Our family is in decline

Chapter 342 On the Collector’s Breeding Plan

Putting the painting down, Lance turned his attention to another thing in the hidden compartment.

A strange purple-black pendant. Because the body is a round face, the humanoid facial features can be vaguely seen, but the open mouth reveals rat-like upper and lower incisors, which looks very weird.

And Lance felt a strong spiritual light in it, which meant that this thing was extraordinary equipment, and it was definitely better than the crappy magic stones on the street.

Lance directly ignored the cumbersome rules of the extraordinary world and picked up the thing, immediately feeling the surging power in it.

The whole person seems to be caught in a violent rage. The reaction speed and strength have increased somewhat, but at the same time, the accuracy will be greatly reduced under the influence of the frenzy. The violent spirituality also makes the holder suffer more serious spiritual agitation.

"The effect is good, but unfortunately there are also many negative states." Lance concluded while playing with the [Frenzy Pendant].

He also understands that the extraordinary power of this world has always been so fucked up. The greater the power, the greater the price. Perfect equipment without negative effects like those given by sacrifices is not non-existent, but very rare.

However, Lance felt that this was quite suitable for Boudicca. It was all violent anyway, so she should have experience.

Or for Tardif, wouldn't it be enough to use two axes to stack the attack speed and hit a few more times if you can't hit it with a violent attack?

The specific situation must be tested to get more accurate data. Now when it comes to testing equipment, Lance will default to Boudica. He just gives her something to do and can't let her stop and be idle.

[Frenzy Pendant] is even more important to Lance than the gold coins, because money is meaningless to him, but power is important.

With the arrangement, Lance put it aside for the time being. The harvest of the beast cave and his team ended here. Being able to explode the old man's gold coins and collect two extraordinary pieces of equipment was completely beyond his expectations.

But the biggest gain of this trip is not this.

What can pigs have? Only philanthropists are truly rich.

The annexed showroom was similar to the previous collector's, and Lance screened out a large number of various weapons and equipment.

Being favored by collectors means that it is of high quality, not scrap metal like pigs, so it is not suitable for re-smelting to make military equipment, because the quality of the standard is definitely not that good.

It is also not suitable to be directly equipped in the army because it will destroy the formation.

In fact, Lance had already prepared some of them and selected some suitable ones to replace the equipment in the hands of Disma and others.

Extraordinary equipment has management regulations and they only have the right to use it, but Lance is very generous with these non-spiritual equipment. Anyway, they are all "voluntarily" donated by philanthropists for the construction of Hamlet.

Lance also has a plan for the remaining weapons and equipment. His personal guard has not yet been formed. When it is formed, they will directly choose from these.

This team is not an army, but is used to fight against real evil. They must be physically strong enough and mentally strong enough.

It's a pity that the current fighting intensity is still too low, and not enough brave men have been screened out.

Because of his experience in the beast cave, Lance chose an exquisite long sword among these equipments. He didn’t know how long it had been there, but the blade was still extremely sharp and shimmering. This quality was completely unsatisfactory. Lose the [Certificate of Champions] in the hands of Leonard.

Lance stroked the nameless sword. He didn't know who the previous generation user was, but he would not disgrace the sword.

Putting the things away, a mysterious polygonal crystal the size of an egg suddenly appeared in Lance's hand.

Holding it in hand and observing it, it is dark and profound, and the color changes with the light.

Spiritual crystallization, no doubt.

Because Lance can feel the surging spiritual fluctuations coming from it, but he doesn't know how pure it is, but no matter what, this thing is definitely the hard currency of the extraordinary world, stronger than gold coins.

This philanthropist gave three of them to support the construction of Hamlet. It really made me cry to death.

When Lance noticed this, he seemed to remember something. There seemed to be a stone box in the showroom, but it was locked.

I have been busy all the time, and I really forgot about it, so I just took this opportunity to move out.

After studying it for a while, he opened it, but there were none of the extraordinary equipment, crystal gems, gold and silver treasures that Lance expected. Instead, there were some scattered polygonal crystals of different sizes that looked like gravel.

Among these crystals was a blood-stained cloth bag. Looking at the large blood stains on the bag, Lance had a bad feeling.

After struggling for a moment, he finally opened it, and what was inside the bag was indeed a head.

When he was alive, he should have been a man with a resolute face and a rather vicissitudes of life. His brows were peaceful and not ferocious but he looked a little pale, as if he had been killed while sleeping.

In addition, Lance couldn't see much else, but there was quite a lot of spirituality contained in it, indicating that the head was a transcendent person during his lifetime, and his strength was probably extraordinary, so it was specially collected by collectors. Put it up.

Damn it, I don’t have the hobby of collecting other people’s heads, so it’s a bit unlucky to hold it in my hand.

Lance was about to sacrifice it, but when he raised his hand, he inexplicably felt some indescribable "vitality" coming from the head, as if he was still alive.

But there is only one head left... Why do I feel that only one head is alive... Am I also crazy?

Lance didn't think he was affected, so it could only be that this thing wasn't that simple.

Originally, Lance just opened the bag, but now in order to explore the truth, he could only suppress the disgust in his heart and take the head completely out of the bag.

Sure enough, the spine was attached under the neck, as if it had been violently torn out, and there were still bloody traces on it.

This is a consistent approach of collectors. You can see it just by looking at the collections.

But that wasn't what Lance was paying attention to. He soon discovered something special, because there was a black egg-shaped object parasitic on the section of the neck connecting the head. It was only the size of an egg, but it penetrated deeply. There was a strange aura coming from the back of his head.

And it is undoubtedly this thing that exudes the breath of life.

"This is actually the collector's breeding method!"

When he saw this, Lance understood everything. He had killed the Collector and knew that the core was the tentacle monster.

The way they reproduce or expand their population is probably to find a powerful enough collection, then parasitize the eggs on it until they hatch and grow, and completely control the collection.

And this ancient stone box is undoubtedly an "incubator". Those fragmented polygonal crystals are collected spiritual crystals. They were put in to create an excellent spiritual environment to speed up incubation or other things that are beneficial to the eggs. The role of growth.

After he figured it out, Lance began to think about whether he could artificially breed collectors?

This idea was out of control as soon as it emerged. This is a simple thinking from a mysterious country in the East. If the wild ones cannot meet the market demand, then they should engage in breeding.

Don't tell me, it's possible that it's worth a try.

But now the ancestors are eyeing it, and it goes without saying that this project will be difficult, so it can only be shelved for the time being.

Lance removed all the polygonal crystals from the box, then put the head back and locked it. Without the crystal for energy, the thing would probably have a long slumber, and would wake up next time when the project was launched.

The samples were handed over to Paracelsus, the inspection of the beast's cave was completed, and the inspection of the donations from the collector was also completed, and now Lance could finally relax and have a good sleep.

No one can wake him up when he falls on the bed. He is tired...too tired.


"Damn, they're over there, get in!"

A barbarian warrior seemed to have seen the enemy hiding in the dense forest. He raised his hand and pointed, and the white wolf who cooperated tacitly beside him immediately rushed over there. Looking at the grinning fangs, he knew that he wanted to use that. The wildest gesture brings a profound memory to the enemy.

Just as the white wolf took a few steps forward, he heard the sound of a bowstring being fiddled with, and an arrow flew out from the side in the direction it was pointing. Before the white wolf could react, it flew in and burrowed into his body.

The white wolf, who was still running wildly in excitement, couldn't stop his steps and rolled out of control and hit the ground. He struggled wildly and let out a scream, but he couldn't stop large amounts of blood from spilling down.

You must know that there are several key points in hunting wild beasts with bow and arrow. Experienced hunters know that if you want to kill a wild beast as quickly as possible, you should not aim at the head.

Because if the bow and arrow are not powerful enough, the head will easily bounce off, making it difficult to cause fatal injuries.

Shooting other parts of the body will not cause enough damage to make the beast incapacitated in a short time, and the injured beast is the most dangerous.

Only by shooting into the lungs or the heart, injuries to the lungs, internal bleeding and suffocation, and heart injuries and massive bleeding can directly affect the blood supply to the brain.

The difficulty of shooting the heart between the two targets is definitely more difficult than shooting the lungs because of the difference in size of the targets.

The arrow just now penetrated the white wolf's armpit and pierced the heart very cleverly. It can be imagined that it was very accurate.

When the barbarian warrior saw that the white wolf that had been following him for a long time was destroyed with one arrow, he was not angry at first, but frightened.

More than one enemy? Looking at the dense forest, I felt like there were enemies everywhere.

And in this panic, incompetent rage gradually emerged.

"Come out! The shame of the mountains, coward, come out..." the barbarian warrior shouted, but before he could finish speaking, he suddenly shot an arrow.

But he was also a battle-experienced warrior. When he was on guard, he raised his hand and swung his spear to knock off one, then turned over to avoid the second arrow. However, this was not just one or two shots, but a series of arrows.

He could block one arrow and dodge the second, but not the third.

In an instant he was cornered.

There was a "pop" sound, which was the sound of the arrow entering the flesh, and the tail feathers at the end were even trembling.

The tribe's secret technique made him temporarily lose his sense of pain, and he ignored the arrows on his body and rushed towards the dense forest.

He had just used his own body as bait and finally found the enemy.

The warriors of the Langya tribe are never afraid of death, but death should be afraid of them!

As an experienced warrior, he knew how to dodge bows and arrows coming from the dark. His sudden movements were unfounded, but the distance between the two quickly shrunk.

The archer seemed to realize that his position had been discovered, but he had no intention of moving. Instead, he nocked an arrow and drew his bow, calmly aiming at the approaching enemy.

Targets that move erratically at high speeds are very difficult to hit, and even elite and experienced shooters cannot guarantee it.

After a slight hesitation, the distance between the two got closer.

Ten steps!

Suddenly, the barbarian warrior suddenly raised his head as if he noticed something, and saw a black lightning piercing the sky. It was so fast that it hit his face before he could even react, but it was staggered away in an instant.

It can be seen that the face of the barbarian warrior was directly scratched with bone-deep wounds, and one eyeball was even missing, leaving a bloody hole.

At this time, the black lightning stopped on a tree nearby and saw that it was an eagle. Blood stains could be seen on the sharp claws, and the sharp beak was holding an eyeball, and it was swallowing it in one bite. .

The steps of the barbarian warrior suddenly stopped. At this moment, he seemed to realize something. This was his last chance. There was no cry of pain or wailing, but only the spear thrown out with the last bit of strength in silence.

Almost at the same time, the other person let go and fired an arrow. The two met in the air but missed by a hair. The next second, they separated and shot at their targets.

At this moment, the fierce confrontation ended instantly, leaving only silence on the field.

Soon there was some noise in the dense forest, and a member of the eagle group wrapped in a dark green robe glanced at the spear that passed through the waist and nailed the green robe to the ground.

If it hadn't been for the interference from the falcon, I'm afraid this spear could easily penetrate his body.

Looking out, one can see that the barbarian warrior was killed by an arrow shot into the face after throwing his spear.

Just relying on the enemy's stunned moment to hit the head, it can be seen how terrifying the accuracy is.

We finally got rid of them, these guys are really difficult to deal with...

The member of the eagle group looked up at the falcon, and the face hidden in the hood was slightly revealed. It turned out to be that of a woman, but there was nothing amazing about it, it looked very ordinary.

Hearing some incomprehensible whistle sounds coming from the woman's mouth, the falcon flapped its wings and flew high in the sky.

Shortly after the signal was sent, the small leader of the Eagle Group and other members wearing a white bird bone mask gathered over.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, it was obvious that they had found the whereabouts of the Langya tribe team.

"Very good, this is a sentry. This will only be arranged when they stay." The little leader issued a slightly sharp and inhuman tone. As he spoke, he suddenly turned his head to look at the woman.

"Is there anything he can do to send a message?"

The woman noticed that when the little leader turned his head, his body did not move, but his head twisted greatly, and his eyes were also a bit weird.

She didn't say anything, but raised her hand and pointed to the white wolf's body on the other side.

"They're all here. I didn't notice any other enemies around before I started."

"Hmph! I caught it..."

Thanks to [Dongji|Yangguan] for the 1000 reward

Thanks to [20200104091828592] 1500 reward

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