The Eagle Group was transformed from the Eagle Claw Tribe, a mountain barbarian tribe. When other tribes were blocked by Bastia and were still struggling to survive in the mountains, they were enjoying a good life because they took refuge, without having to fight against nature at all. To gain that humble chance of survival.

Of course, in exchange they must offer their loyalty to Count Bastia.

When they were in the mountains, they were very powerful scouts. There was even a saying spread in the mountains, "No prey can escape the eyes of the eagle", and the eagle refers to them.

The enjoyment in Bastia may have made them lose their original vigilance in the mountains, but now they are still the best scouts.

Bastia has been able to guard the mountains for many years. Apart from the fortress, the role of the eagles is very important. As expected, only barbarians understand barbarians.

And now they are doing something similar, serving as scouts to track down the remnants of the Wolf Fang tribe.

"You go back and notify the cavalry troops to bring them over. Just say that we have discovered the enemy's location."

The woman fell silent when she heard this. She did not allow herself to follow up on the clues she had finally found, but sent herself off to such an irrelevant task...

"Why don't you go quickly? Are you responsible for delaying the intelligence and allowing them to escape?" The little boss' tone immediately seemed a little irritable.

"Yes." The woman hid her face under the hood, immediately turned around and raised her hand, and the falcon resting on the tree nearby immediately flew to her shoulder, and the two disappeared into the wilderness together.

Judging from the reaction, it seemed like this wasn't the first time this happened.

Seeing the woman flinch, the little leader turned around and waved to the other members.

"Quick! Find their traces before the large army arrives."

The other members of the eagle group immediately began to look for traces of the barbarian warrior's activities based on the situation at the scene.

The leader fell into silence as he watched the arrow that shot through the white wolf's heart and hit the warrior's face.

This was not the first time he had come into contact with the warriors of the Wolf Fang Tribe. Knowing the strength of these elites, even he was not sure of shooting them head-on.

To be able to do this, she is indeed a genius with superb archery skills.

If a genius appears in your team in the mountains, it is a very happy thing, because it means that the tribe will be stronger and the pressure will be reduced when hunting or fighting against enemies.

The huge pressure to survive makes them have no concept of internal fighting. All the forces are condensed into a rope and must be condensed to fight for the survival of the tribe.

But now that they are out of the mountains, survival is no longer the primary concern. Without that kind of pressure, they naturally start to loosen up.

In addition, the empire's bureaucracy and aristocratic system also penetrated into the simple and even primitive social system of the barbarians.

After enjoying a corrupt life, their goal is no longer to work together to survive, but to power, money, desire...

For the little boss, she found clues that she had not found yet, and her performance was even better. If she was allowed to continue, her position might be endangered.

Now that she is being transferred away, and I continue to track down and find those guys, I still get the credit.

His position will not be threatened, and he can even take this opportunity to show off that he cannot be upstaged by a woman.

Although he has been corrupted by the empire's feasting, this cannot deny his professional ability.

The traces were soon found, and more traces were discovered, which also pointed out the locations of those wolf-toothed warriors.

"Yes, these are the paw prints of those wolves.

"The feces is still fresh, so it should be nearby."

"The white hairs rubbing against the bark of the tree are undoubtedly white wolves."

This news made those people ecstatic. They had dealt with many enemies, but it was very rare to be as cunning as this barbarian team.

They had high-altitude reconnaissance methods but actually lost track of them because these guys seized on this time of night.

Resting and hiding during the day and waiting until night to travel again eliminated their visual advantage.

When brought to the same level, these loose groups of eagles are naturally inferior to the methods of the mountain barbarians.

So the eagles were lost for a few days, and it was only now that they finally found the clues again.

"The one just now should be the sentry on the outside. According to their habits, they are at least some distance away from the main force.

Now the sentries on the periphery have been removed by us, and we don't know their shift change time, so we must find a way to determine it as soon as possible, otherwise they will run away. "

The little boss is somewhat knowledgeable and explained the current situation in one sentence.

In fact, this is also a situation they have experienced before. Even if they find it, they often seize the periphery and the large force slips away.

For this reason, he was scolded by the cavalry leader Alvin, the earl's son.

Therefore, he had a deeper intention of asking the woman to report the news. If he slipped away again and was not found, he would blame the woman. It was because she delayed the opportunity that the enemy slipped away.

In the past, when he was still in the mountains, he would never have thought of this. It can only be said that he has become "smarter" after soaking in the pickled cabbage jar of the empire for a long time. Perhaps this is the "civilization" of the empire.

"What now? Fly a hawk to pinpoint their location?"

“No, they must be hiding in a sheltered place now, it’s hard to spot them even from above.

If you disturb them, they will run away like they did several times before. It was hard to find them this time, we can't let them run away again. "

The leader directly denied the suggestions of other members.

One reason is indeed that the falcons circling in the sky are too obvious, and they will leave once they find out after they have taken precautions.

The second is that he needs a chance to perform.

"We'll feel it to determine the location."

The other members of the Eagle Group seemed a little hesitant when they heard this. Without those knights, they had no chance of dealing with those guys.

The easy life has indeed had a great impact on them. Those Talon Hunters who once frightened their enemies have become like this.

The little boss was a little angry when he saw this scene, and looked at the other members with his stern eyes.

"Hmph! I didn't see who led the team? If he can't get the merit, we will be unlucky. Think about whether you want to be rewarded or punished when you go back."

This sentence really made those members understand something. The originally loose atmosphere began to become serious, and everyone looked solemn.

"Keep an eye on your own birds." The little boss was finally a little satisfied and stopped talking nonsense. He raised his hand and touched in the direction of the traces...

As expected, it was at least a thousand yards deep, that is, almost a kilometer, before we could spy on the camp hidden in the wild jungle.

The little leader was afraid of disturbing those people, so he climbed up to the top of the tallest tree nearby and peeked from a considerable distance.

It would be absolutely impossible for a normal human being to see anything from such a long distance, but it was obvious that the members of the eagle group had inherited some kind of secret technique passed down by the tribe.

It couldn't even be called a camp, because there was nothing there, just barbarian warriors lying around and resting. The white wolves were also lying on the ground, some were asleep, and some looked listless.

Discovering this immediately made the little boss ecstatic. As long as he appeared in the sight of their eagles, it would be absolutely impossible for them to escape.

And I can finally end this fucking mission and go back to the city to relax.


Suddenly a hoarse scream sounded, and the little boss was immediately alarmed. Before he could figure out what was going on, he was already irritably reprimanding him.

"Damn it! I didn't let you..."

But before he could finish speaking, he discovered that the one calling was actually his big bird.

Just when he was stunned, a long wolf howl sounded in the dense forest not far away. The barbarian warriors and white wolves who were still lying on the camp instantly got up and rushed towards them.

At the same time, intense movement came from the surrounding dense forest.

After all, he was still an elite member of the tribe. The little boss reacted instantly.

"It's a trap!"

And just before he shouted these words, the falcons around the members had already become alert and screamed, flying around until a spear flying out of nowhere pierced them and fell to the ground.

The enemy seemed to have been preparing for a long time, and the falcons were specially targeted. Three falcons were lost before they met.

A huge white wolf rushed out of the dense forest first, followed by a fervent and angry barbarian warrior.

After being chased for so long, the accumulated anger finally found a way to vent.

"Spread out! Run away!" The little boss didn't care anymore, jumped down from the tree, then bent his bow and shot an arrow at the Wolf King.

Although it was said to be a hasty shot, when the arrow hit the Wolf King, it was directly slid away by the thick fur without causing any damage.

Seeing this little boss, he had no intention of resisting, but turned around and ran away.

Since they knew this was a trap, they had lost the initiative when they fell into it, and now they were just running one by one.

Finally, the members of the eagle group reacted and dispersed to break out before the siege was completed.

The members of the eagle group who were unwilling to kill a big bird by throwing a spear directly drew their bows and shot arrows. These people were all good at using bows and arrows since they were young. It was basically impossible to miss at this distance.

However, the Wolf King had already swooped over, swatting away the bow and arrow with just one claw. His exaggerated weight pressed down on him before he could escape. He opened his bloody mouth and bit open his neck, soaking in blood instantly. The white hair around his mouth was wet.

It ignored the twisted and struggling corpse on the ground and immediately rushed towards the next unlucky person.

The little boss reacted the fastest. He did not choose the opposite direction of the camp, but ran towards the camp.

Since it was a trap, the back route would definitely be cut off when they launched an attack. On the contrary, there was a gap in the distance from the camp. As long as he could rush out, he would have great confidence in getting rid of the dogs.

Not to mention that a large army is coming, and even if he can't escape, he just needs to delay it for a while.

In order to speed up, he directly activated the feather pendant on his body. The magical and extraordinary power acted on his body, making his body lighter and his speed suddenly accelerated.

But when he fled quickly, he never thought that he had been targeted long ago.

Suddenly, the sharp bird song sounded, and the little leader, who was very familiar with his big bird, immediately realized something and jumped up.

And at this moment, a long-handled giant ax was swept out from the side. The ax aimed at his waist passed directly by the soles of his feet. If he had reacted a step slower, he might have been chopped into two sections.

As soon as the little boss landed, he picked up his bow and arrow and shot an arrow quickly. He didn't care about whether it was hit or not, and ran away without looking back.

But it was the Wolf Warrior who was staring at him. He raised his hand and waved his giant ax to block the soft arrows, and charged straight away in the next second.

War Wolf is more than two meters tall and may look bulky due to his strong build, but you would be wrong to think so.

The instant burst of speed when charging is like a galloping locomotive, with impeccable power and speed.

When the little boss heard the movement behind him, he didn't even dare to hesitate. He jumped to the side and was able to avoid the power of the charge.

But before he could be thankful that he had dodged, the long-handled giant ax struck again, forcing the little boss to move and dodge again.

The extraordinary power acting on him was still there, and his light body was able to avoid it by a hair, but the tree next to him was unlucky.

Giant ax chops down big trees!

The ax blade made a muffled sound when it penetrated deeply, and the tree trunk, which was as thick as a bucket, was cut into a hand's depth. The whole tree was trembling, as if telling the story of pain.

The little boss didn't dare to have any more thoughts when he saw this. He knew that he was definitely not as strong as the tree trunk, and there would only be a dead end if he encountered it.

What's more, others are coming, and if they are surrounded, it will be impossible for them to escape.

He knew something had to be sacrificed.

"Bah!" An inhuman cry like an eagle's cry came from his mouth, and then he threw something into the air with his hand.

The big bird that had been with him for many years flapped its wings violently after hearing this sound, and responded with a similar sound.

The wolf warrior couldn't help but be startled when he saw this. His eyes followed the thrown thing. Before he could see clearly, the big bird flew through the air and took the thrown thing away and stopped on a nearby tree.

He thought something important had been taken away, but he never thought that an even weirder scene would happen.

The large bird, which was originally a normal size, swallowed that unknown thing, and then underwent a change. The whole body expanded rapidly, and the feathers on its body were stretched out and became sparse. The skin and flesh under the feathers could be seen squirming. It's as ugly as countless tumors.

But there is no doubt that it has become more terrifying with the blessing of secret magic.

The eagle suddenly opened its eyes and fluttered its wings and jumped down from the tree, but in an instant it retracted its wings and stretched out its talons in a flying manner. A pair of eagle talons locked onto the wolf.

"Hmph!" Wolf Warrior was also scared. He started hunting at the age of eight and started killing at the age of ten. What has he not seen before?

He has encountered more terrifying beasts than this, and he will not and cannot be frightened by a big ugly bird.

He immediately swung his ax and struck at the big bird...

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