The gun barrel is dark and golden.

Irina felt the unprecedented sense of crisis, and felt that she was locked in the gas engine and could not escape.

"Elena, help Sally look after our forest! Also, we must protect the baby God. That is the reincarnation of the goddess of life. " The Queen's voice rings in Elena's ear. The next moment, a golden transmission array lights up at her feet.

"Mother emperor!" Irina was shocked, but in front of her eyes, the golden light flashed, and she was already out of the array thousands of meters away.

"This time, it's up to us to guard our forest and our people." The Queen looks at Helena and smiles.

"Well, I'll be with you." Helena took her hand, just as they had agreed 800 years ago on the battlefield.

They looked at the monster and raised their magic wand and crystal ball.

"Go to hell!"

The monster roared angrily.

Countless tongues of fire spewed out from the barrel and turned into blazing fireballs, bombing in all directions.

The queen and Helena, who bear the brunt of the fire, are given preferential treatment.

"In those days, I beat down the demons here. You are a collection of ugly people. How noisy you are!" The Queen's voice sounded cold.

A black hole suddenly appeared in front of dozens of fireballs flying towards them. Before the fireball broke out, it was swallowed by the black hole.

Other fireballs fell on the golden barrier. The barrier fluctuated violently. The light became much dimmer, and the ground was scorched.

The Queen's wand was pestled heavily by her. The green light instantly covered the wand. The lower end began to take root, and the upper end began to sprout.


Under the ground, countless vines and branches suddenly appeared, just like a big net, which suddenly tightened towards the monster.

"A small skill of carving insects!"

When the monster waved its five arms, the twining vines were snapped off, but the number of vines was so large that it was surrounded by water from bottom to top in all directions. The twining vines tied it up like a mummy.

"Burn, useless vine."

The monster's low voice rang out, and the vines bound to him began to burn, and in a twinkling of an eye they turned to ashes.

However, when the light was restored in front of his eyes, a red crystal ball appeared less than one meter in front of him.

"What's this?" The monster spoke.

The crystal ball speeded up and rushed into his mouth.

"Star core, explosion!"

Helena snapped.


With a deafening sound, the monster's right head was directly blasted into scrap iron, and its body shape was also bounced hundreds of meters, hitting the array, and the two spider legs were deformed and twisted.

"Damned woman, you're done!" Monster ferocious voice shouts a way, the body shape disappears in situ.

"Be careful!"

Queen instant teleport array, want to teleport Helena away.

But the next moment, the monster appeared in front of her, a spider leg raised, like a death scythe general, toward her.

"I didn't expect that. I killed you first!" The face of the monster's last head is full of cunning grin. She seems to have seen the scene of this noble woman being beheaded by him.

Fairy Queen's head, this is a very good collection, if put in the black market, should be able to sell a good price? Just to repair the damage.

"Your majesty

Helena, who has already made a defensive posture, sees this scene and her face changes dramatically. However, she can't use the magic of the starry sky one after another. She is at the end of a bolt and can't support her at all.

"Mother emperor!" Luna exclaimed, and the wand in her hand was shining, but I'm afraid it's too late.

"Your majesty!"

The elves looked at this scene in dismay. Her Majesty fought to the limit, but she still couldn't defeat the monster, and... Will she be killed by it now?

"Will that beautiful fairy queen die?" Amy whispered.

"No, there will be time." Cheryl clenched her fist, nervous, but inexplicably confident.

At this time, a virtual shadow cut through the space and crossed at the moment when the claw touched the queen.


The claw broke in response and fell straight to the ground in front of the queen.

The sharp sound of breaking the air came out, and the air left a white mark that had not disappeared for a long time.


Monster surprised, some incredible looking at their claws were cut off.

The queen was stunned. The light at her feet lit up and appeared hundreds of meters away.

Helena mentioned the heart of her throat and swallowed it for a while.

People see that there is a black sword floating in the sky. The Epee has no edge, but it makes people feel sharp!

"Tiandu sword!"

"Here comes Alex!"

Someone exclaimed, surprised and happy.

"I said, old lady, I'll take care of it. You can rest."

A man wearing a mask appeared outside the barrier at some time, and his voice said lazily.

"Who do you think is the old woman?" Helena was angry.

"It just killed you. If you do, I'll wait for it to kill you. It's a pity, it's a pity." McGonagall stepped into the array, strolling around the court, but his voice was serious.

It's true. McGonagall could have done it a long time ago.

But looking at Helena and this cheap mother-in-law being beaten, it's good to feel?

At that time, he suffered a lot, but these two are one of the initiators, at least in-depth participants.

Just watching Elena's mother be killed, this kind of thing he really can't do.

"Little fellow, you are very arrogant!" The monster stares at MEG, but there is some caution in his eyes that he didn't have before.

"It's really arrogant of you to talk to me in this state and in this tone." McGonagall looked up at the monster more than 100 meters high and shook his head. "I don't like to talk with people with my head up. Otherwise, you'd better come down."

As soon as the voice fell, Tiandu sword, hovering in the middle of the sky, suddenly accelerated and turned into a remnant shadow, cutting down towards the monster from top to bottom.

The monster's reaction was not slow. He held the black iron bar in both hands and tried to stop the sharp sword.

However, the iron bar with a diameter of more than three meters did not even produce any blocking effect in front of Tiandu sword.

The iron bar broke and the sword continued to fall.

As soon as the monster's face changed, the remaining three hands patted toward the middle, trying to pick up the sword with their bare hands.


The sword fell into three hands, and then caught it. But the terrible force on the sword made the remaining three spider legs of the monster bend in an instant. The body lost its balance and twisted forward.


A dull sound, splashed countless dust.

More than 100 meters high, toe high gas high monster, but now humiliated climb prone in front of McGonagall.

"You see, it's much more comfortable." McGonagall nodded with satisfaction. As soon as he extended his hand, Tiandu sword appeared in his hand.

All the people on the scene looked at the scene with their mouths wide open.

What a terrible power that the monster, who had been able to work with the high priest, the queen, Irina and all the elves at level 10, was knocked to the ground by Alex's two swords?!

The whole continent is in the legend, Alex may have entered the legendary divine realm, became the unique God in Nolan.

No one knows how strong God is.

Just now they feel the despair in the monster, but now they feel the unreachable gap from Alex.

"This guy, how can he become so strong..." Helena's eyes were also shocked. Although the monster had been badly hit by their joint attack, he just hit it with his hand. Why did he use all his strength?

"Is this the divine realm?" The queen looked at MEG, but her eyes were complicated.

"This guy, still can't change that bad habit." Elena with her hand on her forehead, why don't you feel proud?

"The monster is defeated! Awesome! Uncle Alex is amazing Amy jumped up in surprise.

"Baba is so powerful." I clap my hands, too.

Gina quickly put out her hand to cover the little guy's mouth, but she was a little surprised. How could she see it.

"He's still getting stronger." Elizabeth looked at McGonagall fanatically. How shocking! He was standing at the top of Nolan, but he was still growing stronger.

Stronger than when I first saw her, stronger than when I rescued her from the ice dragon Island, stronger than when I last saw her in the Arctic ice.

Every time I see him, I can feel his strength.

This is her pursuit!

"It's him." Sheryl looks at McGonagall in surprise. Although no one can see through his dress and his identity is hard to imagine, the only tough injury is that he can't keep these two identities at the same time between the restaurant owner and the Savior.

No one noticed that dozens of miles away, on a warship half hidden in the void, Xi released his finger on the heavy sniper trigger, turned his mouth and said, "this guy, do you want me to see him pretend to force?"

However, when she looked at the monster in the virtual screen, her eyes narrowed slightly. The system has started to analyze it quickly. The guy packaged in the shape of the monster is not a creature. To be exact, it is a special-shaped mecha.

No matter the materials used in this mecha or the high-level manufacturing technology, they are not owned by Norland.

This is indeed a product from the underground city, and the technology is even higher than any of the current military combat mecha.

She hasn't heard of anyone who can rely on the mecha to enter the extraordinary level, even if it's only half a foot.

"Which power is it? What's the purpose of breaking through the barrier and coming here? " Xi brow locked, open the emergency contact interface, hesitated, or chose to close.

She needs more information and then reports it directly to the marshal. I'm afraid it's not that simple.


"Who the hell are you The voice of the monster was shaking. At this moment, he finally felt the fear.

The strength of this guy is far beyond level 10.

But all the information he collected said that no one on the continent of Nolan has been able to break through level 10 for thousands of years and become an extraordinary person.

What's the strength of this guy?

"I'm nobody." McGonagall grinned, but his voice was colder. "But you just hit my wife. It's terrible. Choose your own way to die."

"Then you look down on me too much!"

With a sneer and five hands, the monster stood up on his head and replaced his feet with his hands. The three claws turned into sharp weapons in an instant. He drew the shadow and cut it off towards MEG.

"And this kind of play, it's a little interesting." McGonagall's feet moved, only moved between the square inch, but accurately dodged all the attacks of the monster.

He was very interested in the design of the mecha. He abandoned Vicki's mecha for hundreds of streets, and the strength matched the semi divine realm.

If the queen and Helena had not done their best to deal with it, he would not be so relaxed now.

Just don't know where the controller is hiding? Or is it a direct remote control UAV?

"This guy can do space magic. Save the baby first. Don't let him run away." Irina's voice rang in his ear.

"Yes, my wife." McGonagall grinned, his eyes sharpened.

"Well, the game is over. Remember, don't mess with the mainlanders." McGonagall said in a cold voice, a little under his feet, and his figure suddenly rose.

The three black claws stab like a long gun, and the blue light drifts away. They should be smeared with poison.

McGonagall held the sword in one hand and cut it across his chest.

The three claws were cut off with one sword and became three pieces of scrap iron, which fell to the ground.

The monster supports itself with two hands, and the other three want MEG to catch it.

McGonagall eased his giant hand and climbed up.

The larger the volume, the slower the speed, which is in line with Newton's third law.

So MEG is a lot faster than him, a lot.

McGonagall got to his chest, drew a flower with his sword, and kicked it.


A metal bin was kicked out from the other end.

"Damn it

The monster was startled and grabbed the metal warehouse with one hand.

But McGonagall also appeared in the rear. Before the giant hand touched the metal warehouse, the sword in his hand had been cut off.

The giant hand, several meters wide and thick, broke with the wrist.

McGonagall made another kick at the metal warehouse, changing its direction and flying towards the viewing platform.


The monster roared and turned over to chase the metal warehouse.

"Today, I'll see how many bowls of flour you've eaten." McGonagall said with a smile, his sword thrust into the monster's chest, and then up suddenly.

This sword, directly pierced the monster's body, and then cut it into two pieces.

No guts, no powder, just a belly of parts and wiring.

"I'm gone, and you're not going to live." The monster made the last sound, the position of the heart, a red light suddenly lit up.

"Death is death. There's still so much bullshit."

MEG went over, one foot, two feet, three feet.

The red light went out.

Nothing happened.

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