Our family is in decline

Chapter 363 Wolf Warrior Invasion

But Lance didn't expect that hasty glance to frighten Amanda directly.

Amanda was still thinking about something when she heard the movement and raised her head just to meet those eyes. Although it was only for a moment, the pressure came to her face as if it were real. She felt that her mind was blank and her heart was about to stop.

As if being targeted by the legendary world-destroying evil dragon, terror and despair instantly surged into his brain.

When the man left, it took him a while to realize what a horror it was!

He didn't react like this even when he attacked him before, so what happened on the farm that made him so angry?

Now she was a little glad that she was stopped by Susan. No one wanted to provoke Lance in this state.

But she suddenly seemed to realize that this was an opportunity, and maybe today would open up the situation.

Thinking of this, Amanda raised her hand to her chest and pulled out a black card with gold lace from nowhere.

She was used to fortune-telling before taking action, and she couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw the content above.

"Is it really so fun to follow him?"

Because the card in his hand is the card with the best meaning, which is equivalent to good luck. There is very little chance to draw this thing.

Lance doesn't believe in fate, but Roma people like Amanda have some exposure to this, so they believe this is the favor of the goddess of luck.

Amanda, who was favored by the goddess at this moment, no longer hesitated, and quickly followed her to catch the skirt of the goddess.


"It can't escape."

The wolf warrior holds a giant ax and the one-eyed wolf king leads the way.

They had been extra careful since being tricked by the sacrifice. In fact, of course, if it hadn't been for too much chaos, everyone and the wolf had been carried away by madness, and it would have been impossible to be tricked so easily.

But it's useless to say this now. After suffering the loss, they calmed down and showed off the skills of the mountain barbarians. Several times the sacrifice tried to lure them to the lair of those powerful beasts, but they were discovered. Instead, the distance became wider and wider. close.

After dawn, the progress was shrinking rapidly, and the smell of sacrifices became stronger and stronger.

Until this moment!

The wolf warrior suddenly stopped and froze on the spot, with strange expressions appearing on his face one after another. At first, he was surprised and couldn't believe it.

But after a moment of silence and confirming the special smell in the air, the expression on his face immediately became ferocious, and the bloody mouth opened wide, revealing the sharp teeth like wolf fangs inside.

That's him laughing maniacally!

"I know...I know...you have been waiting for me...my love!"

When Wolf Warrior smelled that smell, he was as excited as if he was in heat. The hair on his body swelled up. He clenched his hands into fists and opened them. He leaned back slightly, raised his chest and raised his head and let out a long howl.


His inhuman howl was like the alpha wolf announcing his existence among the wolves. The pressure accumulated from various blows along the way was quickly dissipated by this emotion, and he, Wolf Aotian, was back!

The other soldiers had already been stressed out by the experiences along the way. At this time, they also realized something, and the pressure in their hearts could not help but lighten a bit.

After all, this was a good thing for them. No one expected that the sacrifice would lead them to the woman.

"Come on, let's go up." Wolf Warrior raised his hand and pointed his ax forward, striding forward.

He wasn't worried at all that she would notice his appearance, and even deliberately revealed it to remind her of his appearance.

This is not a mountain, there is no complex terrain, there is no dangerous environment, and there are no powerful extraordinary creatures (not counting those stupid spiders, Wolf Warrior secretly crossed out this shame) that can provide her with a cover to escape.

Wolf Warrior knew that Greendale would not give in so easily, but he never cared. Anyway, as long as he captured the tribe, she would be out of control.

This is the rule of the mountains, and it is also the reason why the barbarians of the mountains are looked down upon and ridiculed by the imperial people. Some of their behaviors are really too barbaric.

Although the imperial nobles also like to steal women, they are more or less secretive and superficial.

But these barbarians have no scruples and are even proud of it, because only the strong can steal women.

Why did the strength of these barbarians decline year after year after Bastia blocked the mountains?

It’s because they can’t go down the mountain to grab food and women.

In the harsh environment of those mountains, 70% of newborns died in infancy, especially when it snowed heavily in winter and the cold wind blew, the death rate could be as high as 90%.

These barbarians were naturally selected for their strong physiques, so the proportion of elites was much higher than that of the empire, because all the weak ones died.

Wolf Warrior and the others moved forward crazily, and gradually the dense jungle around them began to thin out, and there were still many traces of felling. The fallen trees were scattered across the place, but no one was seen.

In fact, these already told the Wolf Warriors that they had traces of human activities, but they were not affected at all, and they did not even stop for reconnaissance.

In their minds, these ordinary Imperial people were even worse than those spiders. At least the spiders really dared to attack them, and even the Wolf Warriors couldn't withstand them when there were too many.

And what about those people?

As long as he kills a few and scares him, he won't move, and he won't resist even if a knife is handed to him.

The cowardly Imperials didn't deserve their stop.

War Wolf and others rushed out of the woods. Because the trees were cut down and the land was leveled, people could see it at a glance. The first thing they saw was the houses on the open land and the conspicuous smoke column.

This method is also often seen in the confrontation between the mountain barbarians and Bastia. Whenever they attack the fortress outposts scattered outside the city, those guys will light beacon fires, and soon the noble cavalry will Come.

Seeing this, Wolf Warrior couldn't help but frown, which meant that they had called for reinforcements.

He may not care about ordinary people, but he is also afraid of those noble knights.

But the good news is that he noticed that the gathering place in the distance did not have a city wall, not even a fence, so it was exposed.

Moreover, many people could be seen running towards the gathering place like ants.

At the same time, the smell of the sacrifice seemed to be in that direction.

Oh shit! I can't beat knights, cultists, and spiders, but I can't beat you?

When the barbarian warriors saw the hurried ordinary people, they suddenly became violent, and the desire to kill surged in their hearts.

Wolf Warrior looked at the slightly chaotic situation in front of him, catching the smell in the air, and seemed to have found something.

"Follow me and fight in to seize the bird sacrifice."

Wolf Warrior knows that his men need a killing spree to please the Wolf God and vent their stress, so let's kill!

He picked up his battle ax and strode towards the gathering place. The one-eyed wolf king beside him was even one position ahead. No one wanted to kill the sacrifice to complete the ritual more than it.

The barbarian warriors heard the leader's words and let out strange shouts. Their eyes became hotter when they looked at the peasants who were fleeing in panic.

These ordinary people are like rabbits scattered in the grassland waiting to be hunted by wolves, and will become their sacrifices to please the wolf god.

Wolf Warriors and the others arrived too quickly. It only took three to five minutes from the time the smoke was lit to the time they appeared. Even those who went out to work on the farm would not have been able to come back so quickly when they discovered the smoke. Most of them are now on the farm. and the area between the forest.

Many people noticed the huge size of the wolf. What was even more terrifying was the speeding up of the wolves.

Everyone recalled the true face of this world, and pale despair was the main color of their lives.

There is no hope in this hell, not even a glimmer of hope.

But these despairs are destined not to belong to some people.

"The enemy has appeared. We must not let them harm any civilians. This is our mission!" The soldier raised his spear and shouted, "Who dares to come with me?"

"Hmph! I think it's just a dozen people and a few dogs. Our third team is also ten people, so I'm scared."

"Fuck them for eating dog meat tonight."


Without any hesitation, while talking and laughing, the ten-man team ran directly against the current towards the enemies.

They were the third team out on patrol. They had just seen the smoke, but they didn't know the specific situation, so they went back to the camp to wait for orders according to regulations.

But now the enemy has appeared, and the enemy's intention is too obvious. Of course, they have to stand up and stop it.

These are not new soldiers, they have participated in many battles with the lord.

Let alone a dozen enemies, these people are not afraid of a hundred enemies.

The world sucks, but there are always people who go against the flow.


When Lance selected the first batch of refugees, he gave priority to those with families, so many of these people had children.

Not all children can go to school, so as they are arranged here, those children naturally follow them here.

But these are children from poor families. Suffering deprived them of their childhood early, but it also made them mature precociously.

Even at a young age, he can help with some work within his ability.

They can't do things like logging and reclamation, but they can still do some relatively easy things.

Two figures came out early before dawn on the farm. A boy who was probably about seven or eight years old was carrying a basket. Behind him was a little girl of five or six years old. She was walking very happily carrying a small basket. The sound coming out of his mouth was as clear as a lark.

The two of them are brother and sister. Their father has died in the chaos, and their mother drags them to survive. The tenacious mother impresses Lance, and the lord responds to their kindness.

The mother is an ordinary female worker with no special abilities, so she was placed here after returning to Hamlet.

The farm is not about eating from a big pot, otherwise it would not be differentiated. The food in the canteen has already been counted on the head of the work team. If you cannot complete the prescribed workload, you will not be able to eat.

No way~ No way~ You don’t really think that Lance can raise idle people, do you?

It is very hard for a woman to support two children and she must do more work.

The two little guys are also trying to reduce the burden on the family, so they often take their sister out to cut the grass early in the morning.

The earth gives this land vigorous vitality, and any plant grows extremely fast on this land.

After mowing, new weeds would appear on the ground overnight, almost every day. No wonder the farm had enough fodder to feed so many cattle and sheep.

But in front of the hard-working people, most of the weeds near the farms have been cut. Only in the uncultivated fields near the forest are there dense weeds. And their daily schedules are getting longer and longer, and they need to get up earlier. .

But the two of them were not dissatisfied. It would have been good for them to survive. If they had not been able to encounter any meat for a year under the hands of the farmer, they would have been hungry all year round.

But now that she is full and can eat meat from time to time, Hamlet's little sister, who was skinny and skeleton-like when she first arrived, is also slowly gaining weight, and her little face has become rosy.

And he believes that as long as he grows up, his mother and sister will live a better life.

The boy was busy mowing the grass, while his sister was scouring nearby bushes for edible berries and mushrooms.

Although she may be small, she can recognize what is edible and what is not edible. The little guy is very clever.

"Brother! Guess what I found."

The boy stopped mowing the grass and looked back to see his sister holding her fist and handing it over. Her quirky look made him smile.

"I guess it's red fruit."

"How come you always guess right?" My sister pursed her lips and opened her little hand, revealing a few red berries.

"Because you can't cover mushrooms." The boy smiled and raised his hand to wipe the color of his sister's mouth. "Also, remember to wipe your mouth next time you eat secretly."

"Hehe!" My sister didn't mind, and smiled and handed over the berries in her hand, "Brother, try it, it's really sweet."

"I don't like eating it, you can eat it." The boy looked at the berries and shook his head, then turned to continue mowing the grass.

"Try it, taste it." The younger sister put the berries in her hand directly into her brother's mouth. The boy couldn't help but eat it.

However, when he bit into the berry, what occupied his taste buds was not sweetness, but a strong sour taste, which immediately put a strange look on his face.

"Hahaha!" My sister laughed like a silver bell, obviously very happy that the prank was successful.

The elder brother could only smile helplessly at this. The younger sister learned how to recognize those berries and mushrooms from him. How could he not know that the berries are not ripe until they are purple, and now the red color is very sour.

But if your sister likes it, then cooperate with her and tease her. Everything she feeds will be sweet.

"I will reward you with a flower." The boy raised his hand and picked an unknown small white flower from the grass nearby, and inserted it into the hair of his sister's ear. "Okay, go and play by yourself, don't go too far."

The younger sister didn't bother anymore. She raised her hands to protect the flowers by her ears with joy. She even skipped while walking and hummed a brisk tone.

"Little flower~little flower..."

But at this moment she looked up and saw thick smoke rising in the distance.

"Brother, brother! Look!"

"I still have to work..." The boy looked at his sister helplessly, until he saw the smoke, his expression instantly froze.

Thanks to Brother Fu [Night Shadow Tour] for the 1,500 reward.

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