Our family is in decline

Chapter 362 Getting up angry

Logically speaking, Greendale was not a member of the military, and Lance did not give her the authority to order the military. To issue this order was actually an act beyond her authority.

So the person in charge of the camp was still a little hesitant. This was one of the consequences of the rules. They standardized the powers and also limited the powers. If you want to be flexible, you have to pay a price.

But now is not the time to dwell on this, Greendale must make a decision.

"I will personally explain this matter to the lord. Now execute my order immediately. I will be responsible for all consequences!"

The person in charge of the camp didn't know how Greendale knew the enemy from the white wolf's injuries, or how she could identify the enemy from a strange cry.

But now is no longer the time to think about this. Although I also follow the rules, there are only two teams in the camp.

If something really happened, the ordinary people outside would suffer.

There is no room for error on the farm!

The situation did not allow him to hesitate too much, so he gritted his teeth, raised his hand and shouted loudly.

"Excuting an order!"

As soon as he said this, the soldiers who had been preparing around for a long time immediately executed it.

"Light the beacon!"

"Prepare the army for war!"

Three other people rode out of the camp on fast horses to notify those people to come back. These three horses were usually used in the camp to pull supplies and maintain communications.

It can only be said that high-intensity training and frequent drills are beneficial. Although the camp looks very busy, everyone is performing their duties and there is no feeling of panic.

Greendale did not stop, and called the lord using [Messenger] while everyone else was busy.

There are no more words, just "Wolf Warriors are coming".

This sentry tower was built more than ten meters high, which was very conspicuous in this era, and the beacon fire and smoke was also a function of the sentry tower.

There is an iron basin filled with firewood at the top. If it is lit during the day, it will produce billowing smoke that can be seen from a long distance.

At night, beacon fires are lit, and the strong light can be seen from a long distance to convey the enemy's situation.

The soldier went up and directly picked up a bottle of wood tar and poured it on the fuel in the iron basin. It did not need to burn slowly, but it spread instantly when it touched the flames. It burned in less than three to five seconds, accompanied by billowing smoke.

Soon a gray-black smoke column rose into the sky.

The farm reclamation had cut down all the surrounding trees. The first people they saw were the people working on the farm. They had also received some emergency training and knew what this meant, so they quickly gathered together as teams.

The distances for reclamation or logging outside are even further, so someone needs to ride over to call them back.

The two teams that were out patrolling noticed this and hurried back towards the farm.

But Greendale realized that this would not work. The range within which the warrior wolf could smell her scent was estimated to be only two to three thousand yards.

Whether it was for herself or for wealth, based on her understanding of the mad dog, he would definitely come over.

So now there are only a few people, and there are no strong defenses, it may even affect the people and livestock on the farm.

She knew that Lance, unlike other nobles, did not pay attention to the casualties of ordinary people. On the contrary, he cared about it very much.

If he and Wangcai stick to this place, they can naturally wait for reinforcements, but there is no telling what the crazy Wolf Warrior will do. Once the ordinary people on the farm suffer too many casualties...

Greendale understands that the battle cannot take place on the farm, otherwise even the price of victory will be unacceptable.

"The enemy's target is me and Wangcai. Now immediately carry Wangcai into the carriage. You guys stay here and I will lure them away."

"Sir, are you looking down on us?"

Greendale's words directly offended these soldiers. Did she think they had no ability to protect them?

“Your responsibility is to be responsible for the safety of the farm, not my safety, and I have a carriage, so if you go with me, it will slow down my movement.

What's more, now you must appear in front of those ordinary people to appease them and organize them to prepare to resist the enemy's attack. This is your mission. "

The fact that Greendale is in charge of government affairs means that she understands the rules set by Lance better than others. When the person in charge has any objections, she will directly use the rules to suppress them.

What is flexibility? This is flexibility.

The person in charge also knew that this was the reality, but he could only admit it with an aggrieved face.

"Hurry up and help lift it up. You go over to organize defense first."

Soon the carriage with the noble emblem worn off drove out of the camp again, but strangely, the direction was not towards Hamlet, but towards the edge of the farm.

This is not staying away, but actively approaching.

Why is this?

If Greendale wanted to simply escape, she should naturally head in the direction of Hamlet. Now that the smoke has risen, Hamlet's cavalry may have already attacked this way.

When the time comes, people like Leonard will be here, even if they face the wolf warrior, they will not be without the strength to fight.

But the problem is that if you want to go back, you have to pass through the farm. This will lead to the wolf warriors entering the farm. By then, it will be destroyed before Leonard can lead his troops.

Those wolves were tracking based on scent, and his stay just now was equivalent to marking the farm. If he wanted to stop the wolf warriors, he had to go in the opposite direction and appear in front of the farm in advance.

As long as you make good arrangements, you may not be able to entangle those guys.

As long as it takes a while, I, Hamlet, will not be without a strong man who can fight against the Wolf Warrior!

It can be said that Greendale chose to take great risks in order to save the farm, and now she can only believe in him...

In the open space outside the town of Hamlet, two teams of cavalry in regular uniforms were driving their horses to attack each other. The sabers in their hands were wrapped in cloth strips, but when they were drawn on people, they made a "snap" sound. After returning, there were inevitably streaks of blood. It won't subside after a few days.

Although muskets and artillery have appeared now, the cavalry is still the most powerful force in the world. At least it will not begin to decline until the firearms develop rifles, breech loading and other improvements to improve accuracy, rate of fire, and range.

What really ended the cavalry on the battlefield was not firearms, but vehicles such as cars and tanks.

When the advantage of mobility is lost, the cavalry becomes useless, but it is impossible not to be a hundred or two hundred years away from the current development situation.

Of course, that was the original timeline, and Lance's appearance might bring surprises to the world.

This is why Lance attaches great importance to the improvement of firearms and the training of musketeers and artillery, but he also does not ignore the training of cavalry, and even attaches great importance to it.

The cavalry received the best treatment and everything was provided to them first, but they also faced more rigorous training.

What limits them is not the limits of humans, but the limits of horses.

Leonard looked at the training in front of him with a serious expression. He wanted to build them into strong soldiers in a shorter time, so that they could be worthy of the resources given to him by the lord.

However, the "fighting" suddenly stopped, and all the soldiers, including Leonard who was leading the cavalry training, turned sideways to look at the smoke column.

As the smoke column rose, it was not only seen around the farm, but also people as far away as Hamlet Town.

"Respond to the alarm!" Leonard shouted, "Wear armor and prepare for battle!"

All the cavalrymen who were still training immediately separated and began to move in an orderly manner.

They were not as wealthy as Bastia and could afford one person and two horses, so they had to quickly get their equipment, put on their breastplates and helmets in advance.

Leonard took the opportunity to find a soldier and ordered him to make arrangements.

"Immediately inform the lord of the attack on the western farm, ask Sheriff William to impose martial law, and send out troops to guard key locations in and out of the town. Pay special attention to the refugees. Anyone who dares to cause trouble does not need to be reported to directly fight back.

The garrison in the northern wilderness development area was warned not to move without permission. It was unclear what kind of enemy invaded, but those cultists would not miss this opportunity to cause trouble. "

Leonard waved his hand to disperse the soldiers, and turned to look at the cavalry who had finished dressing and returned to the team.

If the lord is out of town, then he has to consider the safety of Hamlet Town and cannot go out so easily.

But now that the lord is in town, the cavalry team that has been training for so long today is destined to see blood.

"After practicing for so long, today is the time to test you." Leonard got on his horse, pulled out the [Champion's Certificate] and pointed at the smoke, "Let's go!"

After saying that, he drove the war horse and started running.

"Hamlet must win!"

These cavalrymen roared and galloped to follow, their fanatical attitude showing no fear of the coming battle.

In other words, they are eager to fight and prove themselves.

After all, the generous treatment is not easy to get, and these weapons and equipment are also very hot. They must use their achievements to prove the lord's vision to everyone.

Prove they are worthy of their lord's love.

For this reason they dare to charge any of Hamlet's enemies!

In front of the lord's mansion.

"Isn't it convenient for the lord to meet?"

"My lord is not awake yet. He said there is nothing important so don't disturb him."

Susan stopped at the door and faced the visiting Amanda with a smile.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." Amanda didn't bother and left.

Yesterday she heard that the lord was back, so she specially came to visit today, but this situation put her in an awkward position.

She could actually feel the lord's alienation from her, perhaps because she was dissatisfied with the organization's attitude or for some reason. Even if she took the initiative to contact him, there was no response.

According to information obtained from some channels, that guy Tamara showed extraordinary talent after returning, and his reputation within the organization continued to rise.

Amanda knew that Tamara could regain the attention of the organization precisely because of the man standing behind her.

On the contrary, he failed the mission inexplicably, and therefore lost the support of his teacher. He was unable to make any progress while staying here, let alone contact Hamlet's inner circle.

Amanda is also a little helpless about this. She is obviously dedicated to her job, but for some reason she has been unlucky from the time she met Tamara until now.

Before she could take a few steps, a plume of smoke shot up into the sky. Amanda stopped in her tracks when she noticed this.

what's going on?

She didn't know clearly, but Susan standing at the door knew exactly what this meant.

Suddenly an angry look appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but yell.

"Can't those damn guys let you have a good rest!"

As soon as she said this, a soldier hurried over and said something to her, and then quickly turned around to inform others.

Amanda didn't go far, so she naturally heard the keyword. The farm in the northwest was attacked, and even the garrison would light a beacon fire to call for help if they couldn't solve it.

Susan hurriedly turned back, and Amanda also fell into thinking.

"grown ups!"

Susan came to the door and called, but there was no response.

"Didn't I say don't wake me up if there's nothing important..."

Finally, calm and somewhat cold words came from the room.

"Sir, this morning the northwest farm reported the discovery of an injured white wolf. Miss Greendale went to investigate, but before she came back, a beacon was raised over there to ask for help. Leonard has already led the cavalry to rescue."

The room was silent for two seconds before a slightly normal tone came out.


In the past, Lance got up early. He had to be busy with more than just the town's political affairs. The world was a mess, and he couldn't continue to use that set of things. Otherwise, he might as well lie down and watch the world destroy, which was pretty much the same anyway.

Therefore, we must build a new structure, reform in education, medical care, law, etc., as well as some fragmentary inventions and creations that can be thought of.

These other people can't help him, because he is the only one who has a reference, so most of the pressure falls on him.

What's even more troublesome is that there are extraordinary powers in this world, which are destined not to be copied. All kinds of ideas must be studied before they can be applied in practice.

But he is just an ordinary person with a monthly salary of 3,000. He only knows how to fish at work and only plays games after get off work.

After seven days of fighting without sleep in the beast's den, even if he had the [Blessing] refresh status, he had accumulated a lot of pressure, and his body was exhausted beyond anyone's imagination.

And what he wants is very simple, just a lazy sleep until he wakes up naturally.

But now someone disturbed him, and the long-standing pressure was like a dynamite barrel being exploded.

Lance's faith is being tested...

tyrannical! ! !

The door to the room was opened, and Lance strode out. Looking at his stern face, you could tell that the emotions were building up like a volcano, and no one dared to offend him.

"My lord, I will prepare breakfast for you now."

"No need, it's not too late to eat after the killing." Lance's tone was casual, but he revealed a strong killing intent.

Susan was stunned for a moment when she heard this. In fact, she didn't want to wake up the lord for this kind of thing. After all, even if there were any enemies, Leonard had already led people there.

The lord was only awakened because Greendale had also passed by and the town needed someone to take charge.

But the lord wanted to go in person.

"grown ups……"

"Needless to say, if they can't even do this well, then don't do it." Lance seemed to anticipate her words and directly raised his hand to interrupt, "Prepare your horse."

Susan didn't say anything more and bowed down to prepare.

Soon, Lance rode his horse and rushed out of the lord's mansion. Before leaving, he seemed to notice Amanda glance at him, but he rushed out without paying attention.

Thanks to Brother Fu [20220902173413508] for the 1,500 reward.

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