster.

"That's interesting." The head on the monster's right suddenly turns to Elena and grins.

At the end of the speech, his six arms suddenly waved, like huge beats, directly toward the meteorites wrapped in flames.


The huge meteorite was directly slapped into fireworks by his huge slap.

Bang bang!

In the twinkling of an eye, dozens of meteorites were all shot by him. Several of them fell among the elves, killing and injuring many elves, but the monster was unharmed.

"Organize the evacuation of the people." Irina and Sally sound, looking at the monster.

"Good." Sally nodded and walked away quickly. This level of fighting is no longer what she can participate in. Her first task is to reduce the casualties of the people as much as possible.

Helena appeared on the altar, holding the waterscape ball and looking at the monster with the same dignified look.

This guy, too powerful.

It has not yet shown its full strength, it has brought them great pressure.

One hit at random is the power of level 10. It directly hits the attack of Elena and the queen, but it can't cause substantial damage to it.

The terrible body of meteorite flying by hand is frightening. Its magic power is really a headache.

What kind of monster is this? devil? It doesn't seem like that either. When did such a strange race appear on the continent of Nolan?

However, this guy took the baby God, it is absolutely not allowed to leave.

"You three are not bad, but you are far from keeping me." Monster shook his head, three heads staring at three people, eyes become indifferent, said: "I'm leaving now, if you stop me, then I'll kill all those ants."

It points to the elves who retreat in a panic.

"What do you think you are, threatening my people in front of me, climb for me!" The Queen's wand suddenly hit the ground, and a beam of light suddenly lit up in the forest of wind, meeting over the capital.

A golden array fell from the sky like an inverted bowl, and locked the monster, the queen and Helena in it.

"Do you think this will hold me?" Monster sneer, body suddenly accelerated, toward the nearest side of the light wall.


A dull sound, light wall motionless, monster's face close to light wall, some deformation.


"It doesn't matter. As long as I kill you two, I don't believe it can keep trapping me." The monster turned to look at the queen and Helena, grinning with sharp teeth.

The next moment, it appeared in front of Helena, six giant hands like a fly, all closed to her and patted down.

The power of terror distorts the space.

"The stars change."

Helena said it silently.

Six palms fell, and even a space crack appeared in the center.

But when the monster opened his hand, there was only a pile of stone chips in his palm.

It looks up and Helena appears in the sky above.

There is a star missing.

"I'll blow your stars out. I think you can run there!" The monster didn't know where to take out a long black stick more than 100 meters long and swept to the starry sky above his head.

Stars all over the sky, like lamps of different sizes, are annihilated in the iron bars of monsters.

Helena swam among the stars, avoiding the monster's attack, looking a little embarrassed.

The Queen's light magic is colorful, but it doesn't cause much damage to the monster.

Irina looked at Helena, who was forced to the corner. She hesitated a little, but she flew into the array with her magic wand.

"Smash your dog's head!"

Irina appeared on the top of the monster's head. The top of the magic wand in her hand was shining with golden light. She suddenly thought that half of his head had been cut off.


The magic broke out at close range, and the remaining half of the monster's head was instantly blasted into dregs.

"Damned woman!"

The monster let out a furious roar, and grabbed his hands toward the top of his head.

Irina's foot is light, and her figure is flexible to avoid the monster's huge hand. She slides behind him, and the top of the wand stabs at its back heart.

Before it is in this position around the baby God swallow, she will first save the baby God.


The wand pierced the monster's body, but it seemed to be stuck on a metal wall.

Irina felt that her hands were numb, but she couldn't penetrate.

"What kind of monster is this?" Irina was a little shocked.

In the moment of her absence, a big hand suddenly shot from the back of the side.

Although she put the wand out in front of her body in time, she was still patted out by one palm and fell on the ground 100 meters away. In a daze, she made a deep hole.

"Elena!" The Queen's face changed slightly.

"Mother, I'm fine." Irina stood up with one hand on the ground, with blood spilling from the corner of her mouth. "This guy's body is very hard, harder than his head."

The top ten of the elves also joined the battle group one after another.

However, their magic attack fell on the monster, just like tickling. Except for the limited limitation of his action, it could not cause substantial damage to it.

Meg, who takes Amy and them to a safe place, turns around and just sees the scene of the previous battle of Elena.

At the same time, looking at the monster, he was also a little surprised.

This monster is really powerful, but also very strange.

To be precise, it doesn't seem to be flesh and blood.

No matter the previous attack of the queen through her chest, or the blow up of her head in the middle, there was no blood or liquid similar to blood.

On the contrary, the brain, which was slowly being repaired, had a silver black metallic luster, and MEG even saw some bare parts.

This... Seems to be a mecha?

It's not like the devil, nor is it like the native creature of Nolan, high-precision machinery, powerful power

MEG takes out the communicator and sends a message to Xi.

Then fix a photo stone on one side of the forehead tree, facing the direction of the array.

"Amy, you have to protect everyone. I'm going to help your mother." MEG touched Amy's head and left quietly.

Is nervous about the situation of the restaurant people, did not notice the departure of MEG.

In addition to Sheryl, has been distracted attention to McGonagall, see when he will hand, Sheryl, the first time found McGonagall left.

I don't know why, originally nervous, she suddenly felt relaxed a lot.

Alex, the God like man, is he going to fight at last?

"What can we do, Princess Elena? They seem unable to fight. Shall we help?" Abelmia asked anxiously.

"The level 10 attack is not very effective for it. It's meaningless for us to take part in the war." Elizabeth shook her head, looked at the monster, thought for a moment, and pressed an ice crystal in her hand.


Xi, who is writing a diary, receives a message from McGonagall. The message is very short, but it makes her stand up from her chair.

"There's a mecha monster in the wind forest. It's suspected that someone is coming from the underground city. Its strength exceeds level 10! Come on

"It's not easy to find out which guy came here!" Xi quickly walked toward the cab, and the spaceship broke through the air and flew toward the wind forest.

With McGonagall's strength, if he judges that it is beyond level 10, she doesn't know whether she can handle it. She may also need to apply for support from the underground city.


Irina smashed one of the monster's heads, making him slow, but not limited.

The magic like raindrops fell on him, except for the debris that exploded all over the ground, it could not hurt its body at all.

What makes the elves even more terrifying is its speed. Even if space magic is limited in the array, its six spider legs, tens of meters long, still provide it with terrifying speed and flexibility.


A magician was swept by one of the monster's legs, as if hit by a heavy truck, and flew backwards out of the array. His waist and abdomen collapsed, and he vomited blood directly.

In the twinkling of an eye, the six level 10 elves who took part in the battle were defeated by each one, and all of them were injured and withdrew from the array. One of them was directly kneaded into meat sauce.

On the field, only Irina, the queen and Helena were left.

"Now, it's your turn." The monster turned to look at Helena standing in the void, and jumped up with a grim smile. The iron bar swept towards the last star, with one hand thinking of Helena.

"Black hole, annihilation!"

Helena raised her crystal ball and sang aloud.

A black light from the crystal ball, and then instantly collapse annihilation.

Space began to twist, as if a terrible suction appeared, even the surrounding light appeared distorted.

The stars on Helena's head are wiped out by the iron bar, but the hand that grabs her is instantly swallowed by the black hole.

For the first time, the monster's face was satirized and flustered. His body suddenly turned and fell down.

And the hand that had been put into the black hole was swallowed directly, even the body was swallowed up. The metal and parts fell out, but soon they were covered by black fog.

The black hole was annihilated in an instant. Without the blessing of the starry field, Helena fell from the sky pale and was caught by the queen and retreated to the edge of the array.

"Good. Now I've decided to kill you all." The monster's voice said indifferently, dozens of holes appeared on his body, and a gun barrel emerged.

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