Our family is in decline

Chapter 351 Enthusiastic locals

In fact, there are usually many ascended cultists in the wilderness around Hamlet, but most of them are just ordinary cultists, and even their equipment is not neat.

The people who appear here to launch night attacks are all elite believers who have been strengthened by many flesh and blood rituals and are qualified to wear neat equipment.

The reason for this situation must be because of Hamlet's new lord.

Lance killed the witch, led his troops to clear out several camps of the Ascension Sect in the wilderness, and cut off their access to Owendo.

In the subsequent large-scale development of the wilderness, groups of soldiers often went into the wilderness to clean up, which continuously compressed their activity space, and ordinary believers were basically dead when they encountered them.

Although they are never afraid of death, on the contrary, they admire death, but they are brainwashed lower-level believers, and the higher-ups of the sect still understand that this is not the way to go.

Since then, the Ascension Sect has changed its strategy, no longer gathering together to give opportunities, abandoning all camps, and instead sending elite cultists to disperse in small teams to sneak into the wilderness to disrupt the construction of Hamlet.

It has to be said that these methods also played a certain role, forcing Lance to place some of his troops in the surrounding areas to strengthen border defense, and at the same time organize teams to clear up.

And these Ascension Cultists obviously wander in the wilderness, specifically hunting down the refugees who enter, or abducting them. It is hard to say whether they will be transformed into Cultists to fill the ranks or fill their stomachs.

Appearing here can only be said to be a coincidence with the Wolf Warriors team.

In the eyes of these guys with abnormal brains, they don't know the origin of the enemy or the strength of these people. It doesn't matter anyway.

As long as everything that appears in Hamlet is part of the ritual, either kill them to obtain God's gifts, or be killed and also ascend to become part of God.

Killing stronger opponents can gain divine grace, making them fearless of pain and invincible in flesh and blood.

Barbarian warriors are fanatical believers of the Wolf God, and these Ascended Cultists are also fanatical believers of the Evil God.

Since everyone is crazy, then go completely crazy!

"Ah!" War Wolf roared, swinging his ax at the cult warrior.

He was already extremely depressed by his experiences during this period, and these emerging enemies would undoubtedly become the target of his anger.

Without any reservation, his arms swelled due to the exertion of force, and even in the dim light you could see the muscles on them like tree roots.

The exaggerated power blessing burst out with terrifying power on the battle axe, even if the cultist raised his hands to block the battle axe.

But can this ax be blocked with twenty years of skill?

The ax blade slipped hard and split the person in half from head to toe. This time, blood and flesh spattered, the internal organs spread like bombs, and even the beating heart could be seen.

The tragic corpse showed the Wolf Warrior's strength unabashedly.

What is the choice of the Wolf God?

What a champion!

But those cultists don't care what champion you send them, they'll be done with it.

The death of the first cultist did not frighten them, on the contrary, the flesh and blood made them even crazier.

The cult warrior let out a ferocious laugh and charged forward. Similarly, the performance of the wolf warrior just now attracted the attention of some special cultists in the team. The whispering spell sounded in the darkness, but unfortunately no one could detect it in the fierce battlefield.

The cultists rushed over, and the first ones to attack were the white wolves on guard at the perimeter.

He rushed over and pounced, trying to knock down the cultist and bite open the neck. This was the experience gained by the white wolf after countless battles. As long as the human fell down, there was no threat.

But these are all elite cultists. Being killed in front of Wolf Warriors can only mean that Wolf Warriors are strong, but it does not mean that they are weak.

In fact, their fighting ability was not bad at all. They had no intention of evading the white wolf and directly raised their iron claws to meet him.

The white wolf swooped down, converting hundreds of pounds of weight into force, and slammed into the cultist, causing the cultist to stumble. The wolf's claws had already grabbed the naked upper body and directly cut through the tough skin, connecting with bloody wounds.

But the iron claws of the same cult warrior also pierced the white wolf's chest. It looked like the white wolf had bumped into him.

He directly used both hands to lift the white wolf up. The sharp claws cut into the wolf's flesh, causing the white wolf to struggle wildly and moan. The blood flowed along the iron claws to the cultist's body, making him laugh wildly.

"All things will eventually decay, but I will ascend!"

The wolf blood fell on the cultists. It was difficult to see clearly in the darkness, but an extremely strange scene did occur. The wounds just scratched sprouted and swallowed the wolf blood, and at the same time, the scars healed quickly.

It is not a strange thing for these cultists to heal their flesh and blood, but if Lance were here, he would probably find something wrong with the speed of healing.

However, it is reasonable for the believers trained by the ancestors with the power of flesh and blood to be able to devour flesh and blood.

The cultists felt the power brought by wolf blood, but did not indulge in it, because only more deaths could make God pay attention to them.

Throwing away the white wolf that penetrated the heart and lungs but was not completely dead, he turned around and devoted himself to other battles...

After the cultists launched a night attack, the barbarian warriors reacted quickly and basically raised their weapons to kill the enemy.

The weapons used by warriors in the tribe are basically different. The most common ones are spears, because they are best used when facing wild beasts. After getting used to them since childhood, many people do not know how to use them even if they capture other equipment. Some knives, daggers or crossbows can be used.

And it is different from the flexible group like the alpha wolf who joins in if he can't beat him and chooses to equip the warriors with armor.

Wolf Warrior is an out-and-out naturalist. He doesn't like to wear armor and other equipment. He thinks that these are only for the weak. He also feels that these things will affect his communication with the Wolf God.

This statement aroused great repercussions among the tribes who believed in the wolf god, and because they did not know how to maintain and use the equipment, even if they were used, they would be scrapped quickly and had to give up.

This also led to the fact that even though they seized a lot of weapons and armor from those caravans, they still looked like they were wearing furs and holding spears.

Why can't we defeat the cavalry? Just because of equipment problems, their weapons could not penetrate the sophisticated armor of the cavalry. Instead, the cavalry charged and killed them with one shot, without any tribal secrets.

It can be said that the current casualties of the Langya Tribe are ultimately attributed to the Wolf Warriors, who have resources but do not know how to utilize them.

You are strong, but have you ever considered whether your companions around you need it?

However, the cultists they currently need to face also have no armor, which also allows tribal warriors who are afraid of cutting cans to enjoy the pleasure of cutting into flesh with a knife.

But one of the warriors was holding a long sword, a trophy he got from killing a caravan guard.

Facing the incoming cultists, he swung his long sword up and slashed. The iron claws collided with each other and burst into sparks, reflecting the many gaps on the blade. This was a testament to his victory over enemies one after another.

But soon he also discovered that the strength of these enemies was not bad, but the warriors of the Langya tribe were stronger because they never fought alone.

Wolf Fang Raid!

A white wolf had already approached, biting the cultist's calf and tearing hard, causing the cultist to stagger.

And he also cooperated with the tacit understanding and worked hard to chop the long sword over. Even if it was no longer sharp, he could directly cut through the flesh with the help of strength, and the bones were visible.

If that wasn't enough, he pulled hard, and the gap on the sword blade was like a saw, bringing up a large amount of flesh and blood, causing the wound to erode.

Bloody cutting!

With such a serious injury, an ordinary person would definitely have lost the ability to fight, and even without the heavy bleeding, it would have drained his life force.

It's a pity that the cultist only responded to this kind of injury by laughing wildly, and an arrogant smile could be seen on the grinning mouth.

But he didn't stop what he was doing, and thrust hard into the white wolf's neck.

The white wolf who was biting his calf was still going crazy, but he never thought that the iron claw would be directly inserted into his neck. The spine was crushed and he was paralyzed instantly. Before he even screamed, the ferocious white wolf lost his life. Fighting force, he opened his mouth, revealing the bitten and bloody calf.


Seeing that his white wolf was injured, the barbarian warrior shouted with all his strength, and immediately pierced the enemy's chest with his sword. There was no doubt that the long sword passed through the chest, and he couldn't help but feel a bit of revenge in his heart.

It's just another corpse...

It's just that this "corpse" he thought of completely ignored the long sword inserted in his chest, and the exaggerated wounds on his body did not make him lose his fighting ability. On the contrary, he staggered with the long sword and cut off the corpse directly. The right hand of the sword.

He was stunned for a second at first. He didn't understand why this man, who was tougher than a beast, could still fight with such a serious injury.

But soon, severe pain flooded into his brain, causing him to cry out in pain, and subconsciously raised his hand to grab the broken arm.


But soon there was no possibility for him to continue shouting, because the cult warrior stabbed his claw directly into his abdomen.

Am I going back to the Wolf God...

The armless warrior collapsed suddenly, exuding the aura of death like a piece of rotten flesh.

The cultist raised his hand and pulled out the long sword stuck in his chest, still holding the half-severed hand tightly, and threw it to the ground.

The blood from the battle just spattered on the cultist, making him look even more evil. His flesh and blood were healing. He seemed to have felt God watching him, driving him to obtain more gifts.

"For my Lord!"

The cultist raised his hands fiercely and shouted, but before he could finish speaking, an ax came over and cut him in half.

He slashed the half of the body that was still squirming on the ground with his backhand axe. When the head was separated from the body, there was no movement at all.

The wolf warrior had no time to rest, so he picked up his ax and roared, "Cut off their heads to kill them."

Only these words reminded the barbarian warriors, but they also attracted the attention of the cultists.

The cultist hidden in the darkness finally completed the sorcery, and an evil force spread and alarmed the wolf warrior.

What is even more frightening is that the power of death created in the battle has strengthened the power of the evil spell. A large-scale evil spell has been released, and the strange power is eroding the barbarian warriors. Even the tenacious will tempered by the mountains is a little difficult to resist. Not to mention those white wolves, all whining like crazy.

On the contrary, the cultists showed a happy reaction - ecstasy!

You must know that this is in a battle, and the winner can be determined in an instant. Such a big flaw is enough to kill you twice.

But these cultists are not the only ones who know the strange and extraordinary power. Do they really think that the divine choice of him, Wolf Warrior, is fake?


The wolf warrior let out a roar that was not like a human being, and a huge wolf head was vaguely visible behind him.

The wolf god roars!

The power spread with the sound, instantly dispelling the entangled evil spirit and activating the power of the wolf god hidden in the body of the barbarian warrior.

The Wolf God's protection made them all wake up from the pain, but the cultists seemed to be shocked and remained silent.

The wolf warrior ignored the cultists, but picked up his battle ax and rushed towards the darkness, while the wolf king followed suit and pounced out.

The threat of the priests was too great. When they attacked other tribes, they first wanted to kill the priests who had the mysterious power.

This is the quickest way to relieve a tribe's resistance. Otherwise, the priests will not die, and the rest of the tribe will not surrender, let alone use those weird powers to block, resist, and even kill the invading enemies.

In fact, other barbarian warriors realized that ordinary damage could not kill these enemies without Wolf Warrior's reminder, but they also paid a lot for this information.

Now that I have realized it, I naturally cannot waste this opportunity and go up and chop off the heads of those guys while they are frightened by the Wolf God.

The battle quickly subsided. If those cultists were to disregard the ability of flesh and blood to heal, there was still a certain gap between them and those elite barbarian warriors.


There were some noises in the darkness, but the barbarian warriors basically didn't pay much attention.

Because the leader will never lose, he can only succeed once he takes action.

Sure enough, the huge figure of Wolf Warrior appeared, and in his hand came back a head with long hair, and he threw the head aside casually.

The soldier looked over curiously. His face was stained with blood, but he could still tell it was a young woman.

It's just that after seeing the madness of these enemies, they have no thoughts, let alone just after the battle, don't think that stimulating the power of the wolf god does not need to pay a price. Now they are completely enveloped by exhaustion, and they don't want to move.

Wolf Warrior was silent as he came to the seriously injured soldier. His arms had been cut off, and his internal organs could even be seen in the wounds on his abdomen.

Covered with bruises, only one breath left...

"I will return to the Wolf God, right..."

"Yes." War Wolf held his hand tightly, but the warrior who received the answer had already closed his eyes.

He looked at the corpse in his arms, then at the exhausted warriors around him, and at the white wolves licking their wounds.

The mind cannot be expected to withstand such a shock...

A kind of sadness suddenly emerged in Zhan Lang's heart.

I have tried my best, but why is this still happening?

What did you do wrong? Why punish me like this?

Thanks to [20200515174044253] for the 1500 reward.

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