Our family is in decline

Chapter 567 Rebuilding Trust

"That's it?" Lance was very laid-back and reluctant to part with Greendale, but he was not so polite to her.

After it was done, the accumulated emotions in Lance's heart also dissipated a lot. He couldn't help but turn his head to look at Amanda beside him when he didn't hear the sound.

His whole body was paralyzed and unresponsive, his eyes and pupils were dilated as if he was absent-minded. If it weren't for his heavy breathing, he would have thought he had died.

"Have you calmed down now?" Lance blessed her to regain her condition and teach her a lesson.

"Drink!" Amanda took a deep breath, and her whole body seemed to come to life. Her empty eyes refocused, and her hands and feet subconsciously moved slightly, as if she had finally gotten rid of those states.

Compared to just fighting beside Lance before, this time she felt Lance's wild power firsthand, and the impact of the initiations almost destroyed her sanity.

He didn't say anything, but just took the initiative to approach him and leaned close to him. His posture was extremely honest, and he completely lost the arrogance and wildness just now.

Lance didn't resist, but put his arms around her to comfort her.

"Did Tamara climb into your bed?" Amanda suddenly looked up at Lance, and her first sentence almost stopped Lance from recovering.

"Isn't it a bit wrong for us to talk about this topic now?" Lance's speechless expression was almost unbearable.

"Just tell me if you have!" Amanda, however, refused to let go and pressed her whole body sideways, pressing her with a strong sense of oppression like a mountain falling.

“Let’s have a friendly exchange.”

Lance, who had a "heavy responsibility" on him, had no choice but to respond, and when Amanda heard this, she immediately showed a look that was indeed true.

"I'm just saying, how can Tamara, a fugitive, get the support of the elders to return to the organization? Isn't it just to climb into your bed? That bitch! Little slut..."

Seeing how she was resentful and muttering indignant words, Lance knew that she had not let go of what happened at that time.

However, the operation of the organization is indeed unbelievable. As a person who hunted Tamara, she was given up because the mission failed. On the contrary, Tamara actually got the support of the elders to return. No one else could bear it, so it is no wonder that she took the initiative Leaving the organization and choosing Lance.

Lance didn't mean to say anything about this. In this case, don't go up and die.

But after Amanda cursed a lot, she actually laughed. Her eyes fell on Lance's face and she raised her hand to touch it.

"But if it weren't for that guy Tamara, how could I have stayed? She took advantage of you and left. She is now very popular in the organization. It was me who took the risk to accompany you to face..."

Amanda's words are obviously to criticize Tamara and praise herself, but why is Lance so ridiculous? Are you kidding me by posing on him? Obviously he doesn't like her.

But Lance didn't want to slap her in the face, so he could only follow her words and remain silent.

Obviously Amanda had no intention of letting him go like this. Seeing that he didn't express his opinion, she stretched out her hand, ran her fingertips across Lance's strong chest, and asked in a charming tone:

"Which one is better, that little slut or me?"

Amanda's inexplicable desire to win seemed abstract to Lance, more or less like an animal marking its territory and declaring its sovereignty.

No matter who you say good things to, you will fall into endless entanglements, but it is impossible for him to fall into this trap and refute immediately.

“First of all, people are not objects and there is no comparison. Comparing yourself to anything is an act of belittling yourself.

Secondly, everyone has his or her own uniqueness, which is unique in the world and cannot be copied. Similarly, you are also unique to me. "

As he spoke, Lance raised his hand and stroked Amanda's long hair and patted it gently to express comfort.

It could be seen that Amanda was still very satisfied with this answer, with a proud smile on her face.

"Then am I one of my own now?"

Lance thought she should be honest, but unexpectedly he threw out another test.

If you just casually answered in the affirmative, you might have stepped into her trap.

So when Lance heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he even pushed her away and sat up.

"What do you mean by this? Do you think our relationship is established by this? Or do you think that I, the lord, need to win you over in this way?

There are many women in my team. I have never forced them to do this kind of thing. On the contrary, I respect them very much. You should know this very well.

What brings us together is interest, but what unites us is trust, and they trust me as much as I trust them.

You can say that I am greedy for money and lustful, but don't slander other people. "

"I'm not~" Amanda didn't expect Lance's reaction to be so intense, and was caught off guard for a moment.

"Shut up!" Lance scolded him without any shame, and he didn't mean to stop speaking.

"Moreover! If I don't treat you as one of my own, will I give you my power? This happens before we have a relationship, not after.

Do you think I'm so stupid that I can't see everything you've done for Hamlet? What makes me trust you is not your performance but this?

Do you think this sentence is worthy of yourself? You regard yourself as too contemptuous, and you regard me as too dirty. "

"I was wrong, I didn't mean it, don't be angry." Amanda climbed up and sat up to explain, trying to comfort the irritable Lance. Her hand also took Lance's arm and shook it.

Under the constant impact of the swaying waves, Lance's eyes could not help but be attracted, but he avoided it with his hands.


When Amanda heard this, she also stopped moving, but her eyes were still carefully studying Lance's expression.

Lance could also see that as a person.

The reason why I say so much is because she lacks a sense of security. After leaving the organization, Hamlet is her home. However, her origin and experience as a killer have made her develop a weird character, making it difficult to integrate into Hamlet.

Unlike Boudica's character, who would fight if there was a fight, and eat and sleep if there was no fight, she was also arrogant, and the smarter her brain was, which made her inevitably think wildly and desperately want to be recognized.

This is why she keeps showing up in front of Lance, even being seriously injured to interrupt the Deep Sea Shaman's spells.

After being beaten with a stick, it was natural to give her a carrot. Lance did not try to show off to her, but calmed down and comforted her.

"Sela said you called my name before you fell into coma. If you believe me, I will naturally believe you. The trust between us is not based on a simple physical relationship, but on the things we have experienced along the way. Emotion is the bond between us.”

As he spoke, Lance raised his hand and waved, and as if by magic, a piece of turquoise deep-sea scales was caught between his fingertips.

"This prop can withstand an attack, protect yourself."

The scales Amanda picked up were as full of spiritual luster as jade, and they were indeed very pleasing to the eye.

But what pleased her even more was Lance's approval. The smile on his face looked extremely pure and not artificial at all.

To be able to make a guy like her submissive, Lance is the real CPU master.

"Oh! I also have something to give you." Amanda raised her hand and pointed upward as if she remembered something.

Raising her hand to clap, a large box appeared that was so heavy that it shook the carriage. As Amanda opened it, bright golden light emitted instantly.

A whole box of gold coins!

Amanda inserted her hand into the gold coins, grabbed a handful and let go, showing off to Lance as if taking credit.

"There are more than ten thousand here, all of which I took from Serra."

Lance watched the gold coins falling under the candlelight, and even the crisp sound of the collision was particularly pleasant to the ears.

"That guy is not an ordinary person. It's really impressive that you can get so much money from her."

Amanda was naturally proud of being fingered, and couldn't wait to talk about how Sierra was played with by her at that time.

Lance's expression was quite interesting when he heard these words.

He remembered that he signaled to Amanda to negotiate the business that had already been priced.

As for the news about Bastia, the Barbarians, and Michel's convoy, it was indeed him who signaled for them to be released.

But Amanda's operation process is very prominent in her "personal style".

Relying on his understanding of the organization, he obtained the information prepared by Sera without spending a penny through coaxing and deception, and directly found out the forces behind those fleets.

At the same time, she made a private deal with Sierra in the name of Lance and received 40% of the proceeds from the news.

You must know that Lance did not ask her to do these two things.

What's even more interesting is that she only handed over the information to Greendale, but didn't mention the gold coins at all. If she hadn't mentioned it now, Lance wouldn't have known about this secret.

Why she kept this secret is worth pondering...

Amanda, who was talking, noticed that Lance fell silent, and suddenly realized that her behavior was very dangerous.

For example, his teacher would never allow him to disobey her orders, let alone act smart. However, he was abandoned because he failed in the mission and made a private agreement with Lance.

The teacher's pressure gave her an instinctive fear. She finally escaped from control, but now she seemed to feel it again.

Her mind was spinning rapidly and she quickly explained.

"I didn't want to hide this from you, but I wanted to give you a surprise, so I didn't tell Miss Greendale about it. And I went to see you this morning just to tell you. This matter was just that you were not around at the time..."

Whether Amanda really just wanted to surprise herself, or she took advantage of the opportunity of cooperation to eat both sides, and didn't speak out until she was moved just now, or there were other deeper reasons.

Anyway, these messy situations are not important to Lance. When she takes the initiative to speak out, it can only be one situation.

This is a fucking surprise!

Even if she really has selfish intentions, Lance won't care, let alone pursue her. It's stupid to test her loyalty.

Sometimes it’s hard to be confused~

"I was thinking~" Lance suddenly raised his head and interrupted her, "Do you think it's possible that Sera attracted the fish-men?"

These words made Amanda pause in her explanation, and they looked at each other along those eyes.

"What's wrong?" Lance met her eyes casually, as if he hadn't heard those words just now.

"Uh..." Amanda was taken aback for a moment, but quickly came to her senses.

She didn't think Lance was an idiot, but he chose to believe in herself. The sense of security brought by that trust seemed to fill her heart, and the unprecedented satisfaction made the pressure in Amanda's heart immediately dissipate.

She felt that Lance was not the kind of teacher, and she gained a new life in Hamlet.

The expression on his face changed several times, but he soon calmed down and quickly expressed his opinion.

"It's basically impossible, because if it was really her, she would have run away quietly. She couldn't have specifically warned me, and she wouldn't have been frightened by me. There was actually a short period of time where she could escape safely."

What Amanda wanted to show more was that she also guessed the conflict between Lance and Count Bastia, they started fighting, and they even hyped up the threat theory. She was not a fool, how could she not see it.

"I think the thing that deserves more attention is that the emperor sent a princess to marry Count Bastia. The relationship behind this news may affect us."

"This situation may have been a problem in stable times, but now that the emperor can't even suppress the rebels, it might be gone one day."

Lance simply looked down on the emperor whose butt was on fire, and even joked, "Not to mention the princess is missing."

Amanda hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but asked carefully.

"This matter has nothing to do with us, right?"

"I don't know if you don't tell me. Do you think I will care about this?" Lance didn't feel offended at all, because the princess was gone, the emperor and the earl couldn't get together, and Hamlet was really a potential beneficiary. It's hard not to be suspicious.

When he said no, he didn't. Amanda knew that Lance didn't bother to lie about this kind of thing, so she couldn't help but sigh.

"In that case, the princess would probably be gone and become a tool of political struggle. It would be really pitiful~"

Lance knew that Amanda felt the same way, after all, she was also abandoned in the struggle of the upper class.

"Do you know the results of this operation in the wilderness?"

The best way to stop her from thinking wildly is to find something for her to do. Lance briefly explained the results of the operation and mentioned the specific situation in one sentence. What was really important was the ruins.

"The disaster struck too suddenly at that time, and the city was well preserved. Although the undead skeletons were awakened because the aura of death was too strong, this shows that no living people have developed the ruins."

Amanda also heard what it represented, the wealth of an entire city... Even though she didn't care much about money, her breathing couldn't help but quicken.

But Lance immediately stopped her with his next sentence.

"Then Sera saved you after all. If you tell her the news, you will no longer owe her any favors."

"We have already paid her, so we don't owe her any favors. Moreover, this news should be kept secret. Block the news immediately."

"That's wrong. Instead of blocking the news, we should spread it. The more people know about it, the better..."

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