Our family is in decline

Chapter 568 Layout

Amanda woke up in a daze, but the strangeness coming from her body seemed to keep asking her what happened last night?

The candlelight had long been extinguished, but through the morning light through the car window, I found that Lance had left at some point, but he could still see the messy battlefield.

A ridiculous night...

Looking back at that time, Amanda was still overjoyed. An unprecedented sense of security enveloped her, and a smile subconsciously appeared on her dull expression.


Suddenly she seemed to remember something, and Amanda didn't care so much. She quickly dealt with it briefly and walked towards the pier.

The dock was quite lively at this time. They had inspected the ships yesterday and were all waiting for notification to leave this hellish place.

Amanda looked at the impatience and restlessness of those people, as if they couldn't wait to leave here, but she knew in her heart that these people would regret it soon.

But by the time the news reaches these people, I'm afraid they won't be able to buy tickets.

But who cares?

Amanda quickly boarded the Roma ship and walked directly towards the cabin regardless of the eyes of those around her.

"Get out of the way, I have something to see Sera."

The guard guarding the door was a little hesitant when he saw it was Amanda, but Amanda didn't intend to wait and pushed the door open directly.

That dominance and strength are evident, stop pretending!

Sera, who was busy preparing to set sail, looked at Amanda and the two guards who followed in with helpless expressions.

In the past, she would have lost her temper, but seeing Amanda's radiant state, she immediately hesitated.

I couldn't help but wonder what method the lord used. After all, the day before, this guy Amanda was as seriously injured and comatose as a dead fish. How could it happen just one day?

After all, she had suffered a lot in front of those bitchy men and women in the past few times, and Sera couldn't ask her boss to hold her up, so she could only pretend to be grand and waved her hand to signal the guards to go out.

When the door was closed, Sierra spoke directly and became angry.

"You are recovering well. I thought you would have to lie down for another ten days and a half, but I didn't expect you to come back and show off your power to your savior in just one day."

You still have to pretend, even if you close the door and get slapped in the face, your subordinates won't be able to see it.

As long as no one knows, it's not a slap in the face.

This wave...this wave is called hiding one's ears and stealing the bell.

When Amanda heard this, she sneered and sat directly opposite her, "Originally, I got a very important news that I wanted to tell her, but she doesn't seem to want to know~"

"What is it?" Upon hearing this, Sera suddenly changed her expression and moved closer, as if the scene just now did not exist.

Face is like trash in front of her, throw it away whenever you want.

"Do you know what Lance is going to do this time?"

"That's what you said!"

"I paid a heavy price to get this news. Wouldn't you..." Amanda stopped suddenly as she spoke and stretched out her hand directly towards her.

It goes without saying what this means.

"We agreed that we would not split the money until the news was sold." Sierra was not at all wary of Amanda.

Amanda didn't mean to continue to press, but smiled and said something.

"In a few days, you may hear the news that is enough to make the entire continent restless. Then don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

With that said, Amanda stood up and prepared to leave, with no intention of continuing the conversation.

"Oh! Don't go." Now it was Sela's turn to be anxious, and she quickly stepped forward to hold him back.

Hearing this was like scratching his head and wondering what the news was. If Amanda left like this, she would probably have to think about this every time she closed her eyes for the past few days on the ship.

"This news can't be measured by money at all. If I didn't owe you a favor, I wouldn't be here at all." Amanda looked at Sierra and sneered, showing her arrogance.

But this made Sera even more convinced that there was really something good, and she didn't care too much and just got used to it first.

"How much do you want?"

"You'll know whether it's worth it or not after listening to it." Amanda didn't bid, but told the information.

"This time the lord found the ruins of the old city after the Hamlet disaster and found that it was quite well preserved..."

As Amanda told her story, Sierra's whole body couldn't help but tremble. It was not fear, but excitement.

"In other words, it is a big treasure waiting to be discovered! How much will it cost..."

Amanda looked at Sera's stupidity and couldn't help but secretly mocked her, but on the surface she remained calm.

Until Sera suddenly said something excitedly, which almost scared her to death.

"We inform the organization, how about you find a way to assassinate that lord and control Hamlet?"

Hearing this, Amanda's face suddenly turned pale, and her heart beat violently as if she couldn't control it. She glanced around uneasily, and then she reacted and scolded him ferociously!

"Damn it! Don't drag me with you if you want!"

After saying this, Amanda's breath relaxed slightly. When she calmed down, she realized that once she looked away from the Roma perspective, she realized how bad these people were. No wonder Lance had always been resistant to him.

"Why do you have such a big reaction? When did you become so timid? Where is the person who broke the storm?"

Sierra didn't take it seriously, mocking Amanda for not having such a violent reaction from the deep-sea shaman before.

The reason why he dared to risk his life with the fish-man shaman was because Lance was standing behind him, and he knew that he would definitely save him.

Now when you say this, who is standing behind you?

Amanda originally wanted to curse back, but suddenly she seemed to realize something.

Because she had never been severely beaten, she was not even qualified to see the man's true power.

Not on the same level anymore...

The newly raised temper turned into a snort of disdain.

"Ha~ don't be too happy. No one knew the truth about Hamlet's catastrophe back then, but now a large number of necromancy creations have been found in the ruins, and that place is occupied by necromancers.

And that place is so big that things cannot be hidden or stopped. What you need to do now is to seize the last moment and exchange the information for cash. "

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and said, "Now do you think this news is worth it?"

Sierra quickly calmed down, looked at Amanda's outstretched hand and hesitated for a moment before throwing the thing over with a look of reluctance.

"Take it."

Amanda quickly caught it with quick eyes and hands, and then realized that it was the token. She immediately looked up and felt that she was looking down on this guy.

"You are actually willing to do so?"

"Hmph! I want to get into this position by strength, not by these things."

A token is just a token after all. What can really make her sit in that position is a nod from the top. Even if there is this thing, it is fake if the person above doesn't nod.

Sera knows that Hamlet will become more and more important, and with this, both parties can communicate in time, and this news will become her credit.

In comparison, this thing was useless in his hands, so he naturally had to take it out in exchange for Amanda's favor. After all, she was the only one who could provide such valuable information.

Amanda smiled crookedly at this and slowly stretched out two fingers.

"Second news, the lord found out who the owner of the attacked convoy was."

"Who?" Sierra was a little surprised when she heard this. She didn't expect there was news!

"Actually, when the burned convoy was discovered, the troops searching nearby found a seriously injured transcendent. I didn't know about this at the time.

It was also because the murloc invasion gained the lord's trust that he found out that his mouth was pried open before he died and he said a lot of things.

According to his confession, this team came to grab food, and the leading noble was Captain Michel, the son of the logistics leader of the imperial army. "

"It's actually the Michelle family, it's a big deal!" Sera had a lot of guesses, but she didn't expect it to be someone from the emperor's side.

"I haven't finished speaking yet. What's really important is later."

"You say it, you say it." Serana didn't have any temper at all.

"In that person's confession, there is also evidence of the greed and corruption of the Michel family. They are deliberately maintaining the war to make huge profits, and he is the one who betrayed the princess's itinerary. Even if he is not the mastermind, he is still a participant..."

Sierra was listening in rapt attention, but at this moment there was a sudden knock on the door outside, causing Amanda to stop talking.

But everything that needed to be said was said, and both parties knew it was time to leave.

"Remember! Spread the news about the ruins as much as possible, and the more chaos the better, otherwise I will be in trouble."

After giving a reminder, she stood up and walked outside, but when she turned around, Sera still tried to test her without giving up.

"You really think you have no chance?"

These words only made Amanda laugh, and she mocked without mercy: "You'd better ask your mother to see if she will support your stupid plan?"

As he said this, he did not forget to remind him, "You'd better give me my money before doing this, because I don't want to ask for money from a dead person."

After saying that, he opened the door and walked out, and the guard also came in to report at this time.

"Sir, it's time to set sail."

"I got it." Sera waved her hand with a complicated expression to signal her to go out, and soon she was left alone in the room, deep in thought.

These two pieces of news are a bit shocking, but it’s hard to say how much you can believe them. You’ll have to analyze them to find out.

As soon as she stepped off the deck, Amanda heard a violent explosion. She looked to the side and saw that two artillery pieces were set up on the coast and fired directly towards the sea.

When the cannonball fell into the water, it exploded with a dull sound, and water columns rose into the sky.

But looking at the direction of the shooting, it was a vast sea, with no target at all.

What's even stranger is that some people took down the alarm bells hanging on the coast, put half of them into the water, and then kept banging them.

The sound seemed to be carried away by the water before it came out, and only splashing water could be seen.

But the boats at the pier have already started to move, as if they are afraid that if someone is slow and will be captured by the fishmen, they are pumping their sails.

Amanda also noticed Lance on the coast, but when she saw Greendale beside him, she hesitated for a moment and did not approach him. Instead, she quickly got off the boat and left...

On the coast, Greendale couldn't help but ask a question when she saw this situation.

"Is this what you prepared for yesterday?"

"Sound and vibration are the main ways for fishmen to perceive the outside world." Lance watched the ships leave with the help of the monocular, and kept explaining to Greendale beside him.

"In anatomical studies, it was found that most of these fish-men's eyes have no eyelids and cannot be closed. The lenses of the eyes are spherical. Visual adjustment relies on moving the lens position forward and backward, rather than changing the convexity of the lens. Therefore, the fish eyes are extremely short-sighted. .

However, their hearing structure is very developed, and they can sense vibrations through seawater as a medium. This is why ringing the bell in the first place attracted all the fishmen to the coast, so as long as they create enough noise, they can interfere with their perception. "

When Lance was a child, he often fried fish in the river. The shock wave of the explosion was even more violent with the help of seawater as a medium.

The only pity now is the lack of a few new energy fishing rods, otherwise how could Zuo Ling Youhuo take these stinky fish and shrimps seriously.

Lance was observing the situation on the sea, but Greendale noticed the gaze cast by Amanda in the distance. She seemed to remember something and couldn't help but turn back to ask Lance.

"By the way, how do you know that old Michelle is related to the disappearance of the princess?"

"I'm not a god, how do I know?" Lance casually said, "I made it up."

"Then you asked Amanda to reveal this news to Roma?"

"I didn't say anything about fidelity~ The news must be true or false."

He even laughed as he said it, but explained it anyway.

"Before, I didn't know that the emperor actually sent the princess to marry Bastia, so I took the opportunity to provoke a conflict between the empire and the count, but after knowing this, it was unrealistic.

Even if the princess was really kidnapped by the earl, what is certain is that the emperor definitely did not have the guts to take action, and old Michel was only in charge of logistics and did not have the power to mobilize the army, and it was impossible for him to fight for his son.

I don't want him to continue to pursue it. The emperor also hopes that someone will bear the responsibility for the military failure on the front line and the disappearance of the princess. The earl also hopes that he can escape without participating in the war.

In the current situation, getting rid of old Michelle is the best choice for all aspects, so everyone wants Michelle's father to die, and I am just providing some dispensable rumors, anyway. As long as the emperor is not a fool, he can take it with an excuse.

What's more, I didn't accuse him unjustly. Corruption is real, colluding with the lich is also real. As for the princess, she just handed the knife to the emperor. As long as he is a little smarter, he will know that this is a tacit understanding. "

"So even if he didn't do it, it could only be him. Everyone will blame all the trouble on him and let him dissipate with it."

Greendale was somewhat pitiful towards the old Michelle. The two parties had not even met, and they were immediately plotted against each other.

But who made his son offend Lance? Dying with the unknown is the best outcome.

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