Our family is in decline

Chapter 352 The Wolf God’s Favor

Wolf Warrior looked at the calmed battlefield and waited indifferently for the casualty count to be completed.

Two people died and three others were injured. Fortunately, they were not serious and they were able to move.

As for the wolves, three of them died. One was on guard outside and was killed after giving the warning. The remaining two were also damaged in the battle just now.

This is why Lance never gets into close combat with these guys, they're just disgusting.

Either the elite squad will fight directly, or the ordinary soldiers will directly set up their spears and not give you a chance to get close.

Wait until they are crippled with spears and shot, and then go up to collect the heads. This will not give you a chance to get close.

As long as they are not injured, they cannot receive additional treatment. As long as they are undead, they cannot receive enhancements. Their ability to continue fighting on this land will be greatly weakened.

If the soldiers' weapons were all coated with [Corpse Spores], it would be a sure blow.

This is both a gap in equipment and a gap in intelligence. Lance paid a lot of price in the early stage, so he later formulated tactics specifically for these cultists.

Wolf Warriors only paid a few people, and the passion of Hamlet locals could be felt in the lives of a few wolves, which was already a good deal.

There is always a price to pay for growing up. War Wolf leaned against a tree and looked up at the night sky blocked by the tree canopy. He recalled in his mind his father, Alpha Wolf, who told him since childhood about the empire's blockade of the mountains, and the decline of the Langya tribe after the war.

He only gained wrath against the Empire in it, blaming the tribe's decline on the loss of the protection of the legendary strongman.

But he didn't realize that the real reason why the alpha wolf told him this was to warn him to learn a lesson and not make the same mistake and drag the tribe into the quagmire.

He imagined that if he stepped into the legend again, he would become the hero who would make the Langya tribe strong again. Instead of understanding his father's painstaking efforts, he thought that his cowardice had led to this situation.

Only now did he understand that the alpha wolf who took over the crippled tribe and spent more than ten years dragging the tribe out of the quagmire of decline in the face of the prying eyes of the empire and surrounding tribes was the real hero.

After being defeated by him and taking away the position of tribe leader, he could still put down his status and become a mercenary to make money for the tribe.

On the contrary, after he became the leader, he launched a war, which seemed to be a victory, but in fact, the foundation left to him by his father was almost destroyed.

I slandered him when I was young, understood him as an adult, and admire him now.

The weak will slack off when they encounter a slight setback, but the strong never complain about the harsh environment, but continue to grow in the face of adversity.

Whatever doesn't kill him will eventually make him stronger.

Wolf Warrior regained his composure, and his face was no longer filled with suppressed anger, but calm, and he began to think about the current situation.

What would a father do at this time?

And while War Wolf was thinking, a wolf howl came from the distance.

He woke up suddenly and looked into the distance with an indescribable feeling on his face.


The wolf king who was lying next to the wolf warrior stood up and howled in the same direction as if he felt provoked.

However, he did not receive a direct response, but fell into silence.

Wolf Warrior couldn't help but frown, and his emotions began to fluctuate. His face was no longer calm as before, revealing a feeling of anxiety.

Until the wolf howl came again in the distance, and the sound seemed to be getting closer.

But this time the Wolf Warrior grinned directly, his face looked like a wolf grinning - ecstasy!

felt it!

He felt it! ! !

That was the bloodline of the wolf god that he had been searching for so hard, but he had been asking for it all the way, but now he found it in front of him.

The originally difficult situation suddenly opened up, as if it was suddenly torn apart in the mist of the mountains, and the vast world was right in front of us.

Alas! Well!


Wolves are nocturnal creatures. They rest during the day and become active in the evening in search of prey.

In the past, the work and rest of making money followed humans, but after entering the wilderness, he quickly awakened the instinct flowing in his blood.

Not only the change in routine, but also the male instinct to compete for territory.

For this reason, he constantly challenged the original wolf pack in this area, and was either recovered by it, or dispersed and expelled by it. Now he is the only one left to lead this huge wolf pack and dominate it.

Not only that, the hunting instinct still drives it to fight. After biting and devouring raw meat, the hidden wildness begins to revive, and innocence is lost in its eyes.

Although they had just hunted a nest of wild boars, this did not satisfy their appetite.

Tonight Wangcai is leading the wolf pack out to hunt to see if there is any unlucky guy nearby.

Just then the wind carried the message.

The smell of blood was very faint, but it couldn't escape Wangcai's nose.

It seemed to have found its prey and immediately led the wolves towards the smell.

Until that wolf howl came, Wangcai's hair suddenly exploded as if he was under threat.

If it were Wangcai who had been with Lance before and had not lost his spirituality, he might hesitate, think, and show the caution he had learned.

But now the wild wealth has lost the influence of Lance, and the animal instinct is the primary reason driving it.

It conquered all the wolves in the area, and its victory blinded it. How strong was it, why would any wolf dare to challenge it?

Must hit hard!

Wangcai moved forward, and the gray wolves quickly followed suit.

Wolves, move out!

The rugged terrain of the wilderness does not exist at all to them. They have grown up in the wilderness, and nature has given them wild power.

Soon Wangcai, who was running in front, slowed down. Even the other wolves could smell the strong smell of blood, and he felt the source of the threat.

Wangcai has anticipated the battle ahead, and now it needs to recover a little strength to ensure that it is in the best condition.

If there is anything that has improved the fastest during this period, it has to be combat ability.

It killed its brothers, sisters and mother just one month after it was born. There was no one around to teach it, so it was completely instinctive to grab or bite.

But after fighting so many pack leaders and ferocious beasts, its fighting ability has improved dramatically...

And Zhan Lang and his party, who had been waiting there for a long time, also noticed the prying eyes projected from the darkness.

No one is more familiar with what they are, ferocious and hungry wolves.

Far from feeling scared when they saw so many wolves surrounding them, they felt like they were watching a show.

War Wolf was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that this wandering bloodline could be able to entangle such a huge pack of wolves.

A wolf can endure hunger for seven days without much impact on its fighting ability.

But the same meal can swallow twenty or thirty pounds of flesh and blood, and the resources needed to meet the needs of these thirty wolves are exaggerated. This is why there is no such a large group of wolves in nature.

And being able to maintain a wolf pack of this size means that the alpha wolf is powerful, and it is indeed the blood of the wolf god.

The target was right in front of him, but Wolf Warrior did not take action. Instead, he put down his axe, raised his hand in a strange posture, and muttered something.

In front of him was the ritual scene that had been set up a long time ago. The materials were obviously the cultists who attacked at night just now. The wolf head statue was placed in the middle, and an inexplicable force began to come with the movements of the wolf warrior.

Now it is not his battle, but the battle of the Wolf King.

The Wolf King beside him seemed to be aware of it, stood up and walked out slowly, but it was obvious that he didn't take his opponent into consideration, with obvious contempt.

Its attitude obviously made Wangcai feel strongly provoked. For some reason, its consciousness gradually blurred its surrounding senses, and it could only see the exaggerated white wolf.

In the face of provocation, Wangcai leaps out and emerges from the darkness.

Two white wolves were facing each other, but it was obvious that the wolf king was at least one-third larger than Wangcai.

Looking at the overall situation, if we really calculate it based on weight, I'm afraid it weighs twice as much as making a fortune.

At first glance, it seems that the difference in strength is not of the same magnitude.

There is no way, everyone is of extraordinary blood, there may be differences in purity, but one has been an adult for a long time, and Wangcai has only been born for about three or four months, so he can only be regarded as a young man, not at all the level of adulthood.

Not to mention that the Wolf King has experienced hundreds of battles and has experienced various battles with the Wolf Warriors.

Although Wangcai is stronger than ordinary wolves, it is not enough in front of the Wolf King.

But now it is not its will to decide, because the ceremony has begun, and the power hidden in the blood continues to surge. Wangcai only feels that the blood has become hot, and countless powers are waiting to be vented.

Without any warning, Wangcai took the first step and moved over quickly.

When facing enemies that are larger than itself, it is more accustomed to approaching from behind and launching attacks.

His blood was boiling, but he didn't let it forget the combat experience accumulated during this period.

But what greeted it was a slap from the Wolf King.

The bigger wolf king was as good as Wang Cai in terms of reaction and flexibility. He came first and struck Wang Cai on the head with his paw.

The power represented by the disproportionate body shape was vividly displayed at this moment, and the wealth was shot away with one move.

The wolf king was not in a hurry to continue attacking. Instead, he still stood where he was, looking down at the fallen Wangcai in a condescending manner.

This is no longer looking down upon, but simply ignoring.

Wangcai didn't know the other situation, but the claw just hit it directly and made it dizzy.

But the combat consciousness told it that it must stand up as soon as possible, otherwise the enemy's attack would be more dangerous.

I don't know if it was the power of the blood or the tenacity of its will. It actually resisted the dizziness and stood up with a shaking head the second after falling to the ground.

It's just that the snow-white wolf's head was stained red with blood. The claw just scratched Wangcai's face, and when he opened the wolf's eyes, blood slipped from the side.

Wangcai stretched out his tongue and slid it across his mouth to lick the blood. At the same time, he showed his fangs, his body was slightly bent, and his wolf eyes glowed red as if they were stained with blood.

The power in the body did not fade due to the injury. Instead, it was ignited by the blood and became more restless, seeming to constantly urge Wangcai to launch an attack.

But the blow just now did wake it up. Faced with the arrogant posture of the Wolf King, it didn't have the previous impulse and began to look at the enemy.

Dangerous and powerful, this is what Wangcai feels, and of course the other party's disdainful attitude.

This is something that two very smart wolves can understand each other, but of course it is also a deeper humiliation.

I can't fucking bear it!

Can you call yourself a young person if you are not angry?

The Wangcai Wolf ran out, a little faster than before. It was obvious that he wanted to return the claw to it without leaving any room.

The Wolf King wanted to repeat his old trick, but he never thought that as soon as he stretched out his claws, Wangcai suddenly turned his head and turned sideways to avoid the sweeping wolf claws. At the same time, he turned around and opened his mouth to give. It comes hard.

But it's a pity that the Wolf King is not stupid either. The moment he staggered, he used his hind legs to lean forward, and the swung wolf claws landed on the ground to further push his body forward.

The huge body is pressing towards Wangcai. Once it hits and knocks him down, the big wolf teeth will bite him down.

Wangcai sensed the danger and did not dare to continue the attack. He could only use the last bit of distance to separate the two.

The Wolf King didn't hit him, but Wangcai didn't bite him either. Instead, the explosion just made him temporarily weak.

But now the Wolf King had no intention of procrastinating any longer, and instead took the opportunity to pounce on Wangcai.

Wangcai is not willing to surrender, so he has to fight hard.

In fact, once they get close, there are no outrageous skills at all. The two white wolves are just biting each other like mad dogs on the field.

The fangs and claws of both sides fell on each other, leaving blood marks on the thick fur. The hair was soaked in blood and became tangled in large areas. The bloody wounds made the originally handsome appearance of both sides look miserable.

If it were an ordinary wolf, it might have given up, but the extraordinary bloodline brought a strong physique and strong vitality to both parties.

Crazy fighting, that is the most primitive and bloody battle.

It is also the ritual that best pleases the Wolf God.

Wolf Warrior was watching the battle, and how could he not see that the gap between the two was not as huge as it seemed.

If both parties are in their prime, there is no doubt that the Wolf King almost crushes Wangcai.

But don't forget that the Wolf King also rushed all the way to get here. Just now, he experienced a series of fights and activated the power of the Wolf God's blood to resist evil spells. His current condition is not good and he is even weak.

It stood and waited for the opponent to attack just to save its energy. In some cases, it was forced to fight.

Because the ceremony has begun, the Wolf God is watching the ceremony, and the hot blood also appears on the Wolf King.

And the wolf god's blood in this lost white wolf may be very pure in terms of purity, otherwise it would be impossible to alert the wolf god.

But they haven't grown up at all, and they haven't been trained or cultivated. Even fighting is a bit immature, just like being left in the wild.

It's a pity. If it was discovered in the tribe, I'm afraid it won't be worse than the Wolf King after the bloodline is developed, but now it seems that it is a foregone conclusion that the Wolf King will devour it.

As long as you return to the tribe, your own ritual will be carried out...

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